Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019: Page 3: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019: Page 3

Research Paper, Economics, India

Pages: 950 - 955

Empowerment of Weaker Sections through Housing Schemes in Karnataka - An Empirical Study

Kiran Kumar P

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 956 - 958

Assistance for Blind through Audio Command

Mallikarjun Mudda, Lavan Kumar, Vineeth Kumar, Vamshi

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 959 - 962

Prevalence of Leukemia among Children and Guidelines for Parents on Leukemia - A Systemic Approach

Hina Gupta

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 963 - 965

Smart Restaurant Offer System

Shanmugasundaram M, Divya S S, Nithya P, Niveda A, Shanmathi P

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Comparative Studies, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 966 - 969

Study on Corrosion Resistance of Metals by Using Chemical Inhibitors in Concrete

A. Anushuya, S. Kavya

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 970 - 973

Gender with Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning

K. Keerthika, K. Monika, M. Monisha, H. Nandhini

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 974 - 976

A Case Report on Traumatic Avulsion Fracture of Greater Trochanter Ipsilateral and Fixed with Closed Reduction Internal Fixation with K-Wires

Dr. Mazhar Uddin Ali Khan, Dr. Patlolla Karthik Reddy, Dr. Shaik Vazeeruddin

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 977 - 980

Emotion Detection using Convolutional Neural Network

Johanna Freeda G, Lavanya C, Lekhaa Shree D, Nivedhitha M, Kavitha C

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 981 - 983

Flexible Student Performance Analysis System

Vigilson Prem M, Joel Kingsley R, Mohammed Ashik S, Manjunath M

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 984 - 990

Growth and Characterization of ZnN doped KClx Br1-x Mixed Crystals

A. Ancy, S. Ajitha

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Case Studies, Geography Science, India

Pages: 991 - 996

Socio-Economic Profile of Ravine Affected Chakarnagar and Badhpura Blocks of Etawah District, Uttar Pradesh

Hemant Kumar

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Research Paper, English Literature, Philippines

Pages: 997 - 1003

Historical Allusions in Dante?s Inferno: Their Implications in Teaching History and Literature

Dr. Tessie Dela Cruz Mangada

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1004 - 1007

Study of Port Site Infection after Laproscopic Surgery

Dr Manish Kumar, Dr Apurva Agarwal, Dr Sumit Kumar

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Review Papers, Veterinary Science, India

Pages: 1008 - 1009

Freemartin - A Small Review

Y. Ravi Kumar, M. Lakshman

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1010 - 1013

Menology Based Feedback Method for Online Web Image Ranking Using Query Specific Semantic Signatures

Shweta Lilhare

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 1014 - 1015

Study of Cymbopogan Citratus (Lemon grass) Application for its Insecticidal Property - 'Ants' and its Use in Preservation Methodology

Nikhat Khan, Sensei Surendra Sawardekar

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Research Paper, Medical Microbiology,

Pages: 1016 - 1019

Prevalence of Escherichia Coli in Urine Samples in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr V. Naveen Kumar, Dr. Chitralekha Saikumar

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Review Papers, Nursing, India

Pages: 1020 - 1023

Effectiveness of Awareness Programme (AP) on Vasectomy in Terms of Knowledge and Attitude among Males Residing in Community Area: A Quasi Experimental Study

Ashish Dass

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1024 - 1025

Giant Uterine Leiomyoma, Management and Outcome: A Case Report

Nikita Agrawal, Anil Humane

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Case Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, Bulgaria

Pages: 1026 - 1028

Progression of Osteoradionecrosis of the Lower Jaw-Case Report

L. Videnova, P. Stanimirov, M. Petkova, R. Ugrinov

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Research Paper, Physical Education, Philippines

Pages: 1029 - 1032

Outdoor Recreation Activities of College Students in the University of Eastern Philippines

Nimfa F. Buedron EDD

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Research Paper, English Literature, Philippines

