Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018: Page 2: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018: Page 2

M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1066 - 1072

Impact Strength of Concrete with Nano Materials at Elevated Temperatures

Rakesh Kumar Choubey, Dr. B K Singh

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 1073 - 1079

Poultry Integrator and Sustainable Livelihood Security - A Study of Broiler Sector in Bengaluru Region

Prakash P. Desai, KPR. Prasanna

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Research Paper, Business Management, China

Pages: 1080 - 1085

Study on Value Chain Promotion of Manufacturing Enterprises from the Perspective of Business and Financial Integration

Zhang Weihong, Tan Xiaoying, Wang Xin

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Computer Science, China

Pages: 1086 - 1093

Network Route Optimization Using Particle Swarm Intelligence Algorithm

Lebeta Belachew Abdissa, Professor Zheng Xiao Yan

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1094 - 1095

Strangulated Femoral Hernia in a Female - A Case Report

Dr Ramesh Kumar Korumilli, Dr Jakkula Srikanth, Dr Sri Harsha Muvva, Dr Anurag Polasani

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1096 - 1103

Added Effect of Graded Motor Imagery on Upper Limb Function in Stroke Patients

Rutu Parikh, Dr Sumitra Sakhawalkar, Dr Sayli Paldhikar, Dr Snehal Ghodey

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1104 - 1106

Early Calcium Supplementation v/s Late Calcium Supplementation in Patients of Total Thyroidectomy

Baba Aijaz Khaliq, Nadhia Bhagat, Showkat Ah Tak, Iftikar Ali Wazir, Rauf Ahamad

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Research Paper, Mathematics, China

Pages: 1107 - 1114

Evaluation of Smart Growth of a City Based on Entropy Weight and Gray Relational Analysis - Using Suzhou and Saint Louis as Examples

Zhibing Liu, Xuelian Zhu, Yidan Zhu, Shanchao Cui

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Research Paper, Chemistry Science, Iraq

Pages: 1115 - 1120

Synthesis and Characterization of Cationic Gemini Surfactants and Study its Applications as Dispersions and Biological Activity

Ayaat A. Musa, Mohanad J Al- Asadi

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1121 - 1123

Proximal Tibia Osteosarcoma Presenting Late: A Case Report

Prasanna Anaberu, Deepak Kumar M. M., Kartavya Chaudhari, Ajay S. S.

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Research Paper, Pediatric Nursing, Nepal

Pages: 1124 - 1128

Nurse-Parent Communication in Pediatric Units of B. P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal: A Parent?s Perspective Study

Binisha Sinha, Ramanand Chaudhary, Basant Kumar Karn, Upendra Yadav, Sunita Shah

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1129 - 1130

Comparison of Ropivacaine 0.75% and Bupivacaine 0.5% in Peribulbar Block for Small Incision Cataract Surgery - A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study

Dr Shantala Arun Kumar, Dr Paresh Nagwekar, Dr Ashutosh Patel

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1131 - 1132

Comparison between Ropivacaine and Ropivacaine with Dexamethasone for Post Operative Analgesia in Peribulbar Block for Small Incision Cataract Surgeries

Dr. Arun Kumar .A, Dr. Raghavendar .G, Dr. Shanthala Arun Kumar

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Research Paper, Architecture, Iraq

Pages: 1133 - 1137

Fluidity in Urban Planning

Noor Ali AL Jorani, Dr. Shatha Abbass Hassan

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1138 - 1141

Parametric Study On Heat Pipe & Performance Optimization

Urmil Mehta, Rihen Mistry

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1142 - 1145

Day Care Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Make it a Habit

Juhul Patel, Vinutha Arunachalam

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1146 - 1147

Successful Myomectomy in Early Pregnancy for a Large Asymptomatic Uterine Myoma: Case Report

Juhul Patel, Sumana Manohar

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Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, Indonesia

Pages: 1148 - 1150

Assessment of Serum Leptin among Patients with Skin Tag in Dr. Mohammad Hoesin General Hospital Palembang

Yuli Kurniawati, Mutia Devi, Khairani

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 1151 - 1156

People-Oriented Leadership: A Qualitative Exploration in Indian Organizations

Anu Wakhlu, Radhika Bhasin, Ketaki Diwan

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Research Paper, Cognitive Systems Research, India

Pages: 1157 - 1160

A Study on Cognitive Computing in Medical Diagnosis

T. Sharmila, K. Sigapriya

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1161 - 1164

Concrete Mix Design as Per is Method of Mix Design

Purvansh B. Shah

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Informative Article, Education, India

