Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017: Page 2: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017: Page 2

Research Paper, Education, Oman

Pages: 1042 - 1051

Perceptions of Cooperating Teachers and College Supervisors about the Principles Guiding a Teacher Preparation Program

Ali H. Al-Bulushi, Sameh Said Ismail

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Iraq

Pages: 1052 - 1055

Study about the Relationship of Some Aerobic Anaerobic Bacteria of Acne and its Resistance to Some of Plant Extracts

Yasameen Hasan. Ali

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Research Paper, Biochemistry, Iraq

Pages: 1056 - 1059

Evaluation of Growth Differentiation Factor-15 in Non-Diabetic Hypothyroid Patients with Normal Insulin Sensitivity and Maintained on Oral Thyroxin Therapy

Sarmad Salam, Muhammed Abbas

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, Iraq

Pages: 1060 - 1066

Synthesis and Characterization of Five Member Ring Heterocyclic Derivatives Compounds

Mohammed R. Ahamad, Taghreed S. Hussain

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Research Paper, Food Hygiene and Safety, Sudan

Pages: 1067 - 1072

Characterization of Staphylococcus species and Detection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Camel Milk at Khartoum North, Sudan

Remaz, M. Juma, Nagwa B. Elhag

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Research Paper, Microbiology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1073 - 1076

Shelf-Life Evaluation of Freshly Harvested and Sodium Benzoate - Treated Hog Plum (Spondia mombin) Stored for a Period of Three Weeks at Tropical Ambient Temperature (29.0

Okwu G.I, Akpe A. R.

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Research Paper, Energy, Nigeria

Pages: 1077 - 1081

Temperature Characterization of Solar Module Voltage Generation

Dr. Achara N, Adikankwu H. O

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1082 - 1085

Secure Image Transmission using Cipher Block Chaining Mode & Visual Steganography

Manoj Dhande, Arjun Mudaliyar, Vineeta Pandey, Pranali Dalvi

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Research Paper, Entomology, Iraq

Pages: 1086 - 1088

Survey to the Species of Family Sepsidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Iraq

Hanaa H. Al- Saffar

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Research Paper, Finance, Kenya

Pages: 1089 - 1093

Influence of Loan Design on Loan Delinquency by Corporate Customers in Kenya

Cyprian Ondiba, Dr. Dennis Juma

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Research Paper, Nursing, Ghana

Pages: 1094 - 1099

A Survey of the Perception of Women Attending Antenatal Clinics about HIV Transmission and Prevention within the Cape Coast Metropolis

Rita Opoku-Danso, Harriet Ampofo

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Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya

Pages: 1100 - 1104

Effect of Leadership Involvement on Strategy Implementation in the Energy Sector Parastatals in Kenya

Robert Gesanda Momanyi, Dr Dennis Juma

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Research Paper, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Iraq

Pages: 1105 - 1107

Study the Total Flavonoid, Reductive Ability and Cytotoxic Effects of Lantanacamaraethanolic Extract on Prostate and Breast Cancer Cell Line

Rafal S. A. Al-Anee

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 1108 - 1111

Nephroprotective Effect of Arumuga Chendooram in Experimental Hypothyroid Rats

R. Albert Santhanaraj Deepak, V. Elango

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 1112 - 1117

Speed Control of SLqZSI FED PMBLDC Motor with Double-Loop Control

Mukhlesur Rahman, Pankaj Rai

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Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India

Pages: 1118 - 1122

Hepatoprotective Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Peel of Punica Granatum

Bushra Hasan Khan, Farida Ahmad, Jameel Ahmad, Syed Mobashir Yunus

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 1123 - 1126

Assessment of Some Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Shrimp and Prawn of South-west Region of Bangladesh

M. Ariful Islam, Rakhi Das, M. S. Khatun, Md. Motiur Rahman, H. M. Rakibul Islam, K. K. U. Ahmed

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 1127 - 1132

Bioaccumulation of Some Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Shrimp/Prawn of South-west Bangladesh and Assessment of Its Probable Risk on Human Health

M. Ariful Islam, Rakhi Das, Md. Motiur Rahman, H. M. Rakibul Islam, Y. Mahmud, K. K. U. Ahmed

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Research Paper, Library Science, Kenya

Pages: 1133 - 1137

Huduma Centres Revolutionizing Service Provision in Kenya: Lessons for the Information Profession

Daniel Rutto, Omondi Yudah

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Research Paper, Architecture, Tanzania

Pages: 1138 - 1144

Selection of Building Materials towards Sustainable Building Construction in Urban Tanzania

Amon R. Makenya, Huba M. Nguluma

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Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1145 - 1147

Icu Admissions in Maternity Unit of BPSGMCW, Khanpurkalan; A Review

Dr Neetu Kochhar, Dr R Mahindru

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Comparative Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1148 - 1150

A Comparison of 0.25% Levobupivacaine vs 0.2% Ropivacaine in Paediatric Circumcision