Pages: 1033 - 1036

Imagery and Symbolism in Dante's Inferno: An Analysis

Dr. Chona M. Adlawan

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Informative Article, Religion and Theology, Macedonia

Pages: 1037 - 1040

Islam in the Modern Era and the Social Reflections in Macedonia

Dr. Prof. MetinIzeti

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, Indonesia

Pages: 1041 - 1044

Differences of Characteristics between Positive and Negative Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Children with Recurrent Abdominal Pain

Tina Restu Awaliyah, Rahmat Budi Kuswiyanto, Dwi Prasetyo

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Research Paper, Ecology, India

Pages: 1045 - 1046

Antimicrobial Properties of Metals against Skin Borne and Water Borne Pathogens

Praveen Dhar T

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Informative Article, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1047 - 1048

Research and Implementation of Web-Based E-Learning

Vishal P, Rajesh K, Akhil Chowdhary R, Hemanth Kumar V

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1049 - 1053

Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence among Private Dental Practitioners in Bangalore City - A Questionnaire Study

Dr. Ashraya Ashesh, Dr. Vanishree N, Dr. Chaithra V, Dr. Anushri M, Dr. Deepa Bullappa

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 1054 - 1057

Obstetrical Outcome of False Positive One Hour OGCT in Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr Swapnita Hota, Dr Ramakanta Sahoo, Dr Rakesh Moharana

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 1058 - 1061

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Related to Insulin Self Administration among Diabetic Patients in a Selected Tertiary Care Hospital of West Bengal

Mercy Antony

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Research Paper, Agricultural, India

Pages: 1062 - 1066

Effect of Compost and Vermicompost on Quality of Organic Tea (Camellia sinensis) Grown in Hills of Himachal Pradesh

Parmod Verma

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Review Papers, Nursing, India

Pages: 1067 - 1069

Work Place Violence on Nurses and Doctors in India: Review Paper

Naveena J H

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Research Paper, Law, Indonesia

Pages: 1070 - 1075

The Misuse of Halal Food Labels in Sambas Regency

Zarul Arifin, Sabri Samin, Kamaludin Abunawas, Kasjim Salenda

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1076 - 1079

Startup Business Details Using Recommendation Algorithm

Indra G, Bhavani B, Chandra K, Deepika S, Keerthiga S

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Research Paper, Education, Philippines

Pages: 1080 - 1084

Cognitive Levels of Questions through Visual Materials in English

Maria Cora E. Cabacang

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Research Paper, Neuroscience, India

Pages: 1085 - 1088

Myelomeningocele at a Tertiary Care Hospital - Social and Medical Factors, Dietary Habits Influence on Occurrence

Kadali Satya Varaprasad, Kalangri Murali Krishna, Pathi Rajesh

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Comparative Studies, Medical Science, India

Pages: 1089 - 1090

Role of Cycloplegic Refraction in Evaluation of Refractive Power in Children between 6-14 Years

Shravya .G

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, India

Pages: 1091 - 1096

Sampling Static Perspective Cues

Ajitkumar Sharma, Dr. Kiran Kumari

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 1097 - 1103

The Effect of Customer Relationship Management and Word of Mouth on Loyalty Intention of Ravel Agent Users in Mataram

Iin Faizah, Sulhaini, Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1104 - 1106

An Evidenced Study of Pelvic Tilt Based Exercises in Lumbar Disc Degeneration

Dr. S. S. Subramanian

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Research Paper, Library Science, India

Pages: 1107 - 1113

Awareness of the Intellectual Property Right among the Faculty Members of BLDE and SECAB Engineering College Vijayapura (District) Karnataka