Pages: 1165 - 1169

The Role of Spirituality and Spiritual Practices in Technical Education

L. S. Shirsat, N. D. Khutafale

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, India

Pages: 1170 - 1175

Role of Dutasteride in Reducing the Complications of Transurethral Resection of Prostate

Natarajan Vetrivel, Senthilkumar Sivalingam

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1176 - 1179

Role of Sonourethrogram and Retrograde Urethrogram in the Management of Urethral Strictures

Rajakumari N, Arasi K .V

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Research Paper, Biological Sciences, Uganda

Pages: 1180 - 1183

Prevalence of Jigger Flea (Tunga Penetrans) Infestation amongst Age Groups, Male and Female Persons in Jinja District, Eastern Uganda

Gerald Amatre, Julius Bunny Lejju, Morgan Andama

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1184 - 1186

Effect on Flexural Strength of Concrete by Addition of Nano Titanium Dioxide and Nano Calcium Carbonate

Shivanshu Mishra, Archana Tiwari

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 1187 - 1192

Family Resilience towards Children Who Lost Father?s Because of Death from Family Communication Pattern

Riska Nova Pratiwi, Rina Mulyati

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Comparative Studies, Law, India

Pages: 1193 - 1196

Administrative Discretion and Inclusive Growth in Indian Perspective; Achievements & Challenges

Jeevitha .B

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Informative Article, Psychology Science, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 1197 - 1201

Motivational Study of Consumption of Modern Food in Bel-Air Quarter (Case of Chicken Thighs)

Kibambe Shesha Andre

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Informative Article, Pedagogy, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 1202 - 1208

Drop in the Level of Training of Students in the DRC: Causes and Possible Solutions, Case of the CYKY School Complex in the City of Lubumbashi


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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1209 - 1212

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour: An Incidental Finding

B. Gunachandra Rai, Ashwin K Harekal, Niti Sarawgi

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1218 - 1219

Potentially Malignant Disorders of Oral Cavity and their Management

Vinod Nair Sreekumar

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Research Paper, Geography Science, India

Pages: 1220 - 1223

Human Pressure on Land - The Changing Case of the Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala

Aneesh M.R, S Suresh

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Case Studies, Earth Science and Engineering, Turkey

Pages: 1224 - 1249

Subsurface Geology and Geothermal Potential of the Kavakl?dere Geothermal Field (Western Turkey)

Ozdemir A., Sahinoglu A.

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1250 - 1256

Effectiveness of Acupressure at Sanyinjiao Point (SP6) on Menstrual Discomfort among Adolescent Girls in Selected Senior Secondary Schools at Meerut (UP)

Vidushi Yadav

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1257 - 1259

Sand Silt Ratio as Design Criteria in Design of Bituminous Paving Mixtures

Purvansh B. Shah

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Research Paper, Social Science, India

Pages: 1260 - 1263

Women Empowerment Challenges in Leadership Positions

Mostafa Ali Hassan Al- Shmaileh

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Review Papers, Anthropology Science, India

Pages: 1264 - 1265

Role of Museums in Public Health Awareness

Banita Behera, Abhishikta Ghosh Roy

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Research Paper, Education, Nigeria

Pages: 1266 - 1269

Investigation of Knowledge and Performance of Students in Geometrical Construction and Loci among Secondary School Students in Zamfara, Nigeria

Suleiman Bashir, Umar Sodangi

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Research Paper, Physiology Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1270 - 1276

Melatonin Effect (Under Alternating Light and Injection) On Testicular Tissue

Dr. Maen T Idell

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Research Paper, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vietnam

Pages: 1277 - 1281

Electronic Health Record Readiness Assessment in Thai Binh Hospital, Vietnam

Kien Trung Nguyen

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 1282 - 1285

Comparison of the Bethesda System with Papanicolaou Method for Reporting Thyroid Fine Needle Aspirates

Patel Nidhi, Karandikar Manjiri, Nimbargi Ravindra, Mani Narayanan

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Research Paper, Industrial Process Monitoring Techniques and Systems, India

Pages: 1286 - 1294

Zaiko Warehouse Management Systems Application Platform

Tarun Radadiya

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, China

Pages: 1295 - 1299

Investigation of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Toroidal Dipole based on Metamaterial under Terahertz Frequencies

Gati Nashon

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Research Paper, Statistics, Iraq

Pages: 1300 - 1308

Fuzzy Estimators for Hazard Rate Function Under Mixed Quasi ? Lindely

Saleemah H. Jasaim

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 1309 - 1312

Comparison of the Time Required for Removal of Bioceramic Sealer and Gutta-Percha with Different Techniques

