Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015: Page 1: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015: Page 1

Case Studies, Linguistics Science, Albania

Pages: 1 - 4

Similarities between Albanian and English Considering Word-Formation

Zamira (Metaj) Alimemaj, Phd.

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, Mexico

Pages: 5 - 11

Prospective of Medical Cost for Breast Cancer for Sex and Age Group in Range 2012-2050: Case of Mexico

Dora E. Ledesma-Carri

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Research Paper , Civil Engineering, China

Pages: 12 - 14

Effect of Emulsification Asphalt Cold Mix Asphalt Demulsification

Huiping Cao,Yi Luo

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Research Paper, Material Science and Engineering, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 15 - 18

Silica Alumina Supported with Metal Oxides: MBOH Catalytic Activities & Effect of Water Addition

Murad Alsawalha

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Case Studies, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 19 - 22

Study of Centrifugal Pump Using Failure Mode Effect and Critical Analysis Based on Fuzzy Cost Estimation: A Case Study

Deeptesh Singh, Amit Suhane

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 23 - 28

Performance Improvement of MIMO-OFDM System PAPR Reduction Using Pulse Shaping

Yuvraj Singh Ranawat, Mahendra Kumar

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Informative Article, Education, India

Pages: 29 - 33

The Essence of Research Development as a Component in the Faculty Workload of Technological Universities and Engineering Colleges

A. Chennakesava Reddy

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Communication or Media Studies, India

Pages: 34 - 38

A Secure Role Based Access Policy for PHR Patient-Centric Model of Health Information Exchange Using Homomorphic Encryption

Rasal Swati A., Pawar B. V.

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Research Paper, Ecology, India

Pages: 39 - 44

The Changing Paradigm - Gender Dimensions of Watershed Management in Hosadurga Taluk, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India

Dr. Pritha Dasgupta

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 45 - 51

Mathematical Study on Religious Migration in the States of North Eastern Region of India

Bidyarani S., Tomba I.

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Research Paper, Mycology Science, India

Pages: 52 - 54

Fresh Water Fungi From Sipna River, Dist. Amravati (M.S.)

L. C. Nemade, V. R. Patil

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 55 - 59

Smart Inter-Vehicular Communication System for Saving Human Lives

Sama Qazi, Tawseef Naqishbandi

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 60 - 62

Efficient Approximate DCT Transform For Image Compression

Parvin Tamboli, Aparna Shinde

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, India

Pages: 63 - 66

Volcanic Activity as a Function of Planetary Size

Mitrajyoti Ghosh

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 67 - 70

Design and Implementation of Low Power 32 bit Reversible Carry Skip Adder

Rewati D. Gatfane, Manisha Waje

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Research Paper, Anthropology Science, India

Pages: 71 - 75

Architectural Phases of Ali Abad Tape, Northwestern Iran

Nader Faraji, M.P. Mahadevaiah

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Comparative Studies, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 76 - 81

Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns, Spatial Pyramid Histograms and Nearest Neighbor Classification

Abhijeet Tayde, A. S. Deshpande

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 82 - 86

Modified Public Auditing with Privacy Preservation for Shared Data in Cloud Computing

Jeur Nagaraj Shrikant, Pavan Kumar

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 87 - 94

Evaluation of Cell Block Technique in the Cytodiagnosis of Body Fluids

Bansode Shubhada, Kumbalkar D, Nayak S

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 95 - 97

Study of Risk Factor Associated in Hearing Loss in High Risk Children Less Than 10 Years of Age in Rural Area of West Uttar Pradesh

Nitin Kumar Jain, Md. Ziya

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Informative Article, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 98 - 101

Analysis of Flat Slab

R.S.More, V. S. Sawant

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 102 - 107

A Study on Employees Attitude Towards The Organization and Job Satisfaction

Alok Kumar Srivastav, Priyanka Das

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 108 - 113

A Study on Stress among Employees of Public Sector Banks in Asansol, West Bengal

Priyanka Das, Alok Kumar Srivastav

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Case Studies, Radiological Sciences, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 114 - 116

Comparative Study of Thyroid Nodule Appearance between CT & US in Hail City from 1435 to 1436 H