Fairojakhatun Pathan, Gavisiddappa Anandhalli

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1114 - 1117

Oral Stereognosis - A Review Article

Dr. A. Meenakshi, Dr. Guguloth Amani, Dr. Mayavaraj

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1118 - 1125

Utility of Ultrasound in Evaluation of Patients with Abdominal Pain

Dr. Sathiyamoorthy Jothy

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Kenya

Pages: 1126 - 1130

Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding amongst Breast Feeding Mothers in Kakamega County, Kenya

Lillian Amugitsi Isiaho, Sharon Jepchumba Kosgey

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Morocco

Pages: 1131 - 1139

Geographical Distribution of Wheat Fusarium Wilt in Morocco in the Tadla-Azilal and Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz Regions

G. Soudi, L. El Ghadraoui, N. El Ghachtouli, S. Amiri

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, Nigeria

Pages: 1140 - 1144

Hepatitis B and C Co-infection with HIV among adolescents living with HIV at the Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital Lafia North Central Nigeria

Bello Surajudeen Oyeleke, Audu Esther Solomon, Ikrama Hassan, Abolodje Efe, Mohammed Shamsudeen, Yakubu Ahmed Ashuku

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Informative Article, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1145 - 1147

Smart Record

Ajeesh Nikusten P, Gokulan G, Gowtham Kumar N

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Research Paper, Urban and Rural Planning, India

Pages: 1148 - 1150

Analytical Study of Parameters that Triggered the Development of Street Culture in Surat City

Zeel Parmar, Rohan Kania

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Research Paper, Psychology, Nigeria

Pages: 1151 - 1157

Psycho-Demographic Precipitants of Entrepreneurial Intention among Schooling Adolescents and Youths in Makurdi Metropolis: A Pathway for Developing Interventions

Eyisi I. Meek

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Research Paper, Psychology, Nigeria

Pages: 1158 - 1162

Correlates of Entrepreneurial Intention: Implications for Poverty Alleviation Programs

Eyisi I. Meek

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Research Paper, Forest, India

Pages: 1163 - 1165

First Photographic Record of Albino Gaur (Bos gaurus, H. Smith) in Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh, India

Shilendra Kumar Uikey

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1166 - 1170

Isolated Duodenal Rupture due to Blunt Trauma Abdomen

Dr Sribatsa Kumar Mahapatra, Dr. Dharbind Kumar Jha

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Case Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, Bulgaria

Pages: 1171 - 1173

Staging of Radio-Induced Oral Mucositis

L. Videnova, P. Stanimirov, M. Petkova, E. Aleksiev, R. Ugrinov

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Research Paper, Business Management, India

Pages: 1174 - 1176

Consumer Behavior towards FMCG Products

Prakash Natikar

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Research Paper, Education, Turkey

Pages: 1177 - 1187

Utilizing VHDL for Teaching CPU Design in Engineering Education: An Approach to Build Students' Capacities to Understand and Develop Complex Projects by Applying FPGA, PBL, and ML Technologies

Ismail Said, M. S. Cavus

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Comparative Studies, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1188 - 1193

Cost Comparison of RCC Framed and Steel Framed Structure for a Five Storied Building

Dadi Rambabu

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Research Paper, History, India

Pages: 1194 - 1195

Hazratbal Shrine: A Symbol of Communal Harmony in Kashmir

Aarif Ahmad Najar

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Comparative Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1196 - 1202

Observational Study: Intramedullary Nailing versus Plating in Distal Tibial Metaphyseal Fractures

Dr. H. S. Sandhu, Dr. Amandeep Kaur, Dr. Naman Tuteja, Dr. Aryan Sharma

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Research Paper, Management, Indonesia

Pages: 1203 - 1206

Experiental Affordance and Customer Engagement on Hutchison Facebook Page

Erni Martini, Pradipta Larasati

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Research Paper, Agricultural, India

Pages: 1207 - 1210

Impact of INM on Selected Mulberry and Silkworm Traits

Devamani. M

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1211 - 1213

A Clinical Study on Management of Unstable Dorsolumbar Spine Injuries with Transpedicular Screw and Rod Fixation in our Institute

