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Review Papers, Management, Nigeria, Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
217 - 220Proficient Public Government Service in a Globalized Economy: The Nigerian Paradox
Ahiauzu Levi Uche | Chukwuma Nnenna Nancy
Downloads: 138 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Review Papers, Medicine Science, United Kingdom, Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015
1027 - 1030A Critical Analysis of the Concept of Hope: The Nursing Perspective
Ominyi Jude Nweze MSc.N | B NSc | R.N [12] | Agom David Agom MSc.N | B NSc | R.N [12] | Joy David Agom MSc.N | B NSc | R.N [12] | R.M [31] | Anyigor Chukwuma Nwankwo MSc.N | Bsc [3] | R.N [12]
Downloads: 120
Review Papers, Medicine Science, United Kingdom, Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
107 - 112A Reform in the Department of Nursing Sciences, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria Using Transformational Leadership Style
Anyigor Chukwuma Nwankwo [2] | Ekuma Chidiebere Ekuma | Ominyi Jude Nweze [3] | Agom David Agom [2]
Downloads: 109
Comparative Studies, Computer Science & Engineering, India, Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015
1107 - 1110Comparative Study of PCA and LDA
Chetana Narkhede | Uma Nagaraj
Downloads: 61
Masters Thesis, Electronics & Communication Engineering, India, Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020
1042 - 1046Renovated 32 Bit ALU Using Hybrid Techniques
Manju Davis | Uma N [6]
Downloads: 1 | Weekly Hits: ⮙1 | Monthly Hits: ⮙1
Research Paper, Religion, Kenya, Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023
874 - 879Church's Response to the Sponsor Phenomenon in Nakurus Catholic Sponsored Schools
Rachel Chepkemoi | Mary Getui | Rev. Fr. Dr. Chrispine Ouma Nyandiwa