Abdulsalam Almulayfi, Diabate Adama

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Research Paper, Geology Science, India

Pages: 117 - 120

Hydrothermal Solution activity in Precambrian Granitoides in Dasarigudem Village Nalgonda District Telangana India

Mallikanti Anjaneyulu, Ravi Vorsu, K. Madhusudhan Reddy, Prof. I. Panduranga Reddy

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 121 - 125

3D Modeling Indonesia Ring Jewelry Ornament using Iterative Function System

Suyoto, Thomas Suselo, B. Yudi Dwiandiyanta

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Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 126 - 130

Microgrids: A Review

Vikas Sharma, Inderpreet Singh

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 131 - 133

Analysis of Rate Monotonic Scheduling Algorithm on Multicore Systems

Manish S. Raut, M. B. Narnaware

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 134 - 139

Skin Cancer

Ramandeep Kaur, Gurmeen Kaur

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 140 - 141

Soliton Solutions of Double Sine

Anil Kumar Ram, Gautam Johri, Nand Kishore Pandey

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 142 - 145

FPGA Implementation of 2D-DCT for Image Compression

Pradnya P. Parate, Nilesh A. Mohota

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 146 - 149

Tatoo and Complications: Some Cases during Everyday Practice

Orjana Dervishi, Migena Vargu, Brunilda Bardhi, Violeta Dajci, Edmond Puca, Monika Fida, Erjona Shehu

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 150 - 159

Existence Results for Partial Integro-Differential Equations in Banach Spaces

G. Selvam, K. Mathevan Pillai

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 160 - 162

Research Challenges for Adoption of Cloud Environment

Nitin Nagar

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Research Paper, Education, Iran

Pages: 163 - 165

Effect of Problem Based Learning on Nursing Students' Clinical Decision Making and Learning Satisfaction

Ranjana Sharma

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 166 - 169

Private Data Retrieval with Competent Ranked Keyword Search Algorithm Over Cloud Data Center

Jyotsna T. Kumbhar, Navnath D. Kale

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Research Paper, Ecology, India

Pages: 170 - 173

Distribution Pattern of Spiders along an Elevational Gradient in Nelliyampathy Hill Ranges of the Western Ghats, Kerala, India

Sudhikumar A. V.

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, People's Republic of China

Pages: 174 - 175

The Surfactant Adsorption in Solid-Liquid Interface

Yi Luo, Huiping Cao

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 176 - 179

Implementation of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for WireLess Network

Sonali Wagh, Gouri Halde, A. D. Bijwe

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 180 - 183

The Influence of Cytokine Profile and Choice of Surgical Intervention in Patients with Obesity

Todor Dimitrov DMD, Grigor Gorchev Prof. D.Sc., Slavcho Tomov Prof. D.Sc.

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Removed on Complaint, Removed on Complaint, India

Pages: 184 - 189

Removed on Complaint

Removed on Complaint

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 190 - 196

A Geographic Routing Oriented Sleep Scheduling Algorithm in Duty-Cycled Mobile Sensor Networks Methodology

Pratik R. Mantri, Mahip M. Bartere

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Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, Egypt

Pages: 197 - 205

Digital Analyzation Study of Grey Tone Degrees Signals of Some Crops, Vegetables and Urban within Radar Image Utilizing Colorimeter Software

Ahmed Yahya Ahmed Hammad

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 206 - 208

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Knowledge of Tuberculosis and DOTS Therapy among Tuberculosis Patients Attending DOTS Center at Pune

Tejashri Ligade

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 209 - 214

A Technique to Improve Difficult Keyword Queries Over Database

Deepti S. Deshmukh, Simran Khiani

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 215 - 218

A Secure Authorized Hybrid Cloud Distributed Key Generation for Encrypted Deduplication of Data

Akanksha V. Patil, Navnath D. Kale

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 219 - 222

Total Antioxidant Capacity of Saliva and Its Relationship with Early Childhood Caries and Rampant Caries

Mahadev Patel, Piyush Pujara

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 223 - 227

Xeroradiography, Digital Radiography and Computerized Tomography: A Systemic Review

Mahadev Patel, Shrikant Patel

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 228 - 230

An Intelligent Traffic Management and Accident Prevention System based on VANET

Nikhil Kshirsagar, Dr. U. S. Sutar

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Research Paper, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 231 - 236

