Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017: Page 1
Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, India
Pages: 1 - 4Influence of Modernity and Christianity on the Status of Tangkhul Women
Dr. Shangpam Kashung
Research Paper, Information Technology, India
Pages: 5 - 8Memory Forensics: Tools Comparison
Pooja Salave, Atisha Wakdikar
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 9 - 12How Predictive is Selection Test as Admission Criteria to Academic Success of Baccalaureate Nursing Program?
Kiran Taneja
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 13 - 18Analysis Effectiveness and Efficiency Depot Distribution of Bandung to Increase Sales
Louis Apriell, Sahara, Dan Kirbrandoko
Survey Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 19 - 25A Survey on Ensemble Computing Method for Rainfall Prediction in Different Regions of Chhattisgarh
Shahista Navaz, Huma Khan, Dr. S. M. Ghosh
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 26 - 31The Effect of Financial Management and Practices on Financial Sustainability of NGOs in Nairobi County: A Case Study of Local NGOs
Purity Chepkemoi, Dr. Agnes Njeru
Research Paper, Mathematics, Kenya
Pages: 32 - 35Derivation of Cycle Index Formulas for Dihedral Group Acting on Unordered Triples
Geoffrey Muthoka
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Kenya
Pages: 36 - 42Influence of Perceptions of Transparency on Organizational Strategy Implementation, A Case of the Kenya Forest Services
Louis Gerald Okeyo, Dr. Dennis Juma
Research Paper, Gynaecology, India
Pages: 43 - 46Mullerian Anomalies: A Cause of Primary Amenorrhoea
Dr. Richa Jha, Dr. Renu Rohatgi
Review Papers, Information Technology, India
Pages: 47 - 52Differential Approaches to Improve Recommendation System: Issues and Challenges
Vikas P. Mapari
Case Studies, Medical Surgical, Zambia
Pages: 53 - 63Polydactyly in Two Siblings with Overwhelming Family History
Dr Shadrick G Lungu
Research Paper, Ecology Science, Bulgaria
Pages: 64 - 69Assessment of the Flow Regime Alterations in the Veleka River, Bulgaria
Bernardo Lizama Rivas, Ivanka Koleva-Lizama
Research Paper, Biochemistry, Egypt
Pages: 70 - 83Alterations in Antioxidant Defense System and Oxidative Damage in Experimental Hepatorenal Toxicity Induced by Isoniazid and Rifampicin in Rats: Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine and White Tea Extract
Rokaya M. Hussein, Samy A. AbdelAzim, Amany H. Mahmoud Elgoly, Mohamed R. Rizk
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 84 - 88Bad Oral Habits and Associated Malocclusion among 8-9 Years Old Children
Mostafa Ibraheemjaafa, Noor A. Kadoum B.D.S.
Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, India
Pages: 89 - 92Carbapenamase Detection: An Imperative Call
Kanika Gupta, Anubhav Gupta, Divya Shrivastava, Indrani Jadhav
Research Paper, Education, Nigeria
Pages: 93 - 98Chemistry Teachers' Characteristics of Cordiality and Punctuality as Perceived by Students in the Teaching of Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools
Iheanyi O. Igwe
Research Paper, Management, Kenya
Pages: 99 - 104Effect of Organizational Values on Employee Performance a Case of Urban Roads Authority
Nyaribo Lilian Otwori, Dr. Dennis Juma
Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 105 - 108Investigating Difficulties that Face Sudanese Students in Understanding English Idiomatic Expressions
Elbushari Abdoun Elbushra Mousa
Review Papers, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 109 - 110Impaired Beta Amyloid Synthesis in Alzheimer
Davinaa Jayasilan
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 111 - 114The Effectiveness of Polishing after Oral Prophylaxis Using Ultrasonic Scaler Unit on Plaque Accumulation on the Tooth Surface
Davinaa Jayasilan
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 115 - 118Oral Changes in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
Davinaa Jayasilan
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 119 - 122Osteonecrosis of the Jaws and its Relation to Bisphosphonates
Davinaa Jayasilan
Review Papers, Pharmaceutical Science, India
Pages: 123 - 124Anticonvulsant Activity in Herbal Extract
Davinaa Jayasilan
Research Paper, Pathology Science, India
Pages: 125 - 126Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Blood Donation among Dental Undergraduates
Faazila Fathima, Dr. Gheena .S
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 127 - 131Appropriateness Investigations on Nimonic 901 and Rane 77 made Guide Vanes of Gas Turbine with Showerhead Cooling
Dr. R. Saravanan, M. Karuppasamy
Case Studies, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 132 - 135How Do You Treat a Severely Resorbed Mandibular Ridge?
