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Case Studies, Hematology, India, Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019
55 - 59Varied Clinical Manifestation of Congenital Afibrinogenemia: From Thrombosis to Intramedullary Hemorrhage - A Case Series of 7 Patients
Dr. Shailesh H Bamborde | Dr. Farah Jijina | Dr. Chandrakala.S | Dr. Shrimati Shetty | Dr. Rajesh Patil | Dr. Nilesh Wasekar | Dr. Vinod Patil | Dr. Shruti Mantri
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Review Papers, Pharmacy, India, Volume 12 Issue 2, February 2023
1282 - 1288Evaluation and Study of Various Combinations of Antihypertensive Medications Commonly Prescribed for Outpatient and In-Patient Management of Hypertension in Patients at Tertiary Care Hospital
Vequar Ahmed | Vinod Patil [2] | Pranati Kothule | Mohammed Aabid