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Research Paper | Agriculture | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Repair of Character Genetic and Improvement of Potential Results Waxy Corn Local South Sulawesi With Technology Molecular Marker as a Selection Aid
Junyah Leli Isnaini, Muhammad Yusuf, Rahma Yassin, Andi Faisal
Abstract: The riset aims to repair of character genetic and potential results family waxy corn local South Sulawesi resulting from back crossing with his parents of molecular markers as a selection aid (the year 1), in Maros Regency. The crossing technique used is repeated selection, namely making a cross between the selected family (recombination). the number of cross-tests of 5 selected families and 2 comparison lines (superior pulut strain) with 2 replications. Each replication consisted of 10 test cross lines and comparative lines with a distance of 20 cm x 50 cm, the total number of plants in this riset was 140 plants. Each row represents 5 plant samples, so a total sample of 70 plants. The results showed that of the 5 selected families crossed with their parents, in general they could improve their character genotypic and potential yield. The selected waxy corn local has superior character (phenotype appearance and potential yield is better than the parent and its comparison).
Keywords: character genetic, potential results, waxy corn local
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
Pages: 1915 - 1918
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