Shorouq Majid Abass, Bahaa Ali Sameer, Bayan S. Khalaf, Muna Saleem Khalaf
Research Paper, Environmental Science, Kenya
Pages: 136 - 142Surface Water Quality Assessment around Chania Catchment in Kenya and Determination of Metal Concentrations by TXRF Technique
P. M. Githinji, P. M. Njogu, L. Gitu
Case Studies, Linguistics Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 143 - 146Investigating Problematic Consonants and Vowels for Sudanese University Students Majoring in English: A Case Study of Third Year Students at Khartoum University, Faculty of Arts, English Department
Sumia Mohamed Nour Abayazeed, Abdalla Yassin Abdalla
Case Studies, Linguistics Science, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 147 - 150Investigating the Causes behind Pronunciation Problems Facing Sudanese University Students Majoring in English: A Case Study of Khartoum University Faculty of Arts, English Department
Sumia Mohamed Nour Abayazeed, Abdalla Yassin Abdalla
Research Paper, Engineering, Iraq
Pages: 151 - 156Cost Estimation Process for Construction Residential Projects by Using Multifactor Linear Regression Technique
Abbas Mohammed Burhan Alshemosi, Humam Saad Hussein Alsaad
Research Paper, Biology Science, Indonesia
Pages: 157 - 163Biology Module Development Using Think Pair Share Strategy to Improve Critical Thinking Skill of Vocational High School Students
Husnul Chotimah, Herawati Susilo, Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, Ibrohim
Research Paper, Signal Processing, China
Pages: 164 - 168An Adaptive Approach to Improve Canny Method for Edge Detection
Isaack Kamanga
Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 169 - 175Comparative Analysis of Import Payable Transactions at the Time of Open Position and the Use of Hedging Currency Techniques [Case Study : PT. PINDAD (Persero)]
Muhammad Mara Ikbar, Taufiq Faturohman
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Ocean Modeling, Indonesia
Pages: 176 - 180Study of Coral Reef Ecosystem Vulnerability using Sediment Transport Modeling in Bungus Bay, West Sumatera
Ibnu Faizal, Nita Yuanita
Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq
Pages: 181 - 184Chaoticlaser Networks
S. S. Ahmed
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 185 - 188Assessment of Resilience against Stress in Medical Students
Gayatri Bhatia, Nilesh Naphade, Jyoti Shetty
Research Paper, Geology Science, India
Pages: 189 - 193Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation in the Southern Coastal Area of Kannur District, Kerala
Shyni M, C. Unnikrishnan Warrier
Research Paper, Energy, India
Pages: 194 - 197Performance of Solar PV System with Self Regulating Module for Micro DC Submersible Pump
V. R. Bhore, S. B. Thombare, P. V. Walke
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Albania
Pages: 198 - 200Age at Natural Menopause and Socio-demographic Factors among Women 45-64 Years in Tirana, Albania
Miranda Hajdini, Vanesa Osmani
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 201 - 206Effect of Reducing Curing Time on the Shear Bond Strength of Metal Orthodontic Brackets: An In Vitro Comparative Study
Mustafa M. Al-Khatieeb, Mohammed Nahidh, Noor F. K. Al-Khawaja
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Sudan
Pages: 207 - 211Model for Estimation of Intrauterine Fetal Weight for Sudanese
Dr. Elsir Ali Saeed Taha
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Sudan
Pages: 212 - 214Estimation of Gestational Age for Sudanese in 2nd and 3rd Trimester
Dr. Elsir Ali Saeed Taha
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Nigeria
Pages: 215 - 221Variation in the CD4 Counts of HIV/AIDS Patients: A Discriminant Analysis Approach
Ijomah Maxwell Azubuike, Biu Oyinebifun Emmanuel
Research Paper, Molecular Biology, Egypt
Pages: 222 - 233Ripoprinting Studies on the Effect of Mobile Phone Radiations on Mice
Mohammed H. Awwad, Safaa A.M. El-Zawahry, Reham M.Sh. Ouf
Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, Sri Lanka
Pages: 234 - 238Inducible Clindamycin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Isolates in a Community Setting
Harshi Abeygoonawardena, Mahendra Gunewardane
Research Paper, Biotechnology, Pakistan
Pages: 239 - 245Antimicrobial Activity of Pseudomonas Spp under Different pH, Temperature and Nutritional Values
Uqba Mehmood, Shahida Hasnain
Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, India
Pages: 246 - 249Study of IVS 1-5 (G?C) Mutation in the Beta Thalassaemia Patients of a Tertiary Care Hospital of North East India
Monalisha Saikia Borah, Prasanta Kumar Bhattacharya, MauchumiSaikia Pathak
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 250 - 254Metabolic Syndrome and Psychosis: Role of Atypical Antipsychotics
Ranjeet Singh Chaudhary, Dr. Jyoti Shetty
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 255 - 258Evaluation of Effect of Epidural Anaesthesia on Pulmonary Functions in Patients Undergoing Upper Abdominal Surgery under General Anaesthesia
Dr. R. Kavitha M.D., Dr. Vijaya M.D.