A Combinational Approach Using Matrix Based Pairwise Key Establishment and Post Deployment Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks

Shishir Sharma, Gajendra Singh Chandel

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 237 - 238

Causes of Increasing Rate of Female Infertility in India

Amrita Baranwal, Neelma Kunwar, Smita Tripathi

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Research Paper, Education, Kenya

Pages: 239 - 244

Perceptions of Teachers on the Influence of Management of Classrooms on Academic Performance of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Konoin Sub-County, Kenya

Bii S.K., Anditi Z.O., Koross P.K.A

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 245 - 248

An Energy Efficient Secure Multipath Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network

R. Sudha, C. Nandhini

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 249 - 252

Multibiometric Template Security Based on Fuzzy Behavior

Praveer Tigga, Akash Wanjari

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 253 - 256

Bit Torrent (Peer to Peer Network): Antipiracy and Anonymity

Ashish Kumar Sharma, A. Prof. Neetu Sharma

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Review Papers, Botany Science, India

Pages: 257 - 260

Conservation Strategies of Saussurea Costus, Critically Endangered Medicinal Herb Growing in Kashmir Himalaya- A Review

Sumeet Kour, Seema Singh, Zahoor A Kaloo

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 261 - 266

A MapReduce Framework for an Effective Scheduler Based on the Job Size in Hadoop

Madhumala R B, Ravichandra Y B

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 267 - 270

Secure Information Brokering in Distributed Information Sharing

Priyanka M. Jamunkar, Prof. G. M. Bhandari

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 271 - 274

Smart Street Lighting System

Chetna Badgaiyan, Palak Sehgal

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 275 - 278

Protective Effect of Aplotaxis Auriculata Root on Glycoprotein Components in Diethylnitrosamine (Den) Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rat

Abdul Aseeb CP, Mariappan V, Velavan S.

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 279 - 285

Graphical Password Authentication Techniques: A Review

Aakansha Gokhale, Vijaya Waghmare

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 286 - 291

Efficient Clothing Pattern Recognition for Blind People Using SVM Classifier

V. Subbarayudu, Dr. D. Vishnu Vardhan

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Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, India

Pages: 292 - 296

Impact of Mancozeb Stress on Seedling growth, Seed Germination, Chlorophyll and Phenolic Contents of Rice Cultivars

Anitha .S .R, Dr. G. Savitha

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 297 - 301

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instruction Module on Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Prevention of Complications among Diabetic Patients in Selected Hospitals in Pune

Joisy Varghese, Shobha Naidu

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Review Papers, Information Technology, India

Pages: 302 - 305

Review: Parsing Clothes by Giving Weak Supervision using Pose Estimation in Fashion Photographs

Mayuri P. Waghmode, Umesh B. Chavan

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Research Paper, Physiology Science, India

Pages: 306 - 310

Effect of Different Seed Priming Treatments on Germination, Growth, Biochemical Changes and Yield of Wheat Varieties under Sodic Soil

Kalpana, A. H. Khan, A. K. Singh, K. N. Maurya, Mubeen, R. K. Yadava, Uma Singh, A.R.Gautam

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 311 - 315

Improved Hidden Markov Random Field and its Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Image Segmentation

Pooja Kalra, Amit Sharma

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 316 - 320

Anaesthetic Mortality: A Clinical And Medico-Legal Scenario

Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Awdhesh Kumar

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Case Studies, Radiology Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 321 - 322

Bilateral Maxilary Sinus Hypoplasia Detected By CBCT

Hristina Mihaylova, Dimitar Yovchev

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 323 - 327

A Memory Efficient -Fully Parallel QC-LDPC Encoder

Vishnu Nampoothiri V, Sajith Sethu P

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Iraq

Pages: 328 - 333

An Efficient Approach for DW Design and DM in Crime Data Set

Kadhim B. S. Aljanabi

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Egypt

Pages: 334 - 343

Biochemical and Histological Alterations in the Digestive Gland of the Land Snail Helicella vestalis (Locard, 1882) Exposed to Methiocarb and Chlorpyrifos in the Laboratory

Sharaf H.M., Salama M.A., Abd El-Atti M.S.

