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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Sugarcane Juice Vending Machines and Vendors- Problems and Prospects
D. Krishna Priya, Y. Vijaya Lakshmi
Abstract: India is a vast country with wide variety of fruits and their extracts where it stands 2nd in the production of sugarcane. As the production is high the development of sub products from sugarcane is also high where juice has its critical importance. As it is rich in many minerals and vitamins it also has the medicinal value where it is used in curing many diseases. Not only in the present days even in the past was the juice extraction done by the vendors manually and by using buffaloes. Now a days different types of machines where emerged into the market with newer technologies and new materials for the better extraction of juice from sugarcane for commercial purpose both in large and small scale industries. Mainly the fresh sugarcane is widely consumed by the consumers where it is extracted by the road side vendors by using the sugarcane juice extractor. As the sugarcane juice extraction is done by the vendors where they were uneducated they face problem in operating the machine and also face problems like hand injuries because the workstation is not user friendly. So the prospects were given in order to prevent the hand injuries while extracting the juice.
Keywords: Sugarcane, Sugarcane juice extracting machines, Vendors, Problems
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 3071 - 3075
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