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Analysis Study Research Paper | Physics | India | Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024 | Popularity: 7.4 / 10
Rethinking on Foundation of Special Theory of Relativity by Showing Irrational Use of Lorentz Transformation
Dr. Hasmukh Devidas Rathod
Abstract: Lorentz transformation provides ready equations for co-ordinate transformation of point, event of clock between two relatively moving inertial reference frames with uniform rectilinear relative velocity. But there are some primary limitations of these equations fixed due to method used to derive these equations. On of these limitations is, one cannot put a clock at the origin of any of two reference frames to get co-ordinate transformations. When one out clock at the origin of primed reference frame as what is done by Albert Einstein to derive time dilation value, it breaks the primary limitations for use of LT equations. If time dilation is a universal phenomenon, then similar results must be obtained with same equations when clock is put away from the origin O? of the primed inertial reference frame. but it is not the case. When we put clock on O?, for any possible motion of S? frame there is only an increase in the distance between origin of S frame and the clock. But when we put clock away from the O?, another possibility arises where origin O of the frame S can also move toward the clock. This results in derivation of two different results for relative time variation, one is time dilation, and another is time contractions. This ultimately leads to conflicts in the concept of relative time dilation for moving objects. This draws our attention to a tricky method used for derivation of time dilation by ignoring primary limitations for the direct use of LT equations.
Keywords: Time dilation, time contraction, limitation of Lorentz transformation, speed of light postulate, wrong foundation of special relativity, special relativity
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 4, April 2024
Pages: 605 - 608
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