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Research Paper, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015
2827 - 2831Constraint Generation Tool for White-box Testing
Kshamata Shenoy [2] | Madhuri Rao [8] | S. S Mantha
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1356 - 1359Study on the Efficacy of Aragwadhadi Gana Externally on Dushta Vrana w. s. r to Diabetic Ulcer
Dr. Madhuri Rao [7] | Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1316 - 1320Comparative Study of Urdhwaga Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) in Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Patients
Dr. Madhuri Rao [7] | Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1340 - 1343Mashaknashak Yog in Mashak
Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7] | Dr. Madhuri Rao [7]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1360 - 1362Conceptual Study of Vak Vikruti (Speech Impairment)
Dr. Madhuri Rao [7] | Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7]
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Review Papers, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1363 - 1367Conceptual Study of Arsha (Hemorrhoids)
Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Madhuri Rao [7] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1325 - 1327Mashak Conceptual Study
Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7] | Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Madhuri Rao [7]
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Research Paper, Ayurveda, India, Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
1352 - 1355Use of Kalyanleha in Speech Impairment
Dr. Vihar Bidwai [8] | Dr. Madhuri Rao [7] | Dr. Ramchandra Rathod [7]