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Research Paper, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
336 - 340Development of Edugame Mathematics Learning Media with Innovative Expository Methods in Ar Raudah Bandar Lampung Elementary School
Dian Safitri | Dwi Yulianti [3] | Sugeng Sutiarso
Downloads: 141
Research Paper, Accounting, Indonesia, Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
1464 - 1469The Development of Student Worksheet Activities Based on Cooperative Peer Tutor in Accounting Materials in Senior High School at Xiigrade in West Lampung
Titin Trimunarsih | Dwi Yulianti [3] | Budi Koestoro
Downloads: 138
Informative Article, Education Management, Indonesia, Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019
446 - 450Verification Practicum 5E A New Conventional Practicum News
Downloads: 116
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Medicine Science, Indonesia, Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
1450 - 1463Study of Hepatitis B Virus Desoxyribonucleic Acid in Blood Donors with Negative Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Positive Anti Hepatitis B Surface
Dwi Yulia [4] | Ellyza Nasrul | Nasrul Zubir | Yanwirasti