Dr. S. Frank Davis Daniel M.S. M. Ch, Dr. Muthushenbagam M., Dr. J. Rosebell

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, India

Pages: 1151 - 1155

Enantioselective Hydrogenations of C=O (Carbon-Oxygen Double Bonds) Catalysed by Immobilized Rh Complexes

Undrala Suhsen, Agnes Zsigmond, Ferenc Notheisz, Jozsef Bakos

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 1156 - 1159

The Effect of Service Quality toward Satisfaction, Trust and Loyalty in Bank Jabar Banten Bogor Branch

Dena Graharnadi, Budi Suharjo, Netti Tinaprila

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 1160 - 1163

A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Legal Aspects in Psychiatric Nursing among Nurses in a Selected Tertiary Care Centre

Maj Dapple D Wankhar, Brig Mala Singh

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1164 - 1166

Model Designing and Acoustic Analysis of Muffler with Baffles for Four Stroke Diesel Engine

Deepthi Haridasu, PrasadaRao Haridasu

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 1167 - 1172

Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Power Components

Pauline Jothi Kiruba G. J., Mercy P., Parveen Nisha M. G.

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1173 - 1176

Conservative and Surgical Management of Degenerative Disease of Lumbar Spine with Canal Stenosis-A Comparative Study

Dr Atul Ajith, Dr Thomas George

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1177 - 1178

A Study of Micronucleus in Tobacco Chewers and Tobacco Smokers

Dr Indira S Bangera

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1179 - 1180

A Study of Platelet Indices in PIH

Dr Indira S Bangera

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1181 - 1182

A Study of Morphological Types of Anemia

Dr Indira S Bangera

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1183 - 1185

Histopathological Study of Uterine Cervix

Dr Indira S Bangera

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Egypt

Pages: 1186 - 1194

Clinical Outcomes of Estrogen Negative- Progesterone Positive Invasive Breast Cancer, Retrospective Study

Rehab Farouk Mohamed, Samia Abd Al Kareem Ali, Hanan Gamal El-Din Mostafa, Dina Barakat Saber

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Research Paper, Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 1195 - 1203

Spatial Dimension of Multipliers and Flow-on Effects in Java Island Economy: An Inter-Island Input-Output Analysis


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Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, Nigeria

Pages: 1204 - 1207

Unusual Presentation of Malignant Melanoma in the Nasal Cavity

S. M. Sahabi, S. B. Amutta

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1208 - 1211

Development of Transportation Structure of Industrial Trolley

V. D. Kolate, B. G. Hippargi

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Review Papers, Nursing, India

Pages: 1212 - 1216

Maternal Education: Immunization during Pregnancy

Akoijam Mamata Devi, Akoijam Sangita Devi

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Ukraine

Pages: 1217 - 1219

Architectural Solution of Time Management System in Test Driven Development Approach

Olena Kryvoruchko, Mykhailo Kostiuk, Mykola Tsiutsiura

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Case Studies, Anatomy, India

Pages: 1220 - 1222

Aberrant Organisation of Reno-Testicular Vasculature: Anatomico-Clinical Insight

Deepika, Preeti Goswami, Sabita Mishra

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 1223 - 1226

Performance of Blended Felts of Wool and Polypropylene Fibers

Vipin Kumari, Suman Pant

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1227 - 1236

A Meaning Shift in the Tranlation of Alquran into Indonesian

Akhmad Sauqi Ahya, Dawud, Ah. Rofiuddin, Sunaryo HS

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1237 - 1240

Study of Physico - Chemical Parameters of Waste Water from dyeing Units in Mumbai in Andheri Area

Gaikwad Nilesh N., Prof. Gavande Sagar M.

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1241 - 1244

Recognition of Salient Structure by Contour Guided Visual Search

Ruchi Pawar, Dr. Yogesh Angal

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1245 - 1248

A Study to Assess the Psychosocial and Coping Problems of Visually Impaired from Selected Blind Institutions of Indore

Rahul Nigam

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1249 - 1251

A Study Determine the Functional Score

Dr Paul Babu, Dr Prashanth

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1252 - 1254

The Study of Functional Outcome of Lumbar Spine Disorders Treated with Laminectomy and Conservatively

Dr Atul Ajith, Dr Thomas George

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1255 - 1257

Compare the Level of Stress Experienced during Labor between LSCS and Normal Vaginal Delivery among Primi postnatal Mothers in Selected Hospitals at Maharastra

T. Shanthi

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1258 - 1261

Phytochemical Investigation of the Plant Solanum nigrum L. used in Traditional Medicine from the Local Area of Bhopal

Romana Rashid, Muzaffer Hussain Wani, Sangeeta Devi

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Review Papers, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 1262 - 1264

Health and Environmental Effects of Sulphur Oxides- A Review

Pratibha Gawande, Dr. Jayant Kaware

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Comparative Studies, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1265 - 1267

Wideband Omnidirectional Circular Patch Antenna with Circular Polarization

Arya Mohan, Suriyakala C.D

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Research Paper, Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan

Pages: 1268 - 1271

Grading of Liver Cirrhosis in Ultrasound Images Using Texture Analysis

Safaa Abdoelrahman Mohamed, Mohamed izeldin, Abdoelrahman Hassan A. B.