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 344 - 347

Performance Evaluation of Virtual Machines using Service Broker Policies in Cloud Computing

Mandeep Kaur, Verender Singh Madra

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 348 - 354

Automated Calculation of Distortion factor for Convex Mirror using Image Processing Technique

Ameen I. Khan, Dr. (Mrs.) Sunita S. Lokhande

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 355 - 358

A Peculiar Approach for Detection of Cluster Outlier in High Dimensional Data

Abhimanyu Kumar

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Research Paper, Economics, People's Republic of China

Pages: 359 - 370

Implication of the Economic Stability on the Farmer

Eliamoni Titus Lyatuu, Fengying Nie

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Review Papers, Nutrition Science, India

Pages: 371 - 377

An Extensive Review on Allium ampeloprasum-a Magical Herb

Purnima Dey, Kazi Layla Khaled

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 378 - 380

Availability of Centrifugal Pump on the Basis of Weibull Analysis

Deeptesh Singh, Amit Suhane

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 381 - 382

Myringoplasty in Children: Retrospective Analysis of 65 Cases

Nitin Kumar Jain, Abhay Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 383 - 385

Service Oriented Architecture for Remote Control of Mobile Devices

Suja S Nair, Ratnaraj Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 386 - 390

Authorized Auditing of Big Data Stored on Cloud with Auditability Aware Data Scheduling

Surapriya Swain, Prof. Saurabh Gupta

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 391 - 393

Performance and Emission Characteristics of Poppy Seed Oil Diesel Blends on Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine

G. Lasya, DR. B. Chandra Mohan Reddy

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 394 - 398

Production of Gibberellic Acid by Bacillus siamensis BE 76 Isolated from Banana Plant (musa spp)

M. S. Ambawade, G. R. Pathade

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 399 - 401

Indian Consumer and MNCP Goal Congruency

Dr Jyoti Pandey

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Research Paper , Education, Zimbabwe

Pages: 402 - 405

Promoting Learning Access for Learners with Physical Impairments: The Case of Three Special Schools in Harare, Zimbabwe

Augustine Zano Muranda

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Research Paper , Education, Zimbabwe

Pages: 406 - 410

Challenges Faced by Zimbabwean Special Schools in Providing Support Services to Learners Physical and Motor Impairments

Augustine Zano Muranda

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Review Papers, Information Technology, India

Pages: 411 - 414

GPU Based Acceleration of WRF Model: A Review

Yogendra Sharma, Dr. Dinesh B. Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 415 - 419

Design of an FFT Processor using Mixed-Radix Algorithm for OFDM system

Jaishri Katekhaye, Amit Lamba

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Research Paper, Manufacturing Engineering, People's Republic of China

Pages: 420 - 427

Weld Design of Vehicle Bodies and Analysis of Welded Butt and T-joints Using Simufact

Hailemariam Fisseha Nega, Yang Hui, Gao Ying

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 428 - 430

A New method for Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem

Uday Sharma

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 431 - 433

Solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Programming Problem Via Similarity Measure

Uday Sharma

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Research Paper, Financial Engineering, Ukraine

Pages: 434 - 438

Reconstruction of Attractors for Options Implied Volatility with Using Fuzzy Clustering Method

Sergiy Sylantyev

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 439 - 442

Sobel Edge Detection Implementation using FPGA

Pradnya Jadhav, Usha Jadhav

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 443 - 448

Landslides Zones of Nearby Areas of Malin Village, Pune District, Maharashtra Using GIS Techniques

Pooja Gujarathi, S. J. Mane

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 449 - 453

Design of Microprocessor Hardware Self-Test Unit on FPGA

Savitha Kamble

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 454 - 458

Multilayer Microstrip Antenna for broadband Applications

Rupesh Budharam Raut, V.D.Nagrale

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 459 - 462

Contrast Enhancement Using Dominant Brightness Level Analysis and Adaptive Intensity Transformation for Remote Sensing Images

M. Anjaiah, D. Sampath Kumar

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 463 - 465

Review of Noise Cancellation of Speech Signal by Using Adaptive Filtering with RLS Algorithm