Elka Radeva, Mirela Marinova-Takorova, Iva Kisjova, Emilia Naseva

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, China

Pages: 1313 - 1322

Optimal Performance for both CuO and NiO as Ametal Oxide Nanoparticles Catalyst in the Carbonylation the Glycerol with Carbon Dioxide to Produce Glycerol Carbonate

Jassim Mohamed Hamed AL-Kurdhani, Huajun Wang, Elrasheed Elhaj

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Research Paper, Finance, Indonesia

Pages: 1323 - 1326

Effect of Employee Stock Ownership Program, Leverage, Size and Growth to Return on Equity at Manufactur Company

Gita Genia Fatihat, Norita

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 1327 - 1331

Identification of Entrepreneurial Motivation Factors at Youth Entrepreneurship Training

Winda Kristihansari

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Review Papers, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1332 - 1337

Review of Routing Protocols and Associated Challenges in MANETs

Prakhar Sharma, Shashwat Pathak, Surjeet Balhara

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Case Studies, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1338 - 1339

A Rare Case Report of Accidental Finding of Serous Cyst Adenoma of Ovary during Cesarean Section in Pregnant Lady

Dr. Nivedita Nehal, Dr. Vasudha Sawant, Dr. Sravani Perugu, Dr. Neha Shukla

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Research Paper, Statistics, India

Pages: 1340 - 1342

Students' Attitude toward Statistics

Nondita Phukan, Dr. Manash Protim Kashyap, Dr. Manoj Kumar Bhowal

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1343 - 1347

Pencak Silat Basic Movement Skills of Sport and Health Education Students in the Universities of Central Java and Yogyakarta Regions

Agus Mukholid, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Sugiyanto, M. Furqon Hidayatulloh

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Case Studies, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1348 - 1350

A Silent Rupture of Extra Horn of Bicornuate Uterus, Due to Molar Pregnancy

Garima Gupta, Nilanjna Singhai, Deepak A. Desai

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Research Paper, Control Systems Engineering, India

Pages: 1351 - 1354

Smart Traffic System

Vivek Yadav, Nitin Bhosale

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Kenya

Pages: 1355 - 1362

Development of a Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for Security Analysis at the IP Layer

Arphaxad Kioko Muia

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 1363 - 1364

A Study to Assess the Nutritional Status of Under-Five Children in Aganwadi Centre at Achrol Village Rajasthan

Josfeena Bashir, Marudhar

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Research Paper, Engineering, India

Pages: 1365 - 1372

Crying Need for India?s Optimised Traffic Paradigm: Amethi District as the Test Bed

Suresh Kumar Gigoo, Satya Prakash Pandey

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Research Paper, Agriculture, Kenya

Pages: 1373 - 1376

Observations from Records on Cattle Dipping for Tick Control during the 2000-2012 Period in Nandi County, Kenya

Yegon M. K. A., Wanjala F. M. E., Chepkwony P. K. A.

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Survey Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1377 - 1380

A Brief Review on CDMA Systems for Ad-hoc Network

Ruchi Agrawal, Ekata Patil

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1381 - 1387

The Effect of Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Nano-Fillers on the Antibacterial Activity and Some Properties of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin

Thoalnorain A. Shakir, Shorouq M. Abass

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Case Studies, Hematology Science, India

Pages: 1388 - 1389

Case Study: Blood Transfusions and Women Health - A Big Concern ?Good Female Health-Better Nation?s Health?

Masroor Mustafa

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Research Paper, Agricultural, India

Pages: 1390 - 1395

Integrated Duck cum Fish Farming and its Economic Efficiency: A Study in Purulia District, West Bengal

Abhishek Majhi

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Research Paper, Psychology, Kenya

Pages: 1396 - 1402

Effects of HIV/AIDS on Psychological Well Being of Elderly Caregivers and their Coping Mechanisms in Igembe South Sub-County, Kenya

Jane Gakii Marete

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Comparative Studies, Physical Education, India

Pages: 1403 - 1404

A Proportional Study on Shoulder Strength and Leg Strength of Kuvempu University Feminine Volleyball and Handball Players of Inter-Collegiate Level

Pooja M, Nagaraja Y

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Indonesia

Pages: 1405 - 1408

Function of Language in Kapata Oral Tradition Texts in Saparua Island

Prihe Slamatin Letlora, Fathu Rahman, Sukmawaty

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Robotics Science, India

Pages: 1409 - 1411

Detection & Distinction of Color using Color Sorting Robotic Arm in a Pick & Place Mechanism

