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Case Studies, Dental Science, Macedonia, Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017
1842 - 1844Management of Hypodontia of Lateral Incisors
Olga Ilkovska | Katerina Spasovska | Danilo Krstevski | Lidija Kanurkova [2] | Natasha Tosheska Spasova | Tina Petrovikj
Downloads: 108
Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
2383 - 2386Network Application in University Based on Cloud Computing
Pasham Sai Sumanth Reddy | Danil [3]
Downloads: 69
Research Paper, Agriculture, Ecuador, Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
679 - 686Introduction of Italian Queens through Three Methods for the Genetic Improvement of the Apiary of the State University of Bolivar
Carlos Danilo Valverde Monar | Vinicio Rolando Montalvo Silva [2] | Vicente German Jacome Lopez [2]