Aman Kumar Sahu, Aashish Hiradhar

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 466 - 474

Diversity of Microinvertebrate from Lake Ecosystem

A. B. Sarwade, N. A. Kamble

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Dissertation Chapters, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 475 - 478

Solid Waste Management in Rural Areas emerging towards growth centre through GIS system- Mahalung, Solapur

Suraj A.Sutar, Sagar M. Gawande

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Case Studies, Anatomy, India

Pages: 479 - 481

Bilateral Absence of Posterior Communicating Arteries - A Case Report

Dr. Hemamalini, Kiran Kumar D

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 482 - 486

Design of Fixed Latency Serial Transceiver on FPGA

Mallika Patil

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 487 - 489

Study of Thyroid Dysfunction in Premenopausal Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Dr. Sonali Rathi Somani, Dr. Shashikant G Somani

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 490 - 492

The Schrodinger Equation of Linear Potential Solution Specializing to the Stark Effects

Mudassir Umar Ali

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 493 - 499

Dynamics of Daily Rainfall and Temperature in Makurdi

I.M. Echi, E.V. Tikyaa, B.C. Isikwue

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Azerbaijan

Pages: 500 - 505

On Some Specific Non-Finite Forms of the Verbs in the Turkic Languages

Aynel Meshadiyeva

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Research Paper, Botany Science, Egypt

Pages: 506 - 513

Phenological Study of Some Tree Species at Different Ages in Aswan, Egypt

A.F.A. Ebeid, E.F. Ali

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 514 - 521

A Comparative Evaluation of OSI and TCP/IP Models

P. Ravali

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Case Studies, Hematology Science, India

Pages: 522 - 524

Familial Hemophagocytic Syndrome in A Neonate

Mirza Asif Baig

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 525 - 527

Stress Analysis of Gearbox Casing Using ANSYS Workbench

M. Mahesh Babu, Y. Rameswara Reddy

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Case Studies, Botany Science, India

Pages: 528 - 529

A Case Study

Kumar Vimal, Anand Kishor

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 530 - 535

Modelling and Exhaust Nozzle Flow Simulations in A Scramjet

Karri Simachalam Naidu, Dinesh Kumar Bajaj

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 536 - 540

Sentiment Analysis: Automation of Rating for Review without Aspect Keyword Supervision

Gangadhara N V Siva Prabhakar Thota, Dr. J. MeenaKumari

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Survey Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 541 - 543

Clothing Comfortability of Cancer Patients

M. Anish Sharmila, R.I. Sathya

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Dissertation Chapters, Genetics Science, Albania

Pages: 544 - 547

Decrease of the Actual Fertility in Koplik. The Comparison of the Coming Population

Ermira Hoxhaj, Zyri Bajrami

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 548 - 551

RoloKnow: An Analytic Framework for Mobile Applications and Games

Aman Nigam, Hrishikesh Pallod, Saurabh Abhale, Sidhesh Badrinarayan

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 552 - 555

Face Image Retrieval from Sparse Codeword

Vandana Shinde, S.R.Durugkar

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 556 - 559

Population Density and Distribution Pattern of Mites Infesting The Invasive Plant, Bidens Sulphurea Cav.

C.Saritha, N. Ramani

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Case Studies, Biology Science, Kosovo

Pages: 560 - 562

The presence of Salmonella Enteritidis in Faecal Samples, Eggs and Poultry Bodies Isolated for Egg Production in Some Regions (Lipjan, Shtime and Ferizaj) of Kosovo

Hyzer Rizani, Pranvera Cabeli

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 563 - 569

A Novel Approach for Fault Observability and Isolation in Distributed Micro-Grid System Using PMUs

D.Haris Khan, K.Veera Sekhar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 570 - 575

CaRP For User Authentication System Using Mobile Interface

Walanjkar Dipika Dattatraya, V. S. Nandedkar

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Research Paper, Management, Ethiopia

Pages: 576 - 579

Business School-Industry Linkage: Experience from Adama University

Tsigab Aregawi

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 580 - 583

Secured Brokerless Identity-Based Publisher Subscriber System

Sayaram N. Shingote, Prof. Syed Akhter

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 584 - 587

Analysis of Ground Water Quality of Sangli-Miraj-Kupwad Industrial Area by Correlation And Regression Method

