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Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
1277 - 1277Theoretical Analysis to Prove the Contradiction Between the concepts of Binding Energy and The Strong Nuclear Force
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 136
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
1482 - 1484A Novel Theory for Generation of Electromagnetic Waves
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 135
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019
1962 - 1965Theoretical Analysis of Electromagnetic Waves, Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion to State that Mass-Energy Equivalence has Exception
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 131
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
1011 - 1011Conceptual Analysis of Clausius Statement to Prove it is Erroneous
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 127
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
1005 - 1006Theoretical Analysis of Water Cycle to Conclude Potential Energy can be Generated and Destroyed
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 122
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
1007 - 1010Experimental Validation to Prove Potential Energy can be Created and Destroyed
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 119
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
1384 - 1386Theoretical Analysis to Prove Equivalence between Planetary Model and Atomic Model
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]
Downloads: 106 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Physics Science, India, Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
907 - 910Conceptual Analysis of Combustion to Prove Heat Not Converted but Generated during Combustion of Fuels
Birudev Hajare [9] | Sandip Bhokse [9] | Mahesh Borkar [9] | Laxman Bagal [9] | Arvind Maske [9] | Tushar Mergu [8]