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Research Paper, Management, Kenya, Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
296 - 302Influence of Training Strategy on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Sameer Africa Limited
Colleta Omingo | Dr. Dennis Juma [11] | Chris Jared Odondi [5]
Downloads: 135
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya, Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
1401 - 1406Effect of Receivable Management Practices on Financial Performance; A Case Study of Deloitte East Africa Limited Authors
Chris Jared Odondi [5] | Dr. Kennedy K. Nteere [2] | Agnes Njeru [19]
Downloads: 129
Research Paper, Management, Kenya, Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018
1732 - 1737The Effect of E-Procurement on the Performance of Procurement Functions at Skyward Express Limited
Abdiwahab Abdinoor Abdow | Dr. Dennis Juma [11] | Chris Jared Odondi [5]
Downloads: 128
Research Paper, Management, Kenya, Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
961 - 965Influence of Capacity and Fit Specification Strategy on Customer Buying Behavior with a Case Study of Unilever Limited
Edinah Nyaboke | Dr. Dennis Juma [11] | Chris Jared Odondi [5]
Downloads: 102
Research Paper, Agriculture and Technology, Kenya, Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
1351 - 1355Effect of Emotional Issues of Strategic Change Management on Performance at Kenya Airways
Richard Kiti | Dr. Deniss Juma | Chris Jared Odondi [5]