International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Veterinary and Animal Science | India | Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024 | Rating: 4.8 / 10

Effect of Semi Natural Feed Supplement on Improving Egg Quality and Production Parameters in Commercial Layer Birds

Dr. Dimple Kaparwan [2] | Dr. Pankaj Kumar [10] | Dr. Nitin Singh [4]

Abstract: The poultry industry holds significant importance globally, serving as a major source of employment for millions of individuals. Within the poultry sector, layer birds play a crucial role as their eggs constitute an affordable and abundant protein source for human consumption. In the current context, there is a growing emphasis not only on maximizing egg production but also on ensuring egg quality to meet market demands. Against this backdrop, an experiment was conducted involving two hundred white Leghorn layer birds aged 32 weeks to assess the efficacy of RAN Egglay, a semi herbal product aimed at enhancing egg quality and production. The birds were divided into two groups: T1 (control group) received a standard diet without supplementation of RAN Egglay, while T2 group was provided with RAN Egglay at a rate of 1 kg per metric ton along with their regular diet. The supplementation of RAN Egglay in the layer feed led to notable increases in egg production, feed intake, and feed efficiency. Furthermore, a significant improvement in egg weight and egg mass was observed in the T2 group.

Keywords: RAN Egglay, Egg weight, Egg production, Natural Egg Enhancer, Herbal Egg Solution, Rivansh Animal Nutrition

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 3, March 2024,

Pages: 998 - 1000

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