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Research Paper, Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan

Pages: 1272 - 1275

Grading of Liver Cirrhosis Using Ultrasound

Safaa Abdoelrahman Mohamed, Mohamed Izeldin, Abdoelrahman Hassan A. B.

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Research Paper, Medical Radiologic Science, Sudan

Pages: 1276 - 1278

Study of Breast Lump Using Ultrasonography

Osaima A. MA. Idris, Mona Ahmed

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Research Paper, Statistics, Indonesia

Pages: 1284 - 1287

Relation between Air Cargo Transported and Airport Characteristics in Indonesia using Geographically Weighted Regression


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Survey Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1288 - 1292

Textual Description for Annotating Videos

Shama P S, Pattan Prakash

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1293 - 1298

Creating Esthetic and Function for Patient with Evi-dent Ectodermal Dysplasia by Magnetic Over-Denture- A Clinical Case Report

Shilpa Sinnurkar

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Food Science and Technology, Indonesia

Pages: 1299 - 1304

Optimation Of Calcium Fortification On Pineapple Juice Using Response Surface Method

Lidiasari E, Priyanto G, Malahayati N, Pambayun R

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Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 1305 - 1311

Average Correlation and Regression Analysis of Water of River Pavana through the Section Flowing Between Bopodi to Pimpri Area

Lakhanpal S. Kendre, Sagar M. Gawande

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Research Paper, Economics, China

Pages: 1312 - 1317

Research on VC and PE Industry Chain Symbiosis Relationship and Mode

Meng Fang-Lin, Tian Zeng-Rui

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1318 - 1320

A Study of Weight Bearing (Partial and Complete) and Complications in Operated Cases of Fracture Neck Femur using Conventional Cannulated Hip Screws (CCS) Vs Bone Impregnated Hip Screws (BHS)

Dr Paul Babu, Dr Prashanth

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Architecture, India

Pages: 1324 - 1328

Vedic Philosophy and Ideal Human Settlements

Harish Tripathi, Taiyaba Rashid

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Review Papers, Food Science and Technology, Pakistan

Pages: 1329 - 1336

Gluten-Free Diet: An Approach to Reconcile Nutritionally and Technologically Adequate and Safe Food for Celiac Patients

Sikander Ali, Mahrukh Ilyas Awan, Khisham Khawar, Maryam Sameer

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Survey Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1337 - 1340

Knowledge and Material of Choice for Pedodontic Restoration by Undergraduate - A Questionnaire Survey

Aishwariya .P .S, M. Mohamed Jubair Hashir

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq

Pages: 1341 - 1345

Preparation Antireflection Coating Using Plasma Technique

Alaa Nazar Abdalgaffar, Kadhim A. Aadim, Sanar Najim Abdullah

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Research Paper, Biological Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 1346 - 1350

Robust Approach of De-noising ECG Signal using Multi-Resolution Wavelet Transform

Yasir Salam Abdulghafoor Al-Khafaji

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Research Paper, Food Hygiene and Safety, Sudan

Pages: 1351 - 1359

Characterization of Some Pathogenic Bacteria Associated with Fresh Juices Sold in the Central Bus Station at Khartoum State

Nagwa B. Elhag, Remaz, M. Juma, El Rakha B. Babiker

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1360 - 1362

Sex Ratio of Cryptopygus thermophilus in Rubber Plantations of Chengannur Thaluk of Alappuzha District, Kerala, India

P. Vinod, M. G. Sanal Kumar, B. Bini

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, India

Pages: 1363 - 1369

Assessment of Physico-Chemical and Heavy Metals in the Soils of Tirupati Urban and Tirumala, A.P, India

Dr. Putaka Ramesh, T. Damodharam

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1370 - 1374

Histological and Protein Profile Alterations of Liver of Freshwater Fish Channa punctatus (Bloch), on Exposure to Fungicide, Fytran

Deepasree .M .I, M. S. Rajendran Nair

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1375 - 1381

Assessment of the Knowledge Regarding Antenatal Care among Pregnant Women with a View to Develop Information Booklet at Selected Clinics of District of Punjab

Lalita Yadav

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1382 - 1385

A Large Twisted Mesenteric Gist-Presenting as an Acute Abdomen - A Rare Case Report

T Lirangla Sangtam, Raghav Garg, Praveen M S Naik

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Informative Article, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1386 - 1389

Operative Modus by Clustering of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN): Pandect

Ankit Chand

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Research Paper, Microbiology Science, Morocco