Pawar Sayali Sanjay, V. A. Patil

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Informative Article, Psychology Science, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 1412 - 1418

Precariousness and Teenagers' Family Breach in Lubumbashi - Study Conducted at Bakandja, Ville Center

Kawit Yav Lucide

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 1419 - 1430

Digital Elevation Model Based on Aerial Image for 3D Building

Parthibanraja .A, Purushothaman .B .M

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Research Paper, Arts and Humanities, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1431 - 1433

The Biography of Shakespeare Reflected in His Play Hamlet

Dr. Abdalatif Mamoun Hassan, Dr. Muhannad Rushdi Nimer Sabha

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Research Paper, Agricultural, India

Pages: 1434 - 1436

In Vitro Multiplication Studies in Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.)

Amol Sable, Asmita Sable, Nitesh Choudhari

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1437 - 1441

CFD Simulation on Earth Tube Heat Exchanger with Different Materials at Constant Velocity for Comfort Air Conditioning

Achal Kumar Pandey, Ashish Muchrikar

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Survey Paper, Public Health Education, Vietnam

Pages: 1442 - 1445

Autism Knowledge in the Community in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2017: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Kien Trung Nguyen, Phuong Hoang Nguyen

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1446 - 1449

Evaluation of Salivary pH and Microbial Load in Periodontitis Patients with Uncontrolled Type I and Type II Diabetes to that of Periodontitis Patients without Diabetes

Dr Mohammed Salman, Savita Sambashivaiah

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Review Papers, Material Science and Engineering, India

Pages: 1450 - 1453

Changing Scenario of Physics with the Introduction of Computers Science

M. Amin Bhat, Mukhtar A. Malik, Waseem Yaseen, Mushtaq Ahmad Wani

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Research Paper, Geography Science, India

Pages: 1454 - 1460

Effect of Laterite Mining on the Land Use of Midland Hillocks of Kannur District, Kerala - A Case Study

Dr. T. K. Prasad, Dr. G.R. Parthasarathy

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Research Paper, Pathology, India

Pages: 1461 - 1465

Bone Marrow Study in Hematological Disorders: A One Year Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital of North East India

Deep Jyoti Kalita, Linda Lamngaiching Changsan, Navanita Das, Pallabi Devi, Daijy Kakati

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 1466 - 1471

Marketing Strategies of Cultural Literacy Program in Non-Formal Educational Institution

Ari Putra, Dr. Nike Kamarubiani, Dr. Viena Rusmiati Hasanah, Dr. Yanti Shantini

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1472 - 1475

Ranula-Recommended Radiology and Management

Dr Oliyath Ali, Dr Ishrit Yasin, Dr Kacho Akbar Khan

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Research Paper, Biochemistry, India

Pages: 1476 - 1478

Phytochemical Screening and Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using extracts of Thunbergia coccinea Wall

Gayathri .P, Dhinek .A

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1479 - 1484

A Comparative Study of Awareness and Level of Willingness for Eye Donation between Two Socio-Economic Groups

Mit Patel, Sanjiv Agrawal

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1485 - 1490

Demography and Presentation of Abdominal Injury in a Tertiary Care Polytrauma Centre in South Tamil Nadu

Dr. R. R. Kannan, Dr. C. C. Nandhini, Dr. Sathish Devadoss, Dr. A. Devadoss, Dr. R. Sudhir

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1491 - 1493

The Clinico-Radiologic Profile and Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injury in Paediatric Patients

Sharad Thanvi, S S Rathore, Narender Singh, Manish Parakh

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1494 - 1499

A Comparative Study of Oral Pregabalin versus Gabapentin on Hemodynamic Responses to Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation under General Anaestesia

Manish Kumar, Trishala Jain, Savita Meena, Gaurav Hindonia

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1500 - 1504

Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Light-Cured Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer and Moist Insensitive Primer on Contaminated Enamel

Ida Ayu Evangelina

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Research Paper, Mathematics, India

Pages: 1505 - 1509

Lie Symmetries and Classifications of (2 + 1) - Dimensional Huxley Equation

T. Shanmuga Priya, S. Sadiya

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1510 - 1513

Retrospective Analysis of Various Methods of Induction of Labor in the Tertiary Care Hospital

Pradeepa T, Shanthi S

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 1514 - 1516

A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Effectiveness of Teaching Regarding Antenatal Care among Primigravida Mothers in the Selected Hospital of Nashik

Pravin Ramesh Gholap

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1517 - 1520

The Effect of Visual Cues Versus Treadmill Training on Balance and Gait Parameters in Subjects with Parkinson's Disease: A Comparative Study