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 259 - 264Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Evaluation of Best Sewage Treatment Plant
Kshitij Upadhyay
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 265 - 273An Analysis of Bio-Medical Waste for Bijnor City: Design of Incineration Plant
Kshitij Upadhyay
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, India
Pages: 274 - 282Assessment and Studies on Physiochemical and Biological Parameter of Ganga River at local Barrage using Environmental and Multivariate Statistical Techniques
Kshitij Upadhyay
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 273 - 288The Effect of Cyber-Crime Response Costs on the Development of Financial Products: A Case of NIC Bank of Kenya
Elizabeth Njoroge, Dr. Agnes Njeru
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 289 - 294Study of New Vegetable Oil Based Eco-Friendly Cutting Fluid for Machining Operation
Aromal Kannnan, Tony Gim K
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India
Pages: 295 - 298A Questionnaire Based Study for the Evaluation of over the Counter Usage of Analgesic Drugs among Diabetic Industrial Worker
Dr. Meenambal .S, Dr. Geetha .K M. D., Dr. Raadhika .K M. D, Dr. Parameswari .R M. D.
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 299 - 302Evaluation of the Effect of Intravenous Lidocaine on Propofol Requirements during General Anaesthesia- A Randomized Doubleblinded Study
Dr. S. Sekar, Dr. Tajunisha V
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, Kenya
Pages: 303 - 332Assessing the Roles of Water Resources Users Associations in line with the Principles of Integrated River Basin Management: Case Study of the Kuywa Water Resources Users Association
David Wakhisi Liambila
Research Paper, Botany Science, India
Pages: 333 - 334Ethnobotany of Butea Monosperma (LAM.) Kuntze. in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 335 - 339Impact of Parenting on Emotional Awareness of Children
Aastha Dwivedi, Dr. Nadeem Luqman
Research Paper, Psychology, India
Pages: 340 - 343Assessment of Caregiver Burden in Psychiatric Patients
Dr. Surabhi Agarwal, Dr. Nilesh Naphade, Dr. Jyoti Shetty
Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Kenya
Pages: 344 - 356Influence of Information Communication Technology on Monitoring of Strategic Plans in Top 100 Mid Size Companies in Kenya
Alfred Kiptoo Kipkoech
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 357 - 361Insight in Patients of Schizophrenia
Khwaja Khayyam, Jyoti Shetty
Survey Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 362 - 365Knowledge, Awareness and Practice among Dental Practitioners Regarding Porcelain Repair System
B. John Rozar Raj, Dr. Dhanraj, Dr. Anandhi
Research Paper, Management, Turkey
Pages: 366 - 369The Use Of Social Network Websites for Retaining Customers in Turkish Companies
Ilgar Asgarli, Dr. Burcin Kaplan
Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq
Pages: 370 - 374Detection of Lung Diseases using Nearest Neighbor Classification Technique
Alyaa Hussein Ali, Zahra Jaafer Abod Jasim
Research Paper, Education, Kenya
Pages: 375 - 381Teachers' Perception' on the Level of Preparedness in Implementing Early Grade Reading Programme in Kenya Public Primary Schools
Salinah Bartilol
Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 382 - 388A Prospective Study on Clinical Outcome following Surgically Managed Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures using Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System
Pradyumna R Gowda, Praveen M Anvekar, Manjunath J
Research Paper, English Literature, Indonesia
Pages: 389 - 393Patriarchal System in Aborigine Women in James Tucker
Rina Marliana, Burhanuddin Arafah, Herawaty
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 394 - 398Analysis of Gating System of a Casting to Increase the Productivity and Yield
Snehal Sunthakar, Prajakta Patil, G. N. Maranholkar
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 399 - 401Static Analysis of Tubular Testrig KT Joint
Nusra S, Anu A
Survey Paper, Computer Science, India
Pages: 402 - 405An Optimized Approach for Processing Small Files in HDFS
Research Paper, Manufacturing Engineering, India
Pages: 406 - 409Productivity Improvement through Lean, Green and Six Sigma Techniques
M Yogesh, Dr M T Simon
Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India
Pages: 410 - 411Prediction of Payload Drop Point
Jaiesh Sunil Pahlajani, Ramendra Tripathi
Research Proposals or Synopsis, Engineering, India
Pages: 412 - 414Performance analysis of PID and Fuzzy Controllers in Process Instrumentation
Brean Richard P, R. P. Behera
Research Paper, Botany Science, India
Pages: 415 - 422Status of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Tree Species from Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India
S. Vinoth Ponpandian, A. Egbert Selwin Rose
Informative Article, Management, India
Pages: 423 - 425The Indian Scenario of the E-Banking and Future Prospectus
D. Mohanasundari, Dr. A. Latha
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 426 - 430Salivary Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP-8) in Relation to Periodontal Health Status among a Group of Patients with Acquired Coronary Heart Disease
Eman Zuhair Almudaris, Nadia Aftan AlRawi
Research Paper, Nursing, Indonesia
