Found about 3 results
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Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
935 - 939A Questionnaire based Assessment of Postgraduate's and Clinician's View on Pharmacogenomics in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr. Vinothini.V | Dr. Geetha.K [2] | Dr. Sarojini.V | Dr. Parameswari.R [3]
Downloads: 134 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
295 - 298A Questionnaire Based Study for the Evaluation of over the Counter Usage of Analgesic Drugs among Diabetic Industrial Worker's in Madurai
Dr. Meenambal.S | Dr. Geetha.K M. D. | Dr. Raadhika.K M. D | Dr. Parameswari.R M. D.
Downloads: 117
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India, Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
962 - 964A Questionnaire Based Survey to Assess the Knowledge about Rational Use of Medicine among Interns in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr. Prasannakumari.S | Dr. M. Shanthi M.D | Dr. M. S Ahil M.D | Dr. Parameswari.R M.D