Vasanti S. Sadamate, Hema Patel

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, Iraq

Pages: 588 - 589

Thyroid Nodules in Baghdad, Iraq: A Personal Experience

Ahmed Mehdi Al-Hashimi

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 590 - 592

An Experimental Investigation on Concrete with Nano Silica and Partial Replacement of Cement with Flyash

S. Reshma, Dr. S. Siddirajulu

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Informative Article, Management, India

Pages: 593 - 594

Corporate Measures for Indian Universities: A Boon or Curse

Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 595 - 599

Vermi-Biofiltration- A Low Cost Treatment for Dairy Wastewater

Sarika Telang, Hema Patel

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 600 - 604

Treatment of Industrial Wastewater by using Banana Peels and Fish Scales

Aakanksha Darge, S. J. Mane

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 605 - 607

Synthesis and Characterization of Castor Oil based Polyurethane Adhesive for Wood Substrates

Bakul K. Gayki, Dr. P. V. Thorat

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Dissertation Chapters, Management, Sri Lanka

Pages: 608 - 612

Construct an Index for Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility Activities for Developing World: Evidence from Sri Lanka

Dr. K. K. Tilakasiri

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Research Paper, Ecology, Egypt

Pages: 613 - 617

Genetic and Histological Diversity between the Coastal and Desert Chamaeleo chamaeleon Subspecies in Egypt

Hanan R. H. Mohamed, Mohamed A. M. Kadry

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Research Paper, Geology Science, India

Pages: 618 - 624

Mathematical Modeling of Coal Bed Methane Generation

B.Nalinikant, B. Gopal Krishna, M. Jagannadha Rao

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Engineering Science, India

Pages: 625 - 630

Design of Inter-Integrated Circuit with BIST Method

Priyanka Lade, Sanjay Tembhurne

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Research Paper, Agricultural Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 631 - 634

The Growth of Dragon Fruit Seedling on Several Type and Doses of Mycorrhiza


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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 635 - 641

Efficient Algorithm for Predicting QOS in Cloud Services

Sangeeta R. Alagi, Srinu Dharavath

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 642 - 645

Reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand by using Coconut Shell Activated Carbon and Sugarcane Bagasse Fly Ash

Samiksha Gaikwad, S. J. Mane

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Review Papers, Agricultural Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 646 - 653

Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Palm Nut Cracking Machine

Omoruyi A., Ugwu K. C.

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Iraq

Pages: 654 - 659

Role of Black Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) and Olive Oil Combination on Serum Rabbit Treated with Cholesterol

Ahmed Jasim Mohammad

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 660 - 663

Mirror Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation

Dr. Charu Chopra (PT), Dr. Savita Tamaria (PT)

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 664 - 666

A Study of Ocular Manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus

Dr. Sravani Chava, Dr. N.Lakshmi Chowdary

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Informative Article, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 667 - 669

The Ever Evolving Holographic Technology

Pranav Kashyap

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 670 - 672

A Comparative Study of Steganography & Cryptography

Pranali R. Ekatpure, Rutuja N Benkar

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 673 - 676

Performance and Emission Characteristics of a C.I Engine with Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles as Additive to Diesel

Nithin Samuel, Muhammed Shefeek K

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 677 - 682

Youth Attitude towards Marriage and Changing Trends in Marriage

Bhavana. N, Dr. K. S. Roopa

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 683 - 689

Edge Detection Technique using HSI and Fuzzy Interference System

Sachin Chawla, Ajay Khokhar

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 690 - 693

Biology of Trioza jambolanae Craw. on infected Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston leaves from Kota District, Rajasthan

Kiran Choudhary, Dr. Krishnendra Singh Nama

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 694 - 696

Effect of Resistance Training on Aerobic Fitness in Healthy Young Individuals

Nikita Modh, Dharmesh Parmar

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Survey Paper , Computer Engineering, Tanzania

Pages: 697 - 702

A Survey of Artificial Neural Networks machine learning methods and Applications in Bio-Neuron System

Thangaraj E, Subinson G, S. Rimlon Shibi

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 703 - 706

Computational Fluid Analysis for High Lift on Multi-Element Airfoil Used in Civilian Aircraft