Pages: 1390 - 1397

Biological Control of Grapevine Crown Gall Caused by Allorhizobiumvitis using Bacterial Antagonists

Khaoula Habbadi, Rachid Benkirane, Abdellatif Benbouazza, Abdelaaziz Bouaichi, Ilyass Maafa, David Chapulliot, El Hassan Achbani

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Ghana

Pages: 1398 - 1405

A Breakaway from the Ritual of Two Dimensionality to Three Dimensionality in Textile Productions: The Case of a Crocodile Haven

Akua Afriyie Owusu-Agyeman, William Badoe, Dickson Adom

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Ghana

Pages: 1406 - 1417

Motivation: A Viable Tool for Boosting the Performance of Female Students in Visual Art Practical Lessons

Akwasi Yeboah, Dickson Adom, Love Lewis Amoah, Joshua Quayson-Monney

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Malaysia

Pages: 1418 - 1421

Assessing the Effectiveness of Coconut Shell (CS) as Aggregate in Concrete

Muktar Nuhu Danraka

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Research Paper, Engineering Science, India

Pages: 1422 - 1428

Influence of Slope Aspect on above Ground Biomass Estimation using ALOS-2 Data

Junaid Mushtaq Lone, Thota Sivasankar, K K Sarma, Abdul Qadir, P L N Raju

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Research Paper, Biological Sciences, India

Pages: 1429 - 1430

Investigation on Papaya Feeding Butterflies (Nymphalidae) at Dhelsara Village, Teshil Sitapur, District Surguja, Chhattisgarh, India

Junas Ekka, A. Joshua Andrews, S. John William

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Case Studies, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1431 - 1433

Anaesthetic Management of Primigravida with Ovarian Cyst for Emergency Laparotomy

Dr. Krishna Patel, Dr. Aishwarya Bandewar, Dr. Olvyna D'souza

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1434 - 1440

A Prospective Study of Unstable Comminuted Intraarticular Fracture Lower End of Radius Treated with Ligamentotaxis using Uniplanar External Fixator with Percutaneous Pinning

J Manjunath, A G Karibasappa, M Venkataramanarao, M K Akshay, B C Ashish

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1441 - 1444

MR Evaluation of Various Uterine Anomalies

Dr. S. Nancy Dora

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Indonesia

Pages: 1445 - 1447

Cerebral Toxoplasmosis in Aids Patient: A Case Report and Review Literature

Ni Putu Sriwidyani

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Review Papers, Production Engineering, India

Pages: 1448 - 1450

Optimization of CNC Machining Parameter of Al6061 to Improve Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate: A Review

Virendrasinh Chavan, M. A. Sutar

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1451 - 1453

Nevoid Hyperkeratosis of the Nipple and/or Areola

Gauri Vats, Durgesh Sonare

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Research Paper, Veterinary Science, India

Pages: 1454 - 1458

Ultrastructural Pathology of Paraquat (PQ) Induced Acute and Subacute Lung Injury in Experimental Rats

Mekala Lakshman, Vallapureddy Sudha, Bathula Haripriya

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1459 - 1462

An Effective Way for Data Encryption and Decryption Using Hierarchical Techniques

Kavyashree S, Manjula V, Gnanashree S

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Review Papers, Clinical Chemistry, Bulgaria

Pages: 1463 - 1466

Serum Proteins Electrophoresis by Agarose Gel

Julieta Hristova, Mariana Genova

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1467 - 1469

Comparative Study of C & L Shape Shear Wall in RC Flat Slab Structure

Chillu S Nandakumar, Nusra S

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1470 - 1473

Relationship between Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Case Control Study

Dr Sreeraj Rajappan, Dr Rosamma Joseph, Dr Binoy J Paul

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1474 - 1477

Aesthetic Dentistry for Pediatric Patients

Dr. Baydaa Ali Othman Al - Rawi

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Review Papers, Dental Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1478 - 1482

Hypertension in Children: Manifestation and Oral Treatment with Therapeutic Approach

Harun Achmad, Hasanuddin Thahir, Mardiana Adam

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 1483 - 1485

An Audit of Bone Marrow Aspirations in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Kruti Bhut, Dr. Amit H. Agravat, Dr. Gauravi Dhruva

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1486 - 1490

Removal of Sulphate from Sugarcane & Dairy Industries Efficiently

Gaikwad Nilesh N., Prof. Gavande Sagar M.

