Process Flow for Submission, Peer Review, and Publication
1. Manuscript Submission
- Description: Authors submit their research manuscript through the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) online submission portal.
- Details: Submission includes the full manuscript, abstract, keywords, author details, and any supplementary files (e.g., datasets, images). Authors must adhere to International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) formatting and ethical guidelines.
- Output: Manuscript assigned a unique submission ID and logged into the system.
2. Initial Editorial Screening
- Description: The editorial team conducts a preliminary review.
- Details: Checks for plagiarism (using software like Turnitin), adherence to scope, formatting compliance, and basic quality.
- Decision:
- If rejected: Authors notified with feedback.
- If accepted: Proceeds to peer review.
- Output: Manuscript status updated (e.g., "Under Review" or "Rejected").
3. Assignment to Peer Reviewers
- Description: Editor-in-Chief or Section Editor assigns the manuscript to at least two independent peer reviewers.
- Details: Reviewers are selected based on expertise, with no conflicts of interest. Double-blind review ensures anonymity of authors and reviewers.
- Output: Review invitations sent, with a deadline (e.g., 2-4 weeks).
4. Rigorous Peer Review
- Description: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript independently.
- Details: Assessment focuses on originality, methodology, validity of results, clarity, and contribution to the field. Reviewers provide detailed reports and recommend: Accept, Minor Revisions, Major Revisions, or Reject.
- Output: Completed review reports submitted to the editor.
5. Cross-Verification of Reviews
- Description: Editorial team cross-checks peer review reports for consistency and fairness.
- Details: If reviews conflict significantly (e.g., one accepts, one rejects), a third reviewer may be assigned. Editor ensures no bias or oversight in feedback.
- Output: Consolidated review summary prepared.
6. Editorial Decision
- Description: Editor makes a final decision based on peer review and cross-verification.
- Details: Options include:
- Accept as is.
- Accept with minor revisions.
- Major revisions required (returns to authors).
- Reject.
- Output: Decision communicated to authors with reviewer feedback.
7. Author Revisions (if applicable)
- Description: Authors revise the manuscript based on feedback.
- Details: Authors address all reviewer comments, submit a revised manuscript, and provide a point-by-point response. Deadline typically 1-3 weeks.
- Output: Revised manuscript resubmitted.
8. Re-Review (if applicable)
- Description: Revised manuscript sent back to original reviewers or editor for verification.
- Details: Ensures all concerns are addressed. May involve a second round of peer review for major revisions.
- Output: Final approval or additional revision request.
9. Final Acceptance and Copyediting
- Description: Manuscript formally accepted and prepared for publication.
- Details: Editorial team performs copyediting, formatting, and proofreading. Authors review proofs for final approval.
- Output: Publication-ready manuscript.
10. Publication
- Description: Article is published in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
- Details: Assigned a DOI, included in the next issue (online or print), and made accessible on the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) website. Authors notified of publication.
- Output: Published article available to the public.
Editorial Team, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)