Rama Saraswat, Dr. Nidhi Singh

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1521 - 1525

Cooling Load Estimation Using CLTD/CLF Method for an Educational Building of Institute of Engineering & Technology Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore

Mukesh Waskel, Sharad Chaudhary

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Research Paper, Malacology, Kenya

Pages: 1526 - 1529

Resistance Mitigating Effect of Artemisia Annua Phytochemicals against Plasmodium berghei ANKA and Plasmodium yoelii in Swiss Albino Mice

Lucy N. Kangethe

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 1530 - 1533

To Study Customer Satisfaction of Public and Private Sector Banks after Demonetization (with Specific Reference to Haridwar)

(Dr.) D. C. Agrawal, Deepti Garg

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Review Papers, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1534 - 1536

Online Toll Payment System Using Image Processing

Bhakti Dhurat, Dipak Mahajan, Mayuri Ranmale, Rushikesh Kondke

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Research Paper, Management, China

Pages: 1537 - 1541

Face Changes by the Use of Management Ideas-Take China Evergrande Group as an Example

Ying Tian, Zengrui Tian, Yang Han

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Research Paper, Statistics, Turkey

Pages: 1542 - 1552

A New Statistical Perspective to Life Expectancy Data for the Countries Having Longest Lifetimes as an Indicator of Public Health by Multivariate General Linear Model Approach

Neslihan Iyit

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Informative Article, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1553 - 1554

"The Clothes Doth OFT Proclaim the Man" - What is there in Wearing a 'White Coat'?

Dinesh Kumar .V, Magi Murugan, Rema Devi

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1555 - 1557

Cerebellum Cryptococosis in HIV Patient

Anom Sapariati

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1558 - 1562

Intravenous Iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) Versus Oral Iron in the Treatment of Postpartum Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Roy Bhramita, Sabzposh Noor Afshan, Akhtar Nishat

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1563 - 1569

Performance Improvisation for Longevity Maximization with Ant Colony Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network

Laxmi Narendra Pawar, H. M. Baradkar

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1570 - 1573

Smart City Tunneling

Prof. Chanchal Dahat, Ankita Patil, Ayushi Shahu, Aakansha Kamble, Diksha Ganar, Neha Fulzele, Pranali Khankule

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Research Paper, Engineering, Mexico

Pages: 1574 - 1578

Obtaining Parameters from a Direct Current Motor of Permanent Magnets for Modeling with Evolutionary Algorithms

Carlos Sanchez, Minerva Matlalcuatzi, Jose Hernandez, Crispin Hernandez, Federico Ramirez

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Comparative Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1579 - 1583

Comparison of Clonidine versus Fentanyl as an Adjuvant to Intrathecal Ropivacaine for Intraoperative Efficacy and Post Operative Analgesia in Infraumblical Surgeries

Dr P. S. Lamba, Dr Puneet Panwar, Dr Pooja Meena

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Research Paper, Pharmaceutical Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1584 - 1588

Assessment of Out-Door Patients Prescriptions According to FDA Prescribing Pattern in Northern Region of Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Dasan M. Alanazi, Vijay Chidrawar, Shruti Shiromwar

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Informative Article, Finance, India

Pages: 1589 - 1590

Indian Accounting Standards & International Financial Reporting Standards (Ind AS) vs (IFRS)

B P Sharma

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1591 - 1594

Comparative Analysis of Three Commercially Available Desensitising Agents on Dentinal Hypersensitivity: An in Vivo Study

Dr Siddhi Yadav, Dr Soumya Ojha

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Benin

Pages: 1595 - 1601

Activities of Recovery and Valorisation of Non-Organic Degradable Waste in the City of Porto-Novo in Benin: Strength and Weaknesses

Brice Saturnin DANSOU, Leocadie ODOULAMI

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Research Paper, English Literature, India

Pages: 1602 - 1604

From Absurd to Ecosophy: An Eco-Critical Observation in Samuel Beckett?s Endgame

Dipal Pandya

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Iraq

Pages: 1605 - 1609

Spatial Analysis of the Map of the City of Baldrooz using Geographic Information Systems

Dr. Roqaya Murshed Hameed

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1610 - 1614

Saving Gonads in Acute Life-Threatening Fournier?s Gangrene-A Challenge: A Tertiary Care Centre Study!