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Lebanon

Pages: 1491 - 1494

Architecture and Management of Medical Laboratory within a Hospital Center (CheBHosp)

Mohamad Ali Cheaito

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1495 - 1500

Verifiable Attribute-Based Through Text and Image Search with Fine-Grained Owner-Enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud

Nirupama Devangaon, Dr Suvarna Nandyal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1501 - 1506

Implementing Different Set of Network Security Policies for a Well Infrastructure Campus Network

Faqarunnisa Begum, Dr. Suvarna Nandyal

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1507 - 1513

Encryption and Decryption Using Bit Operations

Gurubasava, Rajesh Budihal

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Research Paper, Geology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1514 - 1521

Physical and Chemical Properties of Crude Oils and Their Geologic Significances

Madu Anthony Joseph Chinenyeze, Ugwu Richard Ekene

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 1522 - 1525

Tie and Dye Technique

Rajesh Dahiya, Saroj Yadav

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 1526 - 1529

A Proposal for Worm Malware Detection by Using Association Rules

Karim Hashim Al-Saedi, Osama Mohammed Qasim

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Management, Malaysia

Pages: 1530 - 1535

The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Job Commitment and Performance

Ahmed Bin Ali Said Qatmeem Al Marhoon, Khairunneezam Bin Mohd Noor

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Research Paper, Education, India

Pages: 1536 - 1538

A Study of Teachers' Attitude towards Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Shruti Raina, L. K. Verma

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1539 - 1560

Development of Fly Ash based Geopolymer Concrete

Tariq Ahmad Dar, Faiyaz Azam

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Comparative Studies, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1561 - 1565

Effect of Three Types of Mouth Washes on the Force Decay of Elastomeric Chains (An in Vitro Study)

Reem A. Rafeeq, Sara M. Al-Mashhadany, Hiba M. Hussien, Dheaa H. Al-Groosh

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1566 - 1572

People's Response to Climatic Variability Awareness and Observed Changes in Three Selected Population Densities of Katsina Urban Area, Nigeria

Abdulmalik Sada Maiwada

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Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India

Pages: 1573 - 1580

Evaluation of Anti-Asthmatic Activity of Caffeic Acid in Allergen Induced Murine Allergic Asthma Model

Joby Issac, Dr. K. Elango

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Case Studies, Education, India

Pages: 1581 - 1583

A Case Study Report of the Principal

Arati Suryawanshi, Dr. Snehal Maheshkar

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1584 - 1587

Effects of Alcohol Containing Mouthwash on Oral Tissue: A Review

Pradeep Kumar .S, Athiban Raj .J

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1588 - 1590

Prototype Development of Water Turbidity Measuring Device with ARDUINO UNO and LCD LMB16A Display

Made Satriya Wibawa, I Ketut Putra, I Wayan Santiyasa

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 1591 - 1596


Rizky Amelia, Nunung Kusnadi, Suharno

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Research Paper, Agricultural, Indonesia

Pages: 1597 - 1601

Critical Phase of Zucchini Plant (Cucurbitapepo L.) to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus (ZYMV) Infection

NP Pandawani, M Sudana, IDN Nyana, IGRM Temaja, G Suastika

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1602 - 1607

Automated Blood Cell Counting System Using Customized Hough Transform

Rasika D Wattamwar, Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Chidrawar

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Research Paper, Engineering, Romania

Pages: 1608 - 1613

Studies and Research on the Fracture of High-Density Polyethylene Welded Assemblies Used in Natural Gas Distribution Networks

Eugen Avrigean, Adrian Marius Pascu

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Research Paper, Agricultural engineering, India

Pages: 1614 - 1618

Hybrid Solar Box Type Dryer cum Cooker of Chilly Drying For Domestic Usage

Ramesh Harajibhai Chaudhari, Shubham Bhavsar

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Research Paper, Economics, Macedonia

Pages: 1619 - 1622

Small Countries in West Balkan and their Economic Advantages

Shekerinka Ivanovska

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Research Paper, Child Dental Health, Nigeria

Pages: 1623 - 1628

Oral Habits in a Selected Population of Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs

Joycelyn O Eigbobo, Chukwudi O Onyeaso

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Materials Science and Engineering, Namibia

Pages: 1629 - 1635

Investigation into the Modes of Failure and the Causes of Failure of Water Pipeline Materials for Water Supply Schemes: Case of the Central Coastal Area of Namibia

Oksana Kachepa, Sofya Mitropolskaya

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1636 - 1639

Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of IVD Coatings on E40CDV20 Steel Fasteners

Neethu P, Sankaravelayutham P, Dr. Rajeev N

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Information Technology, India

Pages: 1640 - 1644

Personalizing Search Based on User Profile by Using Anonymization

Abhilasha V. Biradar, K. B. Sadafale

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Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, India

Pages: 1645 - 1649

Study to Prevent Falls in Elderly People by Adhering to the Modifications Done in the Old Age Home

Mohammed Faris KT, Jay Vijay Sonawane

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Survey Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1650 - 1652

Brief Description of Artificial Neuron

Apurva Shukla, Prashant Puri Goswami

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1653 - 1656

Predicate Project Outcomes Using Machine Learning

Salwa E. Ibrahim

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Research Paper, Chemistry, India

Pages: 1657 - 1659

Characterization of Metal ions in Rural Water Supply Drinking Waters by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Technique for Assessing the Metal Toxicity

