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Research Paper | Chemistry | Egypt | Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Cold Pad-Batch Dyeing Method for Dyeing Cotton Fabric with Reactive Dye Using Microwave Irradiation Technique
M. M. El-Molla, K. Haggag, Z. M. Mahmoued
Abstract: Dyeing of cotton fabrics with reactive dyes using padding method was done, the fixation of dyeing fabric had been done using either thermo fixation or microwaves irradiation technique. Different parameters such as dyeing time, dye concentration, power of microwave used, alkali concentration, and salt concentration were studied. Compared the results obtained upon using conventional and microwave technique, was done. From the results obtained, the microwave irradiation technique give higher in K/S about 14 %, also increase the time of fixation using microwave up to 10 min. give higher in K/S about 70 %, the microwave technique save about 35 % from the salt used and 20 % from alkali used, this means that save in energy and money. The overall fastness properties to rubbing, washing, light and perspiration for the dyed samples their values ranging from very good to excellent.
Keywords: Dyeing, cotton Fabrics, reactive dyes, microwave irradiation, clean production
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
Pages: 808 - 815
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