Dr Arun Kumar M, Dr Raj Ratan

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Case Studies, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1615 - 1617

Non Traumatic Stable Osteocondritis (Grade1) Lesion of Talus: A Case Report and Physiotherapy Management

Rajendra Kachhwaha

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 1618 - 1625

Comparative Learning of Hand Gesture Recognition Method

Seema Sharad Devkule, Lalitkumar P. Khairnar

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 1626 - 1630

Screening and Characterisation of Biosurfactant Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria

Mitali H. Tillawala, Dr. Manisha N. Shah

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1631 - 1632

Ileal Duplication Cyst: A Rare Cause of Intestinal Obstruction in a Neonate

Rohan Gupta, Nimesh Verma

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Research Paper, Energy, Tunisia

Pages: 1638 - 1645

Heat Transfer Behavior of Al2O3-Water Nanofluid in Confined Cavity Heated From the Bottom

Houda Jalali, Hassen Abbassi

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, Vietnam

Pages: 1646 - 1650

Outcomes of Survey on the Public Attitudes toward Autism in Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Nguyen Trung Kien, Nguyen Thanh Liem

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Comparative Studies, History, Indonesia

Pages: 1651 - 1657

Is Nationalism Steel Alive? Learn from Indonesia and Japan Junior High School History Textbook

I Ketut Surajaya

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, Kenya

Pages: 1658 - 1667

Examining the Status of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Primary Schools of Kawangware Slums in Dagoretti Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya

Negassa Chali, Kariuki John, Some Eliab

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 1668 - 1673

Antimicrobial Efficacy of Citrofresh - A Newer Organic Disinfectant

Dr. Sheshaprasad R, Dr. Anuradha Pai, Dr. Anisha Yaji

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1674 - 1677

Easy License Plate Detection and Recognition

Anju Shaji, Greena Mariya Joy, Jomin Mathew, Omkar Sudhakar Patil, Soumya Sara Koshy

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Review Papers, Computer Science, India

Pages: 1678 - 1680

Role of Computers viz-a-viz Teaching of Physics - An Analysis

Farooq Ahmad Pandith, Audil Hussain

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Research Paper, Social Science, Kenya

Pages: 1681 - 1695

Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of South Nyanza Sugar Company Limited

Eve Achieng' Goga, Dr. Wallace Nyakundi Atambo

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Research Paper, Zoology Science, India

Pages: 1696 - 1697

Harmful Phytoplanktons in the Coast of Arthunkal in Kerala, Southwest Coast of India

Lekshmi S., Miranda M.T.P.

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Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1698 - 1700

Study of Suicide among Adolescent and Adults in Varanasi (U. P.)

Piyush Kumar Gangwar, Manoj Kumar Pathak

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1701 - 1703

Mini incision Appendectomy for Acute Uncomplicated Appendicitis: An Alternative to Laparoscopic Appendectomy

Wasim Qadir Kar, Zaheer Ahmed, Mansoor ul haq Chowdhary, Balvinder Singh

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, Iraq

Pages: 1704 - 1707

Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety between Dienogest and Dydrogesterone in Treatment of Endometriosis: Prospective Study

Tagreed Hamood Hatem, Mohanad Adel Mohammed, Hayder Adnan Fawzi

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Research Paper, Nursing, Iraq

Pages: 1708 - 1712

Effect of Instructional Program Concerning Hepatic Cirrhosis on Patient's Knowledge: A Case - Control Study

Adel Hameed Al-Obaidy, Huda B. Hassan

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1713 - 1716

Correlation of Back Extensor Muscle Endurance with Oswestry Disability Index in Middle Aged Females with Chronic Low Back Pain

Rupali Shevalkar, Arham Jain

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Case Studies, Geography Science, India

Pages: 1717 - 1724

Site Suitability Analysis for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal in Mangalore City Corporation, Karnataka - Using Geospatial Technology

Sandipta Das, Dasharatha P. Angadi

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 1725 - 1731

Isolation, Screening and Identification of Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) Producing Bacteria from Rhizospheric Soil

Pranita Malankar, Manish Petkar

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Research Paper, Management, Kenya

Pages: 1732 - 1737

The Effect of E-Procurement on the Performance of Procurement Functions at Skyward Express Limited

Abdiwahab Abdinoor Abdow, Dr. Dennis Juma, Chris Jared Odondi

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1738 - 1745

Evaluation the possibility of Bioactivation of Niobium and Titanium by Biomemtic Process

Ali AM, Intisar Jamil, L. Thair

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1746 - 1747

Polymeric Membrane Materials for Artificial Organs

Mallappa N. Kullolli

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1748 - 1751

Importance of Screw Position in Intertrochanteric Femoral Fractures Treated by Dynamic Hip Screw

Amarnath D Savur, Goudama Siddhartha Panicker, Abhishek Shetty

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Research Paper, Agricultural, Kenya