P. Lakshmi Ganapati, P. V. S. Machiraju, V. Ranga Rao

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Survey Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1660 - 1664

Text Mining: Survey on Techniques and Applications

M. Uma Maheswari, Dr. J. G. R. Sathiaseelan

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 1665 - 1668

Studies on Dielectric Properties of Animal Horns

Abdul Gafoor Shaik, Mohammed Abdul Aleem Siddiqui

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1669 - 1674

Energy Efficient Routing in MANET Using a Centralized Scheduler

L. Rajesh Kumar Gupta, K. Siva Surya, M. Anuradha, S. Jothi

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1675 - 1679

Perceived Environmental Barriers to Community Participation in Stroke Patients

Isha Akulwar, Nivedita Shahane

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1680 - 1681

Automated Billing System in Super Markets Using RFID Technology

Indra Reddy YC, Keerthana N, Kavya Shree S, Deepthi M, Shiva Prasad KM

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Comparative Studies, Energy, India

Pages: 1682 - 1686

Renewable Energy Resources-Space Based Solar Systems

K. Sasirekha

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Informative Article, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1687 - 1689

The One of its Kind- Non Healing Uterocutaneous Sinus- Managed Surgically and Medically

Singh Sarita, Rajput Monika, Batra Achla, Mittal Pratima, Goyal Surbhi

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Research Paper, Computers in Biology and Medicine, India

Pages: 1690 - 1696

Development and Application of HIS Module for Biomedical Engineers

Vatsala Singh, Apoorva Chaudhary

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Research Paper, Hematology Science, India

Pages: 1697 - 1700

Prevalence of Weak D among Blood Donors at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Srinagar, Kashmir

Rubiya Ryhan, Shazia Handoo, Ruby Reshi

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1701 - 1705

Assessment of Interleukin-1? and Myeloperoxidase Levels around Implants versus Natural Teeth with the Impact of Aloe Vera

Ahlam T. Mohammed, Nadia Aftan AL-Rawi, Batool Hassan AL-Ghurabi

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1706 - 1710

Effectiveness of a Self Instructional Module on Phototherapy in Terms of knowledge and Practice among Staff Nurses of a Selected Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal

Jahanara Rahman, Nargis Ahmed

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1711 - 1716

Live Data Stream Classification for Reducing Query Processing Time: Design and Analysis

Spraha Kamriya, Vandana Kate

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1717 - 1722

Vampire Attack Detection and Prevention to Defending WSN Based Application

Rajani Jagle, Dr. Abhay Kothari

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Informative Article, Power Engineering, India

Pages: 1723 - 1728

Enhancement of Load Voltage Profile in Isolated Substations and Multiple Loop Distribution Systems using FACTS Devices

T. Sridevi

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Research Paper, Hotel Management, Kenya

Pages: 1729 - 1733

The Relationship between Traditional Advertisement and Customer Retention in Conventional and Budget Hotels in Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Phyllis Walaba

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Research Paper, Hotel Management, Kenya

Pages: 1734 - 1738

The Relationship between Directional Advertisements Customer Retention in Conventional and Budget Hotels in Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Phyllis Walaba

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Kenya

Pages: 1739 - 1743

The Relationship between Internet-based Advertisements Customer Retention in Conventional and Budget Hotels in Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Phyllis Walaba

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Albania

Pages: 1744 - 1747

An Application of Finite Affine Plane of Order n, in an Experiment Planning

Dr. Orgest ZAKA, Prof. Dr. Kristaq FILIPI

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Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 1748 - 1750

Physico-Chemical Assesment of Pavana River in Pimpri Chinchwad Area (Pune) in Maharashtra (India)

Ashwini B. Jamdade, Sagar M. Gawande

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1751 - 1756

Minimization of Leakage Current of 6T SRAM using Optimal Technology

Sumit Kumar Srivastava, Amit Kumar

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 1757 - 1761

Obtaining Minimum Error of Classification with Modified Fisher

Ogbonna Eric Nnamdi, Abam Ayeni Omini, Nsien Edwin Frank

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1762 - 1765

Time and Cost Comparison of PSC Superstructure with RCC for River Bridge

Rajesh B. Jadhav, Ashok B. More

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 1766 - 1770

Optimal Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbines Using Adaptive Fuzzy Controller

Vidya G H, Ashok Kusagur

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 1771 - 1774

Harmonic Reduction of Permanent magnet Synchronous Generator based Wind energy Conversion System with LC Filters

Navyashree Rokade M, Dr. Ashok Kusagur

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1775 - 1778

Prevalence of Oral Soft Tissue Lesions in Assam

Dr. Sanjib Kumar Khataniar

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Research Paper, Psychology, India

Pages: 1779 - 1784

Role of Happiness, Hope and Gratitude on Health and Wellbeing among Young Adults

Sanjeevini Dixit, Dr. Meeta Malhotra

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Research Paper, Astronomy Science, India

