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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia, Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
1712 - 1716Human Resource Management: The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement at International Non-Profit Organization
Wisnu Wardhana | Syamsul Maarif [5] | Anggraini Sukmawati [5]
Downloads: 151
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Economics, Indonesia, Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017
491 - 495Comparison of Influence of Job Satisfaction Factors on Turnover Intention Based on Gender (Case Study: Bank XYZ in Bogor, Indonesia)
Yusdian Frizi Hermana | Aida Vitayala Hubeis [4] | Anggraini Sukmawati [5]
Downloads: 148
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Management, Indonesia, Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
1053 - 1057HR Competency Mapping Model with Zachman Framework for Implementation of Competency
Astra Amanda | H. Musa Hubeis | Anggraini Sukmawati [5]
Downloads: 132 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Management, Indonesia, Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
1664 - 1667Performance Measurement of PT. Gemilang Kencana Abadi Using Balanced Scorecard Approach
Mikha Basoeki | Aida Vitayala Hubeis [4] | Anggraini Sukmawati [5]
Downloads: 129
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Management, Indonesia, Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017
1865 - 1869The Effect of Work Load, Motivation, and Competence on Performance of Bank Employees in Indonesia
Raden Muhammad Angga Bagus Permadi | Aida Vitayala Hubeis [4] | Anggraini Sukmawati [5]