G.Parthasarathy, B. Shishira Nayana, B. Dinesh Kumar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 707 - 710

Improve Quality of Service (QOS) Using Equalization Techniques

Al-Zayadi Haider, Samer Salah Thabit

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 711 - 714

Design Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Underwater Glider

G.Parthasarathy, Degala Shravya Sree, B.Lakshmi Manasa

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 715 - 717

Intelligent Energy Management System based on FPGA and GSM

Shital Mahajan, Priya Nerkar

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 718 - 720

A Survey on Service Oriented Architecture in Remote Collaboration Systems

Suja S Nair, Ratnaraj Kumar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 721 - 723

Techniques for Duplicate Detection in Hierarchical Data

Suvarna Kale, Basha Vankudothu

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Research Paper, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 724 - 726

Monitoring Software Project Health Using Visual Analysis

Padmakar G. Selokar, Bharathi Shetty

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 727 - 729

Simulation Study of Photovoltaic System with MPPT Algorithms

Ankit Digrawal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 730 - 735

Text Extraction from Complex Color Images Using Optical Character Recognition

Prachi R. Dussawar, Parul Bhanarkar Jha

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Review Papers, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 736 - 739

Comparative Study of High Rise Building using INDIAN Standards and EURO Standards under Seismic Forces

P.P.Tapkire, Saeed J.Birajdar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 740 - 743

Design of Transformer less Single Phase Inverter for Renewable Energy Based Distribution Generation System

T. Chandra Sekhar, M.L.S. Deva Kumar, K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 744 - 748

Review on Tracking Object Motion in Video

Sandhya G. Alhat, Manasi K. Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 749 - 751

Complement Properties on Normal Product of Strong Fuzzy Graphs

M. Vijaya

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, India

Pages: 752 - 758

Electrolyte Changes Following Phototherapy in Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia

Dr. A. Thirupathi Reddy, Dr. K. Vani Bai, Dr. S. Uday Shankar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 759 - 763

Analysis on the Performance Characteristics of the Wind Turbine Gear Box at Different Pitch Angles

Arekallu Nagamani, R. Ganapathi, A.Nagaraju

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 764 - 767

Experimental Investigation of Hotspot Detection and Isolation in Shaded Photovoltaic Cells

J Venkata Subbamma, M.L.S. Deva Kumar, P Sai Krishna Reddy

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 768 - 772

A Survey on Template Protection Scheme for Multimodal Biometric System

Praveer Tigga, Akash Wanjari

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 773 - 777

Distributed Speech Recognition HMM Modelling

Gauri A. Deshpande, Pallavi S. Deshpande

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 778 - 780

Improvement in Machine Performance with the Help of Vibration Analysis of Rotating Machine

Saurabh Singh, Dr. Manish Vishwakarma

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 781 - 784

Privacy Preserving Multi-Keyword Graded Search on Encrypted Cloud Data with Integrity Checking

Snehal M. Shewale, Prof. Y. B. Gurav

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Review Papers, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 785 - 787

A Review on Experimental Study of Heat Transfer from Plate Fin in Mixed Convection Mode

Pravin Kamble, S.N Doijode, Geeta Lathkar

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, Iran

Pages: 788 - 790

Evaluation and Selection of Organizational Enterprise Information Systems with Phase QFD Approach

Farzaneh Zamharir, Reza Rezai

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Review Papers, Toxicology Science, Iran

Pages: 791 - 795

Eco Toxicological Effects of Endocrine Disruptive Compounds (EDCs) in Aquatics (Especially in Fish): A Review

Maysa Enayatmehr, Shahla Jamili

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Research Paper, Ecology, Iran

Pages: 796 - 804

Global Climate Change and Intensification of Coastal Ocean Upwelling

Maysa Enayatmehr, Masoud Torabi Azad

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Review Papers, Ecology, Iran

Pages: 805 - 813

Effects of Salinity on Growth, Hormonal and Enzymatic Status in Fish: A Review

Maysa Enayatmehr

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 814 - 816

Etiological Profile and Treatment Outcome of Epistaxis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural Setup: a Prospective Review of 90 Cases