Pages: 1785 - 1788

Time is Either Positive Evolution or Negative Evolution of Matter-Energy to Attain New State of Equilibrium or New State of Stability: The Rate of Change of States of Matter is Evolution and Hence, Time

Prasenjit Debnath

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1789 - 1797

Plasma: Pursuit of Dentistry

Aishwariya P. S., Mohamed Jubair .M

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1798 - 1802

CFD Analysis of Centrifugal Pump with Various Blade Outlet Angle Hangling Viscous Fluids

M R Arul Muthu Kumaran

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Namibia

Pages: 1803 - 1810

Multi-Stakeholder ICT Framework for Technical Vocational Education and Training in Namibia

Rejoice Quest

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1811 - 1814

Comparative Analysis of PAPR for various OFDM-IDMA Methodologies

Siddhika Gupta Sandeep Agrawal

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Research Paper, Nursing, Pakistan

Pages: 1815 - 1816

The Lateral Violence Experienced among Nurses on the Workplace

Amna Zahoor, Shafqat Inayat

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Research Paper, Material Science, Nepal

Pages: 1817 - 1826

First Principle Calculation of Lattice Constants for Generalised Quasirandom Structures of Ingan Alloy

R. Sharma, S. Maharjan

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Research Paper, Accounting, India

Pages: 1827 - 1831

Adoption of IFRS in India and the Perception of Stakeholders

Vinod Joshua George, KG Sankaranarayanan

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, Iraq

Pages: 1832 - 1843

Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of new Quinazolinone Derivative as Organic Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in 1M HCl Solution

Rehab Majed Kubba, Ahmad Shalaan Alag

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Review Papers, Food and Nutrition, India

Pages: 1844 - 1846

"The Reality of the White" A1 vs A2 Milk- A Critical Review

Dr. Bhushan Jawale, Dr. Apoorva Kaluskar, Dr. Janardan Garde, Dr. Swapnil Sabnis

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1847 - 1853

Geographic Index as Direction for Cases of Malaria Disease in the Archipelago of East Nusa Tenggara Year 2013

Pius Weraman

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Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 1854 - 1857

Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Pavana River, Pune, India

Ashwini B. Jamdade, Sagar M. Gawande

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Egypt

Pages: 1858 - 1861

Isolation and Screening of Endophytic Microorganisms Isolated from Leaves of Three Medicinal Plants Growing in Marsa Matrouh

Dina Fahmy, Maie Al-Khawaja, Doaa Zaid, Nagwa Sidky

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1862 - 1871

An Evaluation Study of Problems and Practices of Shallow Foundations for Combined Flood, Earth quake and Settlement Prone Areas

Ajai Kumar Rai, Brajesh Mishra

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Research Paper, Education, Uganda

Pages: 1872 - 1880

Equipping University Academic Staff with Pedagogical Competence: A Case of Bishop Stuart University

Irene Aheisibwe, Onesmus Rwamo Ntunguka

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Research Paper, Nursing, Pakistan

Pages: 1881 - 1882

To assess the Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care in DHQ Hospital Faisalabad

Samaira Ghafoor

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Research Paper, Anatomy Science, Nigeria

Pages: 1883 - 1889

Histological Effects of Acrylamide on the Reproductive Organs of Male Rats

Okwuonu Uche Christina, Ugo Obinna Daniel, Iyemene Peremoboere Tracy

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1890 - 1891

Parental Knowledge about Fluoride Mouth Rinse for Children-A Questionnaire Based Study

J. Athiban Raj, Dr. Madhu Sudhan

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1892 - 1894

Effects of Polycystic Kidney

J. Athiban Raj, Dr. Saravana Kumar

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1895 - 1897

Diagnosis of Hodkin

J. Athiban Raj, Bhuvaneshwari

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1898 - 1900

Medicinal Use of Coconut

J. Athiban Raj, Lakshmi Magesh

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1901 - 1909

Development of Vertebrata Lecturing Program Based on Learning Object to Improving Students Develop Teaching Materials Skills Based on ICT

Baiq Hana Susanti, Fransisca Sudargo Tapilouw, Sri Redjeki, Riandi

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Research Paper, Architecture & Planning, India

Pages: 1910 - 1921

Transforming Built Heritage towards Smart Buildings: A Case of Walled City Jaipur, Rajasthan

Dr. Vibha Upadhyaya

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, India

Pages: 1922 - 1927

Child Labourers of Unorganized Sector in Kadapa District: An Empirical Analysis

Dr. G. Prathap, P. Ramana, Dr. M. Ramamohan

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1928 - 1931

Comparative Analysis of OFDM Systems based on PAPR Reduction for Cyclic Shifted Partial Transmit Sequence and Conventional Partial Transmit Sequence for Different Shift Values Using different Modulation Schemes