Pages: 431 - 435Path Analysis of the Factors that Influence the Prevention of Leprosy Clients Depression in Leprosy Hospital Sumberglagah Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
Resti Utami, Joni Haryanto, Muhammad Sajidin
Case Studies, Computer Science, Iraq
Pages: 436 - 439Energy Saving Based Routing Algorithms in SDN Environment
Dr. Mohammed Najm Abdulla, Bassam Noori Shaker
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 440 - 445Comparative Assessment of Carbide Insert and Cermet Insert on Surface Roughness in Boring of ASTM A48 Grey Cast Iron
Ajay Sankar, Soumyalata .D
Research Paper, Geography Science, India
Pages: 446 - 452A Study on the Rainfall Changes of Orathanadu Taluk Thanjavur District Tamil Nadu Using GIS
P. Sujatha, Dr. R Baskaran
Research Paper, Environment Science, India
Pages: 453 - 458Assessment of Wastewater Drainages in Urban and Rural Region of Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh, India) through Water Quality Index (WQI)
Arti Yadav, Pawan Kumar Yadav
Research Paper, Information Technology, India
Pages: 459 - 461Quick Response Code and Securities
Prathamesh A. Wakde, Zahir Mulani
Research Paper, Nursing, Iraq
Pages: 462 - 465Prevalence of Obesity among Early Adolescent at Secondary School in AL-Nasiriyah City
Jaber Q. Jaber BSN, Khamees B. Obaid PhD
Research Paper, Biological Sciences, India
Pages: 466 - 469Surrogacy in India
Kanwaljeet Kaur Sahota
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Decision Science, Iraq
Pages: 470 - 473Dental Caries and Treatment Needs among 14 and 15 years Old Intermediate School Male Students in Al-Khalis City/Iraq
Karrar N. Al-Mujamaii, Baydaa Hussein
Research Paper, Anthropology Science, Indonesia
Pages: 474 - 485Studies of Sa'dan-Toraja Gayang Traditional Knive as Symbolic Function and Meaning
Karta Jayadi
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 486 - 489Dental Caries and Treatment Needs among Secondary School Female Students Aged 16-17 Years Old in Kirkuk City/Iraq
Jihan A. Ibrahim, Baydaa Hussein
Review Papers, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 490 - 492Optimization of Abrasive Waterjet Machining Process Parameters Using Taguchi & Anova on Aluminium Al-6061: A Review
Madhu Keshav Sharma, Himanshu Chaudhary, Ashwani Kumar
Research Paper, Geography Science, India
Pages: 493 - 496Integrative Measurement through Nutritional Status: A Case Study of Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Tabassum Yasmeen, Dr. Lubna Siddiqui, Masood Ahsan Siddiqui
Research Paper, English Literature, Ethiopia
Pages: 497 - 505A Study on Problems of Vocabulary Teaching Techniques English Teachers Use in Holeta Primary Schools: Grade Seven in Focus
Dessalegn Oljira
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 506 - 509Automated Demand Response Program and Energy Efficiency Integration-It
Eva Gupta, Nand Jee Kanu
Research Paper, Environmental Science, India
Pages: 510 - 514Role of Biochar to Improve the Soil Conditions (A Study on Trifolium Alexandrinum)
Varinder Kaur, Praveen Sharma
Research Paper, Medicine Science, India
Pages: 515 - 519Evaluation of Two Haemorrhoidectomy Techniques: Ferguson
Deepak Sharma, Brijesh Sharma, Mahesh Solanki
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India
Pages: 520 - 525A Observational Study to Measure Anti-Epileptic Drug Adherence
Shubham Babu Gupta, Shahnaz Begum, Shaik Saaduddin
Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 526 - 528A Survey of Prediction Analysis TRE System to Reduce Cloud Bandwidth and Cost
Priyanka M. Gawande, A. A. Nikose
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq
Pages: 529 - 538Efficient Iterative Method for Initial and Boundary Value Problems Appear in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Majeed Ahmed AL-Jawary, Mustafa Mahmood Azeez
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 539 - 545Association between Gram-Negative Enteric Rods, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Changes in Clinical Parameters in Chronic Periodontitis: An Observational Study
Bhavya .B, Ashwini .S, Shruthi .K .R
Informative Article, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 546 - 548A Study on Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling Using Visual Modflow
Sumit Kumar Gautam, Vipin Kumar Swaroop
Research Paper, Biological Sciences, Iraq
Pages: 549 - 553Frequency of blaPER-1 Extended-spectrum ?-Lactamase Gene among Different Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Isolated from Human and Chicken Meat Samples
Marwa Hameed M. Alkhafaji, Nadheema Hammood Hussein, Heba K. Tawfeeq
Informative Article, Education, Italy
Pages: 554 - 560The Judicial Review
Mauro Taddeo
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Genetics, Egypt
Pages: 561 - 565Cloning and Expression Analysis of Protein Kinase C Alpha Isolated from MCF7 Cell Line
Aya Sheha, Abdelhadi AA, Haggag S. Zein, Naglaa A. Abdallah
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 566 - 569Static Structural Analysis and Optimization of Pneumatic Compressor Connecting Rod
V. D. Kolate, M. B. Charaple
Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 570 - 575Image Variety on Purchasing Decision of Rice Seeds in Sidrap
Fitriani R, Rahman Laba, Sutinah Made
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 576 - 582A Natural Hand Gesture and EYE Movement System for Intelligent HCI and Medical Assistance
Sahane S. T., Ubale V. S.
