Found about 3 results
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Research Paper, Agriculture, Indonesia, Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
1915 - 1918Repair of Character Genetic and Improvement of Potential Results Waxy Corn Local South Sulawesi With Technology Molecular Marker as a Selection Aid
Junyah Leli Isnaini [3] | Muhammad Yusuf [4] | Rahma Yassin | Andi Faisal
Downloads: 50
Research Paper, Biotechnology, Indonesia, Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
1922 - 1924The Potential of Exopolysaccharide Bacterial Isolate from the Rhizosphere of Potato as Nitrogen Fixation
Mu'minah | Junyah Leli Isnaini [3] | Baso Darwisah [2]
Downloads: 46
Research Paper, Agriculture, Indonesia, Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
1222 - 1224The Effectiveness of Soil Enhancer (Bioamelioran) and Organic Material in Cocoa Seed Germination (Theobroma cacao L.)
Baso Darwisah [2] | Mu'minah | Junyah Leli Isnaini [3] | Muhammad Yusuf [4]