Harshita Soni, Gaurav Gupta

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1932 - 1934

Survey on Clustering Schemes for Transparency Reduction in MANET

D. Gayathri, Dr. S. Veni

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Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1935 - 1938

Survey on Watchdog Systems and Classifier Based Scheme to Detect Selfish Nodes in MANET

K. Yasotha, R. Gunasundari

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Dissertation Chapters, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1939 - 1944

Bug Triage Using Data Reduction with Priority and Security

Vijay N. Kukre, Shyam Gupta

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Research Paper, Geology Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1945 - 1948

Study on Abrasion and Sediment in Angso Duo Island Pariaman City West Sumatera, Indonesia

Rahmat Azizul, Rifardi, Musrifin Galib

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Informative Article, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1949 - 1950

Clinical and Angiographic Profile of Peripheral Vascular Disease in Western Rajasthan

Dr. Sharad Thanvi, Dr. S S Rathore, Dr. Rahul Singh, Dr. Mangilal Seervi

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Research Paper, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1951 - 1957

Energy Efficient Cluster Based Technique for Resource Allocation in MANET

R. Preethi, Dr. R. Anbuselvi

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Case Studies, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1958 - 1964

Learning Culture and Social Attitude of Outstanding Students of State Vocational Junior High School 2 Norhtern Rantau, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Dr Hj Meyniar Albina MA

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Research Paper, Food and Nutrition, India

Pages: 1965 - 1971

Consumption Pattern of Jaggery and Jaggery Products in 3 Cities in Western Maharashtra

Sulakshana M. Mane, Shobha Udipi

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Morocco

Pages: 1972 - 1974

Eyelid Swelling as a Typical Manifestation of Ocular Sarcoidosis

A. Oualime, T. Mahloute, F. Slimani

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Research Paper, Finance, India

Pages: 1975 - 1979

Savings and Investment Pattern of Teachers Working in Arts and Science Colleges in Coimbatore District

M. Yasodha, Dr. G. Ravindran

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Research Paper, Economics, Kenya

Pages: 1980 - 1984

Effect of Inflation on Unemployment in Kenya

Moses K Macharia, Aggrey Otieno

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1985 - 1988

An Effective Security Scheme Using Division and Replication of Data in Cloud for Optimal Performance

Pranjali Bhingarkar, Dr. Mohd Shafi Pathan

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Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 1989 - 1992

A Study on Effect of Kitchen Wastewater Irrigation on Quality of Soil and Crop Growth

Rajkumar Pandurang More, Dr. Sunil Bhimrao Thakare

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1993 - 1997

Comparative Financial Analysis of Leading Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction Companies in Maharashtra

Niranjan C. Nishane, Nikhil V. Bhalerao

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1998 - 2001

Efficient Method for Image Enhancement using Non-Uniform Revisory and Exact Histogram Equalization

Rupneet Kaur Hanspal, Kishor Sahoo

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Bangladesh

Pages: 2002 - 2005

Materialistic Defeat' Triumphs in 'Spiritual Pursuit': An Introspection to Saul Bellow

Manfath Haque

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 2006 - 2010

Correlation of Axial Length of the Eyeball with Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness Measured by Optical Coherence Tomography in Myopes

Dr. Kousik Sarkar, Dr. Bharoti Sarmah Puzari

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Research Paper, Religion and Theology, Philippines

Pages: 2011 - 2016

Woundedness of Sex Workers in the Light of St.Augustine's Theology of Grace: Basis for a Psycho-Spiritual Formation Program on Inner Healing

Reynold B. Navares

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 2017 - 2019

Measuring Tolerance Dose of the Methotrexate for Induction of Oral Mucositis in Dark a Gourti Rat.(Pilot Study)

Dr. Bahaa A. A. Hadi, Dr. Jamal N. Ahmed

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 2020 - 2024

Model for Rate Prediction of Commercial Properties in PMC

Sneha Mokalkar, P. R. Minde

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 2025 - 2030

Analysis on Mechanical Behaviour of AA 1050/ SiC and AA 1050/Al2O3 Composites

Kapil Singh, Mukesh Kumar

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Research Paper, Manufacturing Technology, India

Pages: 2031 - 2034

Effect of Process Parameters on Surface Roughness in Face Milling of AA1100/10wt%ZrO2 MMC

Kapil Singh, Dr. Rajesh Kr. Bhushan

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Research Paper, Oncology, Egypt

Pages: 2035 - 2043

Evaluation of Quality of Life of Well Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Patients at Baseline and Six Months after Low Dose versus High Dose Radioactive Iodine-131 Ablation

Dina Ragab Diab Ibrahim, Tahany Mohamed Rabie

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Informative Article, Cardiology Science, India

Pages: 2044 - 2050

Study of Clinical Profile and Management of Patients with Pulmonary Embolism using Catheter Directed Thombolysis

Sandeep Chaurasia, PP Deshmukh, M Deshpande, S Wasimker, A Tiwari, M Maske, B Patel

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