Pages: 1752 - 1759

Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health Practices for Organophosphate and Carbamate Pesticides in Flower Farms in Naivasha, Nakuru County Kenya

Loise Mukami, Paul Njogu, Margaret Kungu

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1760 - 1764

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge and Attitude towards Awareness of Organ Donation among Staff Nurses at Tertiary Care Hospital, Karad

Kalpana Jadhav, Sunita Tata, Simi Elsa Philip, Mohini Jagtap

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Research Paper, Finance, China

Pages: 1765 - 1769

Finance Governance and Dynamic Capital Structure

Juan Shang, Jiang Li

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1770 - 1771

Commonly Used Sacred Plants in Tehsil Moorang, District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

Swaran Lata, M. K. Seth

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 1772 - 1775

A Study of Clinical and Bacteriological Aspects of Pyodermas in a Tertiary Care Centre

Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr Anupma Goel, Dr. Seema Goel, Dr. Dimple Chopra, Dr. Aanchal Singla, Dr. Siddharth Chopra

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 1776 - 1781

Potential Use of Leaf Biomass - Wrightia tinctoria for Removal of Pb+2

Ch.V. Naga Sowjanya, Ch.V.R.L.Gayatri, Agnihotram S Y V R Krishna, Ch.V.R.Murthy

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 1782 - 1785

Determining Performance Characteristics of Diesel Blends with Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Nayan Patel, Krupal Shah

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Case Studies, Veterinary Science, India

Pages: 1786 - 1789

Successful Surgical Management of Cloacal Prolapse in a Turtle

Shiva Kumar E., L. Suresh, B. N. Nagaraja

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Research Paper, Biological Engineering, India

Pages: 1790 - 1792

Effective Noise Therapy: A Next Generation Medical Treatment

Souvik Bhattacharjee

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Research Paper, Microbiology, India

Pages: 1793 - 1798

Production of Biopigment ?Prodigiosin? from Serratia Marcescens under Optimized Conditions

Hariyali H. Sorathiya, Dr. Manisha Shah

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, Iraq

Pages: 1799 - 1804

Inhibition of Protease Produced from Clinical Isolate of pseudomonas aeruginosa using Vasicine Alkaloid

Ruaa H. Ali, Majid R. Majeed, Hiba A. Jasim

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Research Paper, Information Technology, Philippines

Pages: 1805 - 1810

Assessment of the Digital Literacy of Agency Authorized Officers and Electronic File Handlers of GSIS Cagayan de Oro

Crystal Sylvette Lavender Palacio-Raro, Dr. Maria Angeles Dano-Hinosolango

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1811 - 1814

CFD Analysis of Solar Air Heater by Using Combination of Triangular and Pentagon Ribs on the Absorber

Ajay Tiwari, Nishant Vibhav Saxena

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1815 - 1820

Microleakage Evaluation of Adhesive Systems Reinforced with Fluoroapatite or Calcium Fluoride

Mohammed Kassim Gholam, Mohammed R. Hameed

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 1821 - 1825

Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Adhesive Systems Reinforced by Fluoroapatite or Calcium Fluoride (In Vitro Study)

Mohammed Kassim Gholam, Mohammed R. Hameed

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1826 - 1827

Effect of Fungal Metabolites on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Withania somnifera (L) Dunal

Adeeba Anwar, A. R. Ansari

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Case Studies, Pathology Science, Canada

Pages: 1828 - 1835

Borderline Mucinous Neoplasm of the Renal Pelvis with Osseous Metaplasia

Maram S. Al Turki, Areej R. Alqahtani, Reem A. Al Zahrani, Noura Aloudah, Deena T. Boqari, Khaled. O. Alsaad

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 1836 - 1840

Correlation Analysis of Grain Yield and Important Agronomic Traits in Six Rowed Barley (HORDEUM VULGARE L.) in Agra Region

Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh Rathore, Dr. Yashasvita Chauhan

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 1841 - 1843

Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Combination of Benzoyl Peroxide and Clindamycin with Clindamycin and Benzoyl Peroxide used Separately in Acne Vulgaris

Dr. Kanupriya, Dr. V.R. Sardesai

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Research Paper, Management, China

Pages: 1844 - 1846

Research on the Development Status, Problems and Counter Measures of Sharing Bicycles in China

Wang Ke

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Case Studies, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1847 - 1850

MCTSI in the Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis and its Prognostic Correlation

Dr Vikhyath Shetty, Dr Vinod Hegde

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1851 - 1854

Imaging of Spinal Trauma by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography

