Spam Detection Techniques: A Review
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10


Spam Detection Techniques: A Review

Reena Sharma, Gurjot Kaur

Abstract: Internet has become an important part of our lives which is used for nearly all purposes. Internet is like an umbrella providing various services at a single time. One of the important uses of this is, sharing of information. E-mails are the most commonly used utility of internet for communication. The emails contain some unsolicited mails called spam which create the problems for users. Detection of spam become a time consuming and lavish activity. Numerous ways have been inspected lately. Spam is in the form of text and images which can harm the system. To broadcast unsolicited facts Spam sender greatly misuses the E-mail. Thus, Spam can be termed as one of the most recurring problems to be tackled by an internet user. Many Techniques have been developed to overwhelm the spam. In this paper different spam detection techniques are discussed, following which a solution has been proposed to prevent this problem.

Keywords: AdaBoost, Content Spam, Black and White Listing, Link Learning, Spam Filter

Edition: Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015

Pages: 2352 - 2355

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Reena Sharma, Gurjot Kaur, "Spam Detection Techniques: A Review", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015, pp. 2352-2355,, DOI:
