Found about 4 results
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Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq, Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
1010 - 1019Fibrewise Soft Topolgical Spaces
Y. Y. Yousif [4] | M. A. Hussain
Downloads: 122
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq, Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
978 - 983Fibrewise Bitopological Spaces
Y. Y. Yousif [4] | L. A. Hussain
Downloads: 110
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq, Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
1501 - 1514Supra-Approximation Spaces Using Mixed Degree Systems in Graph Theory
Dr. Y. Y. Yousif | S. S. Obaid [2]
Downloads: 90
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq, Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
1043 - 1052Generalization of Rough Set Theory Using a Finite Number of a Finite d. g.s
Y. Y. Yousif [4] | S. S. Obaid [2]