Nitin Kumar Jain, Abhay Kumar

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Case Studies, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 817 - 820

Hyalinizing Trabecular Tumor of the Thyroid: A Rare Case Report

Jadhav Dnyaneshwar S., Dukare Sandip R., Kale Priyanka

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 821 - 823

A Review on Technique Used for Text and Image Categorization Using Feature Clustering

Dipak R. Pardhi, Charushila D. Patil

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 824 - 826

A Survey on Multi-Document Summarization Approaches

Smita Bachal, S.M. Sangve

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, Ukraine

Pages: 827 - 829

The Method of Direct Grading and the Generalized Method of Assessment of Buildings Technical Condition

Olexander Terentyev, Mykola Tsiutsiura

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 830 - 834

Dip and Dump Communication Gesture System by Cityblock Method

Er. Vandana Soni, Varsha Namdeo, Dr. Tripti Arjariya

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Nigeria

Pages: 835 - 838

Comparison of Efficiency of Different Solvents used for the Extraction of Phytochemicals from the Leaf, Seed and Stem Bark of Calotropis Procera

Abegunde S. M., Ayodele-Oduola R.O.

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Research Paper , Education, Morocco

Pages: 839 - 843

ICT and Language Teaching in the Moroccan EFL Classroom: Perceptions, Obstacles and Strategies

Dr. Khalid SOUSSI

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Research Paper , Manufacturing Engineering, India

Pages: 844 - 848

Investigation of Manufacturing of Engine Group of

Suman Sharma, Dr. Smita Manepatil

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Research Paper, Pediatric Nursing, India

Pages: 849 - 853

Stress and Coping among Parents of Children Having Thalassemia

Sandra J. Saldanha

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 854 - 858

Implementation of Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IOT Environment

K. Purshotham, S. Venkata Kiran

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 859863 -

Comparative Analysis of Web PageRank Algorithm using DFS and BFS Crawling

Poonam Kumari, Gaurav Kakhani

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 864 - 867

New Safety Support System for Children on School Routes Using Android Mobile

N. Mohan, C. Manikanta

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 868 - 870

A Network Identification Model on Open Social Network

Amina Beevi S

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 871 - 876

Green Cloud Computing Resource Managing Policies a Survey

Kamiya, Shakti Nagpal

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 877 - 880

Surveying Personal Information, Privacy and Security in Cloud Computing

Priya Dhingra, Shakti Nagpal

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 883 - 887

A Preliminary Report on the Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Heterocera) Fauna from Amravati, Maharashtra

Dr. Y. A. Gadhikar, S. Sambath, Y. I. Yattoo

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 888 - 892

Design of Residential Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System with New Controlling Technique Under Indian Net Metering Law

D. Bhargava Reddy, M. Yohan

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Robotics Science, India

Pages: 893 - 897

Efficient Movement of Robotic Arm to Enhance Object Handling and Sorting Operation

Vikas Gulia, Venkanna Mood

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Survey Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 898 - 901

UPQC for Power Quality Improvement

Saloni Patel, Prabodh Khamparia

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Research Paper, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 902 - 906

Parameter Based Presence and Absence Detection for Automated Visual Inspection Applications

Aniket Khule, Dr. M. S. Nagmode

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Case Studies, Pediatric Specialty, India

Pages: 907 - 910

Feeding Obturator for a 3 Day Old Neonate with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Clinical Report

Naresh Kumar, Renu Gupta, R. P. Luthra, Savisha Mehta, Reena Sirohi

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 911 - 914

Resolving Seepage Problem and Ground Water Management at Kanshiram Multispeciality Hospital

Mirat Ahmad, Dr. Gauhar Mehmood

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 915 - 919

Bacteriological Study of Endocervix in Preterm Labour and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes

Dr. T. Seshasai, Dr. S.Sukanya

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 920 - 923

Four Stroke Hydra Engine

Hardik P. Merchant, Kiti A. Maurya, Bhumik J. Patel, Devang G. Tandel, Mayank Sompura

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Research Paper, Management, Kenya

Pages: 924 - 930

Effect of Capital Structure on Financial Performance of Banking Institutions Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange

Martin Michael Kamau Njeri, Dr. Assumptah W. Kagiri

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