Dr Sarfaraz Hussain Adnan, Dr. Lathika Shetty

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1855 - 1857

Multidetector CT Evaluation of Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Malignant Tumours

Dr. Amish P George, Dr. Shrikrishna .U

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Research Paper, Nursing, Kenya

Pages: 1858 - 1860

Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Sero-Positive Clients at a County Hospital - Nairobi, Kenya

Mary N. Musembi, Bernard W. Mbithi

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Communication or Media Studies, Rwanda

Pages: 1861 - 1865

Mediated Communication Influence on the Promotion of Customer Relations in Ugandan Commercial Banks: A Case of Barclays Bank Limited Uganda [Mbarara Branch]

Muhwezi David Nuwajira, Hellen K. Mberia, Dr. Caroline Nabuzale

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Case Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1866 - 1867

Steroid Responsive Encephalopathy Associated with Autoimmune Thyroiditis (Hashimoto Encephalopathy)

Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Dr. Vaibhav Mathur

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Research Paper, Pharmacology Science, India

Pages: 1868 - 1872

Assessment and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reaction in Pediatric, Medicine, Psychiatric Department

Mary Jose, Dr. Yogananda R

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 1873 - 1875

Study of the Renal Stones Composition using Computed Tomography among Saudi Population

Mahasin Gamalalddin, Zuhal Yassin, Walaa Saleh

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1896 - 1880

CIAAN Record Management System

Hrushikesh Bhamre, Richa Shukla, Sadichha Khedkar, Prof. Pooja Shinde

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 1881 - 1886

Effect of Polystyrene Polymer Modifier and Glass Powder Filler on the Mechanical Characteristics of Hot Mix Asphalt

Sinan Khaleel Ibrahim

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 1887 - 1892

Proposed Adaptive Steganography

Raghad Khalid Mohammed, Woud Majid Abed

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 1893 - 1896

Evaluation of Vision Changes Using SRK / T Formula in Cataract Senilis Performed Phacoemulsification

Hendra Gunawan, Delfi, Bobby R. E. Sitepu

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 1897 - 1900

Computed Tomography Evaluation of Anatomical Variations and Inflammatory Diseases of the Paranasal Sinuses

Dr Syed Jaffer Sadique, Dr. Shrikrishna .U

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Research Paper, Aquaculture Microbiology, India

Pages: 1901 - 1905

Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay of Some Medicinal Plants Using Artemia franciscana and Artemia salina

C. Kalai Selvi

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Research Paper, Finance, Kenya

Pages: 1906 - 1910

Credit Accessibility and Entrepreneurship by Youth Groups in Nyamira County, Kenya

Ongwae Nyakondo Eric

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Case Studies, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1911 - 1913

Silent Wilsons Disease Unmasked By Hepatitis E-Case Study

Dr Priyal Patel, Dr Dhruv Kotecha, Dr Hetal Pandya

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Research Paper, Aquaculture Microbiology, Cote d'Ivoire

Pages: 1914 - 1918

Isolation and Identification of Aeromonashydrophila, Pathogen of Farmed Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) in Region Agneby-Tiassa in cote d'Ivoire

Affoue Edwige KOUASSI, Moussa CISSE, Marina Koussemon, Allassane OUATTARA, Germain GOURENE

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Research Paper, Geography Science, Sri Lanka

Pages: 1919 - 1926

GIS Based Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping (LHZM) for Rattota DS Division, Matale District, Sri Lanka

Vasanthakumary Selvanayagam

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Cameroon

Pages: 1927 - 1933

Waste Characterization in the Bafoussam II Municipality of Cameroon

Oben Mbeng L., Temateu Zemtsa P.

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Research Paper, Computer Science, China

Pages: 1934 - 1939

Multi-Agent Genetic Algorithm for One Criteria Network Routing Optimization

Kabengele Mpunga Yannick

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Research Paper, Energy, India

Pages: 1940 - 1946

Influence of Carbon and Interaction of Carbon and Lignosulfonate on Dynamic Charge Acceptance of Flooded (Enhanced) Lead Acid Batteries

Senthil Kumar P, Babu N, Sumanth Vinay Kumar B, Siva Prasad K, Balaji G, Jagadish M

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Research Paper, Physical Education, India

Pages: 1947 - 1950

Comparison of Performance Related Fitness of Ethiopian Youth Sports Academy U 15, U 17 and U 20 Male Football Players

Dr. Tilahun Bereded Shiferaw

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Research Paper, Humanities, Australia

Pages: 1951 - 1955

Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research with Particular References to Interviews as a Research Tool

Yousef Sahari, Ahmad Assiri, Ibrahim Alasmari

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