Dr K. Satyavara Prasad, Dr K. Surya Prakash, Dr. D. Ravi

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Nigeria

Pages: 1214 - 1217

Determination of Shelf Life of Locally Produced Soymilk

Ozoh C.N., Ibekwe I.M

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1218 - 1220

Immediate Effect of High Intensity Interval Training in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Nitiksha Patel, Sumitra Sakhwalkar, Sayli Paldhikar, Snehal Ghodey

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, India

Pages: 1221 - 1227

Malayalam Verb Analyzer: An Alternate Computational Model

Abrar K.J, Sreenathan M

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 1228 - 1232

Assessment of Excess Cancer Risk due to Uranium Content Anomalies in Groundwaters of Bathinda District of Malwa Belt of Punjab (India)

Hardev S. Virk

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1233 - 1236

Diabetes Mellitus among City Policemen in Nagpur: A Cross Sectional Study

Sandip Zurmure, Shilpa Lanjewar, Uday Narlawar

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1237 - 1239

Improved Information Extraction with NLP & CRF for Invoices

Monalin Pal

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Dissertation Chapters, Psychology Science, India

Pages: 1240 - 1245

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Pain

Rahul Mogle, Jyoti Shetty

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 1246 - 1248

Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and Cu2+ Doped Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using Sol-Gel Method

M. S. Arul Divya Mary, Dr. T. R. Jeena

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Case Studies, Radiology Science, India

Pages: 1249 - 1254

Detection of Subscapularis Tear by MRI with Surgical Correlation

Dr Meera Varghese, Dr Jini P Abraham, Dr Ramzi Shamsuddeen, Dr Lochan Gowda, Dr Ganesh K, Dr Prashanth Kumar M

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1260 - 1262

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: Outcome Analysis in Tertiary Health Care Centre

Thendral Viruthachalam, Gomathi Thirugnanam

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Review Papers, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 1263 - 1266

A Comparison of Various Platforms on Charity and Welfare for People and Various Organizations

Souvik Roy, Jeevan Kishore Reddy, Anand Prem Rajan

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 1267 - 1268

Ultrasonic Blind Aid Stick for the Visually Impaired and Physically Disabled

Dhairya Agarwal, Sandhya Elizabeth, Anand Prem Rajan

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Case Studies, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1269 - 1274

Case Study on CAD Technology in Jewellery Industry

Deepa Sachin Ghag

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Research Paper, Optics & Laser Technology, India

Pages: 1275 - 1278

Synthesis, Growth and Characterisation of Nonlinear Optical Nb-doped L-Valinium Picrate Single Crystals

T Gurumurthi, Mesfin Asfaw Afrassa, P Murugakoothan

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 1279 - 1288

On Star Dagger Bi-Matrix and Bi-Star Bi-Dagger Bi-Matrix

M. Priyadharshini, B. K. N. Muthugobal

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Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Libya

Pages: 1289 - 1305

Structure of the Ajdabiya Trough, NE Sirt Basin-Libya, Derived from Gravity and Magnetic Data

Hussin Ghanush

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Research Paper, Geophysics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1306 - 1311

Estimation of Relative Crustal Abundance of Radioelements Using Sum-Normalisation and Elemental Ratio Techniques

Ogungbemi O. S., Amigun J. O., Olayanju G. M.

