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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020
190 - 192Semi Automated Crop Monitoring System
G. Sasikumar | D. Mohammad Azharuddin | S.Vijayakumar | J. Mary Suji Mol
Downloads: 140
Research Paper, Chemistry, India, Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
630 - 631Eco-Friendly Method for the Production of Bioethanol
Dr. M. K. Bhatnagar | Mohammad Azhar [5]
Downloads: 137
Research Paper, Chemistry, India, Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
408 - 410A Study of Chemical Composition of Some Leafy Vegetables of Fatehpur District
Dr. Mahendra Kishore Bhatnagar | Mohammad Azhar [5]
Downloads: 128
Research Paper, Chemistry, India, Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015
697 - 699Synthesis and Identification of 1-D CuO Nano Crystals
Mohammad Azhar [5] | M. K. Bhatnagar [6]
Downloads: 119
Research Paper, Chemistry, India, Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
1401 - 1406Earthworm Excreta: A Helping Hand for the Production of Fuel Ethanol
Prakhar Bhatnagar [2] | Mohammad Azhar [5]