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 583 - 590Literature Review on the Seismic Performance of Multi-Storey Building with Different Locations of Shear Wall and Diagrid
S. P. Sharma, J. P. Bhandari
Review Papers, Computer Science, India
Pages: 591 - 593Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: Address Configuration and Routing Protocols
Shilpa Sharma, Harpreet Kaur
Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 594 - 598Strength Characteristics of Concrete Using Eco-Friendly Materials
Kota Sai Krishna
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 599 - 603Waste Heat Recovery using Phase Change Material Coupled Steam Generator
Mayank Giri, Ankur Agrawal
Research Paper, Nutrition Science, India
Pages: 604 - 607Exploring the Diversity in Feeding Practices among the Urban Slum Children of Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Sharmistha Roy, Dr Aruna Palta
Research Paper, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 608 - 611DNA Barcoding of Four Ornamental Fishes of Genus Botia from Eastern Himalaya
Arpita Dey, Debapriya Sarkar, Mahender Singh, Sudip Barat
Research Paper, Management, Bangladesh
Pages: 612 - 619Measuring Employee Satisfaction towards Information Systems Usage - A Study on Dutch Bangla Bank Limited
Fariha Tasneem
Research Paper, Finance, Kenya
Pages: 620 - 625Influence of Government Regulation on Adoption of Islamic Banking by Kenya Commercial Banks
Patrick Macharia Ndirangu, Agnes Njeru
Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia
Pages: 626 - 629Effect of Electric Fields on Normal Fibroblast (BJ) Cells
Omat Rachmat, Ilma Fidayanti, Dewi Ratih, Endang Sutedja, Darmadji Ismono, Nucki N Hidajat
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 630 - 634A Study on Analysis of Bop Trends with Reference to India
Ch. Hymavathi, Dr. K. Kalpana
Research Paper, Management, Sri Lanka
Pages: 635 - 638Celebrity Endorsement and Purchase Intention of Telecommunication Industry in Sri Lanka
K. C. Koththagoda, Sudath Weerasiri
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Business Management, Indonesia
Pages: 639 - 643Tomato Fulfillment Supply Strategy (Based on Company
Mohamad Faris Abdulfatah, Mukhamad Najib, Bunasor Sanim
Research Paper, Information Technology, Kenya
Pages: 644 - 648An Empirical Review of Models for Evaluation of Computer Hardware and Software Vendors
Daniel K. Samoei, K. S. Buigutt
Review Papers, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 649 - 652Intelligent Mechanical Sensorless MPPT Control for Wind Energy Systems
A. J. Gaikwad, P. C. Tapre
Informative Article, Statistics, Uganda
Pages: 653 - 658What Junior Researchers Must Know Before and After Data Collection: Difference between Parametric and Nonparametric Statistics
Joanita Kataike, Jowel Kulaba, Xavier Gellynck
Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq
Pages: 659 - 663The Association between the Facial and Dental Arch Forms
Mohammed Nahidh, Haider M. A. Ahmed, Ammar Salim Kadhum, Ali M. Al-Attar
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 664 - 666Condition Monitoring of Single Point Cutting for Lathe Machine Using FFT Analyzer-A Review
Snehatai S. Khandait, Dr. A. V. Vanalkar
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 667 - 670Hidden Markov Model to Detect Anxiety in Human Face
Anupma Soni, Rahul Verma
Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 671 - 673Reliable and Secure Classification Techniques for Spotting Malware in Mobile
Pooja B. Kote, S. M. Rokade
