Article of the Month - Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
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Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014: Page 460
Downloads: 107 | Views: 388 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2328 - 2330Remote Monitoring of CHF Patients Health Using Wearable Sensors
K. Arun, K. Lalitha
Downloads: 109 | Views: 340 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Medicine Science, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2331 - 2333Epidemiological Profile of Patients of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) for Hemodialysis (HD) at Tertiary Care Rural Hospital of Subhimayalian Region of India
Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Downloads: 107 | Views: 243 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Medicine Science, Pakistan, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2334 - 2335Paddles for Lifecycle
Shahbaz Ahmed
Downloads: 111 | Views: 286 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2336 - 2339Online Payment System using BPCS Steganography and Visual Cryptography
S. R. Khonde, Dheeraj Agarwal, Shrinivas Deshmukh
Downloads: 110 | Views: 362 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Physics Science, Iraq, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2340 - 2351Digital Modulation Characteristics of Violet InGaN Laser Diodes with Ternary AlGaN and Quaternary AlInGaN Blocking Layers
Rafid A. Abdullah, Kamarulazizi Ibrahim
Downloads: 116 | Views: 360 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Biochemistry Science, Tunisia, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2352 - 2358Optimization of Thyme Volatiles Retention by Refined Corn Oil Using Response Surface Methodology
Iness Jabri Karoui, Aydi Abdelkarim, Manef Abderrabba, Brahim Marzouk
Downloads: 125 | Views: 460 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2359 - 2361Trust based Secure Routing in MANET using EAASR
Deepika Mohanan, Sachin Godse
Downloads: 111 | Views: 412 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Material Science and Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2362 - 2365Novel Assisted Combustion Synthesis of ZnO Nano particles and its Optical Characterizations
R. Lakshmanan, R. Murugasami, D. Kumar
Downloads: 111 | Views: 306 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2366 - 2368A Survey on Effective Quality Enhancement of Text Clustering & Classification Using METADATA
Padmaja Shivane, Rakesh Rajani
Downloads: 110 | Views: 291 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Electrical Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 2369 - 2372Modeling of Power System for Minimization of Cost by Fuzzy Unit Commitment
K Ravi Sankar, M Narendranath Reddy