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Research Paper, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
1850 - 1857Development of a Discovery Learning Learning Model Combined with Literacy Activities and Educandy Games in Learning Mathematics
Gisela Jovita Lantang | Anetha Lyta Flora Tilaar [4] | Santje M. Salajang [10]
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Analysis Study Research Paper, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022
235 - 241Development of Matrix Teaching Materials with a Discovery Learning Model Based on Geogebra Classroom
Vlavia Veibe Langitan | Victor R. Sulangi [6] | Anetha Lyta Flora Tilaar [4]
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Analysis Study Research Paper, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022
46 - 50Development of Learning Devices Blended Learning Model Flipped Classroom Type Material Data Centering Size
Constanti Agnastasia Siwi | Anetha Lyta Flora Tilaar [4] | Ichdar Domu [8]
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Research Paper, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
1910 - 1916Development of Middle School Geometry Teaching Materialsby Utilizing Learning Resources in the Neighborhood
Noldy Dalapan | Philoteus E. A. Tuerah [5] | Anetha Lyta Flora Tilaar [4]