Research Paper, Chemical Pathology, Sudan
Pages: 674 - 676Assessment of Zinc, Copper, Iron and Glycated Hemoglobin in Sudanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and their First Degree Relatives
Elshima Elemam Omer, Adel Nasr Morsi
Research Paper, Nursing, India
Pages: 677 - 680A Descriptive Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude of Adolescents Regarding Mismanagement of Plastic Wastes and its Environmental Hazards in Selected Community Area, Nelamangala
Henna Malik, Kusum Roy
Research Paper, Statistics, India
Pages: 681 - 685Bayesian Estimation of the Parameter of Inverse
Kusum Lata Singh, R. S. Srivastava
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India
Pages: 686 - 688Vehicle Parking System
G. Latha, V. K. Annapurna
Review Papers, Manufacturing Engineering, India
Pages: 689 - 692Spectra Fibre Reinforced Composite - A Review
S. Sathyaraj, Dr. R. Murali Kannan
Dissertation Chapters, Marine Biology, Indonesia
Pages: 693 - 702Application of Viirs-Dnb Satellite Data to Detect Ship Distribution Patterns, Fishing Activity Index and Planning Instrument of Pelagic Capture Fisheries in Bone Bay Waters
Urif Syarifudin, Darmawan Salman, Syamsu Alam Ali, Budimawan
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 703 - 706A Review on PAPR Reduction Technique in OFDM
Siddhika Gupta, Sandeep Agrawal
Research Paper, Education, Indonesia
Pages: 707 - 713Effects of Problem Based Learning Strategy and Achievement Motivation on the Student
Firman Dwiyanto, Punaji Setyosari, Wahjoedi, Wasis Djoko Dwiyogo
Research Paper, Architecture, India
Pages: 714 - 716Access to All - A Step towards Gwalior as a Smart City
Ashish Sharma
Research Paper, Geography, India
Pages: 717 - 724Rural Literacy in Punjab and Haryana: A Comparative Current Scenario and Changes during the Last Four Decades
Vishal Singh
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 725 - 729Performance Evaluation and Emission Testing of Sea Mango Seeds Oil Biodiesel Blends in CI Engine
Sumod K. Pawar, Dr. Abhay A. Pawar
Research Proposals or Synopsis, Computer Science, India
Pages: 730 - 732Distributive Control Framework for Lighting Applications
Shwetha R, Vishalakshi Prabhu, Manmath Ray
Dissertation Chapters, Zoology Science, India
Pages: 739 - 742Avifaunal Diversity and Abundance of Jalikhara and Etila Beel (wetland) of Kamrup (metro) District, Assam, India
Trishna Medhi, Suraj Sharma
Survey Paper, Radiological Sciences, Saudi Arabia
Pages: 743 - 746Diagnostic Reference Levels as a Quality Assurance Tool for Routine X-ray Examinations in Sudan
Nagla Abdllha Mansor, Ahmed Abu Kuna, Naji I. Ali, Bader Abu Naib, Nadia S. Ali
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 747 - 750Design and Development of Anti-Roll Back Mechanism
V. D. Kolate, R. R. Kurup, A. M. Latake
Research Paper, Biochemistry Science, Egypt
Pages: 751 - 754Generation of Cholinergic Neurons from Human Olfactory Bulb Neural Stem Cells Using BMP9 Treatment
Camelia A. Abdel Malak, Hany E. Marei, Mohammad Omran, Asmaa A. Moeit
Research Paper, Social Science, India
Pages: 755 - 765The Impact of Mobile Advertisement on the Students of Manipur University
Dr. Ganesh Sethi, M. Indrakumar Singh
Research Paper, Microbiology, Iraq
Pages: 766 - 769Virological Study about Avipox virus in Local Birds of Iraq
Hussein A. Mohammed Al. Bayati
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Biological Sciences, Iraq
Pages: 770 - 774Surface Epidermis Study of Leaf, Stems and Crystals for Two Species of the Genus Tradescantia L.