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 1312 - 1315

Pre-Operative Prophylactic Levosimendan for on Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Low Ejection Fraction

Satish Kumar Mishra, Sachin Shouche

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1316 - 1319

Study of Advanced Magnesium Alloys with Improved Bendability for Roll Forming

Vijay Sisarwal

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, Turkey

Pages: 1320 - 1324

The Effect of Different Chip Breaker Forms on Cutting Force and Surface Roughness in the Machining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel


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Research Paper, Social Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1325 - 1330

Waste Management Problems in Banjarbaru City

Syafrullah, Agung Nugroho, Samahuddin Muharram

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Informative Article, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1331 - 1333

Dynamic Web Page Reporting System based on the Browsed Content

Abinesh J, Guhan Muthu S, Ganesh S S, Batchu Sree Harsha

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 1334 - 1338

The Influence of Cooperative Learning Method of Teams Game Tournament (TGT) on Indonesian Learning Outcomes

Rezki Purba, Nina Fajri, Esty Arista

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Research Paper, Economics, India

Pages: 1339 - 1340

Bit Coin - Bonus or Curse

Parwinder Kaur

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1341 - 1346

Aptness of Waste Glass Powder on Strength of Portland Cement Concrete

S. Suehail, P. Mudasir

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1347 - 1348

Intelligent Email Extraction and Classification with NLP & Deep Learning

Madhu Sudhan H V

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Informative Article, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1349 - 1352

Automatic Plant Health Monitoring System in Green House

R. Ahila Priyadharshini, K. J. Akshara, V. Sankari

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Kenya

Pages: 1353 - 1363

Derivatization of Papyrus Reeds for Use as a Super Absorbance Mulch Substrate

Josephine E. Mwihaki, Harun Mbuvi, Margaret Mwihaki, Peter K. Karoki

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Research Paper, Biological Sciences, India

Pages: 1364 - 1367

Antidiabetic Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and Oregano (Oregano vulgare) in BPA Induced Catfishes

S. Manimegala, Dr. M. Sendhilvadivu

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Informative Article, Agriculture, India

Pages: 1368 - 1370

Mathematics on Agriculture

D. Subhasri

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 1371 - 1375

To Study the Usefulness of CBNAAT(Cartridge based Nuclear Acid Amplification Test) in BAL (Bronchoalveolar Lavage) Samples for the Diagnosis of Smear-Negative / Non Sputum Producing Patients with Suspected Tuberculosis

Dr C.R.Choudhary, Dr Devesh Meena, Dr Gopal Purohit, Dr Hemant Borana, Dr govind Desai, Dr Raghav Gupta

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Research Paper, Finance, Nepal

Pages: 1376 - 1380

Impact of Banking and Non-Banking Investments on Performance of Nepalese Commercial Banks

Aakash Saraf

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 1381 - 1387

Post-Disaster Management in Schools-Loss, Remedial Measures and Reconstruction - The Headmasters' Perspective - A Descriptive Study from Rural Nepal

Boby Joseph Thadathil SJ

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1388 - 1390

Fall Detection System for Vehicular and Mobile Communications

M Shanmuga Sundaram, Aiswarya Ambiga R, Akshaya N, Gajalakshmi P

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Research Paper, Entomology Science, Senegal

Pages: 1391 - 1398

Lethal Effects of the Mix (Suneem 1% and Metarhizium anisopliae) on Two Instars Larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera, Culicidae) (Say, 1823) in their Natural Sites

Thierno Seydou Badiane, Raymond Demba Ndione, Mamour Toure, Amadou Fall, Fawrou Seye, Mady Ndiaye

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1399 - 1404

A Study on Strength Characteristics of Sea Beach Sand Stabilized with Lime and Fly Ash

Dr. Udayashankar D. Hakari

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1405 - 1406

Revascularization of Anterior Teeth: A Case Report

Divya Gupta, Sarang Khajuria

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Research Paper, Accounting, India

Pages: 1407 - 1412

Financial Inclusion and Regional Rural Banks: A Case Study of Regional Rural Banks in Jharkhand

Dr. Narendra Singh

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Comparative Studies, Medical Science, India

Pages: 1413 - 1414

Effect of Ketamine Nebulization in Reduction of Incidence and Severity of Post?Operative Sore Throat-A Prospective Comparative Study

Dr. M. G. Rajinish Singhm .D, Dr. K. Ravindran, Dr. Edward Johnson, S. Kanthammal

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