Dr. Israa Kareem Nassrullah, Marwan Nori Mohammed
Research Paper, Food and Nutrition, India
Pages: 775 - 780Functional Properties of Finger Millet and Barnyard Millet Flours and Flour Blends
Renu Shrestha, Sarita Srivastava
Research Paper, Engineering, India
Pages: 781 - 784Speed Control of a Train using Fuzzy Logic
Aakash Kumar Sinha, Akshay Kumar Jha
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 785 - 788Efficient Top-k List Extraction from the Web
Jyoti H. Yadav, M. M. Deshpande
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 789 - 791Oral Manifestations of Drug Reactions
Aishwarya .P .S
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 792 - 793Role of Recombinant DNA Technology in Medicine
Agisha Raaje P
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 794 - 800Scene Text Recognition Using Part-Based Tree Structured Models and Linguistic Knowledge
Namrata R. Purohit, Dr. Vinayak G. Kottawar
Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq
Pages: 801 - 805Precise Solutions of a Viscoelastic Fluid Flow in an Annular Pipe under an Impulsive Pressure with the Fractional Generalized Burgers' Model
Hanan F. Qasim, Ghada H. Ibraheem
Research Paper, Business Management, India
Pages: 806 - 808Risk Management: Importance, Methods and Process
Dr. A. Jaganathan, T. Poonkodi
Research Paper, Agriculture, India
Pages: 809 - 812A Study on Small Tea Growers Satisfaction Level and Problems with Special Reference to the Nilgiris District of Tamil Nadu
Dr. A. Jaganathan, Dr. K. Palanichamy
Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, Iraq
Pages: 813 - 825Flow Injection Turbidimetric Determination of Vitamin B1using LEDs as a Source of Irradiation and Two Solar Cells as an Energy Transducer
Proph. Nagam Shakir Al-Awadi, Rana Adnan Kamal Aldeen
Research Paper, Information Technology, Jordan
Pages: 826 - 829Developing Business Intelligence Model in Higher Education
Hanady Al-Zagheer
Research Paper, Management, India
Pages: 830 - 835A Study on Stress Management among College Teachers in Andhra Pradesh
Ch. Lakshmi Narahari, Dr. Kalpana Koneru
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 836 - 837Psychological Status of Cancer Patients
Aishwariya .P .S
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 838 - 840Treatment and Drugs for Pregnant Dental Patients
Aishwarya .P .S
Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia
Pages: 841 - 844Determinants Decisions of Wetland Paddy Farmers Switch to Fishery at South Sumatera Indonesia
Fifian Permatasari, Andy Mulyana, Najib Asmani, Yunita
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India
Pages: 845 - 848Comparison of Effect of Pre-Emtive use of Oral Flupirtine and Oral Pregabalin for Post Operative Analgesia in Abdominal Hysterectomy
Dr. Rhythm Mathur, Dr. Swati Choudhary, Dr. Rama Chatterjee, Dr. C. S. Chatterjee, Dr. Fareed Ahemad
Dissertation Chapters, Environment Science, India
Pages: 849 - 852Physico-Chemical Analysis of Soil Status of Various Degraded Sites in an around Dimoria Tribal Belt of Assam, India
Nabanita Bhuyan, Suraj Sharma
Research Paper, Zoology, Sudan
Pages: 853 - 855New Zoogeographic Record for the Silvered Bat, Glauconycteris argentata (Dobson, 1875) from the Sudan
Mohamed Ali Omer Rahoum
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 856 - 859Multi Light Intensity Image Fusion for High Quality Imaging
Pravin F. Rane, Lakshman K
Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
Pages: 860 - 864An Ultra-Low-Power Frequency Multiplier based on Mixed-Mode DLL with Output Frequency from 4 to 6 GHz
Priyadharshini M, Paul Richardson Gnanaraj J
Research Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 865 - 868Incidence of Pulpstones in Orthopantomograph
Aishwariya .P. S
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 869 - 874Optimization of Abrasive Waterjet Machining Process Parameters on Aluminium AL-6061
Madhu Keshav Sharma, Himanshu Chaudhary, Ashwani Kumar
Research Paper, Architecture, Nigeria
Pages: 875 - 883Significance of Socioeconomic Characteristics and Construction Strategies Adopted on Informal Low-Cost Housing in Abeokuta Nigeria
Jolaoso B. A., Arayela O., Taiwo A.A., Folorunso C. O.
Informative Article, Medical Surgical, India
Pages: 884 - 885Traumatic First Rib Fracture as Isolated Thoracic Injury, A Rare Presentation - Case Report
Dr Vijay Ahlawat, Dr Devender, Dr Vikas, Dr Pradeep Garg, Dr Rajesh Godara
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 886 - 888Statin Induced Diabetes
Agisha Raaje .P
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 889 - 890Occupational Hazards in Histopathological Labs due to Xylene
Agisha Raaje .P
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 891 - 892Anti-Entero Bacterial Activity of Herbal Extracts for Management of Diarrhoea
Agisha Raaje .P
Survey Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 893 - 896Knowledge and Perception about Wisdom Teeth among Dentists
Agisha Raaje .P
M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, India
Pages: 897 - 900Route Discovery in VANETs Using Routing Protocols with Reliable and Connective Metrics
Sachin Prabhu, Smitha Shekar B, Harish .G
Survey Paper, Dental Science, India
Pages: 901 - 904Knowledge about Cross Infection Procedures among Dentists
Agisha Raaje .P
Research Paper, Hematology, Sudan
Pages: 905 - 910Detection KIT D 816 Mutation and its Association with Outcome of Sudanese Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Patients at Khartoum State
Israa A. Bashir, Ibrahim K. Ibrahim, Babiker A. Mohamed
Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India
Pages: 911 - 915To Study the Prevalence of Scapular Dyskinesia in Gymers and Non Gymers
Divya Khare, Supriya Vinay Deshmukh
Review Papers, Dental Science, India
Pages: 916 - 917Clinical Anatomy of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
Agisha Raaje .P
Case Studies, Computer Science, Iraq
Pages: 918 - 925Objects Detection and Angles Effectiveness by Ultrasonic Sensors HC-SR04
Dr. Haider Kadhim Hoomod, Sadeem Marouf M. Al-Chalabi
Dissertation Chapters, Anthropology Science, Indonesia
Pages: 929 - 934Public and Domestic Roles of Bugis Women in Pangaderreng
Dewi Anggariani, Supriadi Hamdat, Yamin Sani, Ansar Arifin
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India
Pages: 935 - 939A Questionnaire based Assessment of Postgraduate
Dr. Vinothini .V, Dr. Geetha .K, Dr. Sarojini .V, Dr. Parameswari .R
Survey Paper, Computer Engineering, India
Pages: 940 - 943Two Factor Access Control for Dynamic Group in the Cloud Environment
Deokate Rakhi N., S. V. Todkari
Research Paper, Computer Science, Nigeria
Pages: 944 - 947How to Improve Efficiency of Banking System with Big Data (A Case Study of Nigeria Banks)
Sanni Hafiz Oluwasola
Research Paper, Chemistry, India
Pages: 948 - 952Kinetics and Mechanistic Approach of the Selective Oxidation of n-Butyric Acid Hydrazide to the Corresponding Acid by Thallium (III) in 1, 4-Dioxane Medium
Dr. Amit Shrikant Varale
Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India
Pages: 953 - 957Simulation of Hydraulic Clutch in Automobiles for Torque Transfer during Slipping
Naveen Kumar S N
Informative Article, Civil Engineering, India
Pages: 958 - 961Methods of Rebar Protection and Repair Techniques on Concrete Structures
Dr. S. Vijaya Mohan Rao
Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India
Pages: 962 - 964A Questionnaire Based Survey to Assess the Knowledge about Rational Use of Medicine among Interns in a Tertiary Care Centre
Dr. Prasannakumari .S, Dr. M. Shanthi M.D, Dr. M. S Ahil M.D, Dr. Parameswari .R M.D
Research Paper, Nanotechnology, Bahrain
Pages: 965 - 971Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), Characterization and Antibacterial Activity
Khalid H. Abdalla, Fatima Al- Hannan, AliAlghamdi, Fryad Z. Henari
Research Paper, Environmental Science, Iraq
Pages: 972 - 976Trace Elements Investigations in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension and Heart Disease Patients in Baghdad-Iraq
Enaam J. Abdullah
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India
Pages: 977 - 981Comparison of Efficacy of Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Diabetic Patients
Shagamreddy Sai Reddy, Sowmya .T
Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq
Pages: 982 - 983To Evaluate the Action of Low Level Laser Mixing (LLL) on Submandibular Salivary Gland of Mice Inoculated with Bacteria
Aedah Z. Al-Kaisy
Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, India
Pages: 984 - 990Characterization and Anti-Tubercular Evaluation of Mannich base Substituted Imidazole Derivatives
Karthika .S, Girija .K
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 991 - 996Reduction of Total Harmonics Distortion in PV based Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter using Space Vector Modulation
R. Kiruthiga, S. Komalachitra
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 997 - 1001Gas Leakage Alerting and Accident Control System Using GSM/GPS Technology
K. Rekha, R. Kiruthiga
Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India
Pages: 1002 - 1006High Efficient Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Battery Energy Management
R. Kiruthiga, K. Rekha
Review Papers, Physics Science, India
Pages: 1007 - 1008A Review on Penrose Process
Naveena Kumara A
Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq
Pages: 1009 - 1016Synthesis, Identification and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of some New N-substituted 2-azetidinone, Imidazolidinone and tetrazole derivatives of 2-(methylthio) benzimidazole
Suaad M. H. Al-Majidi, HalaAyad M. Rasheed, Suhad Faisal Hatem Al-Mugdadi
Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, Cameroon
Pages: 1017 - 1020Impact of Solid Domestic Waste Management on Drainage Systems in Developing Urban Areas
Ndongo Barthelemy, Fonteh Mathias Fru, Ngu Jiofack Ludovic, Lako Mbouendeu St
Research Paper, Earth Science and Engineering, Bangladesh
Pages: 1021 - 1024Study of Bangladesh Soil Nutrient over Satellite Images
Sabbir M Saleh, S M Raisul Islam, Md. Imran Hossain, Khondoker Ali Asgor Pavel
Informative Article, Geography Science, India
Pages: 1025 - 1038"Think Ecology, Do Ecology and Save Ecology"- Is it a Better Pathway to the Long-lasting Green Economy instead of the Mythical Efforts as Green Growth or Sustainable Development, or Not
Rabin Das
Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India
Pages: 1039 - 1041Analysis of Transient Heat Conduction in Different Geometries
Atul Kumar