Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018: Page 1: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018: Page 1

Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 1 - 2

Wegener's Granulomatosis Co-Existant with Pulmonary Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (A Rare Case Report)

Talib S. H, Bhattu S. R., Deshmukh Shridhar, Vyawahare Suraj, Tamboli Gaurav

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Review Papers, Welding, India

Pages: 3 - 5

Studies on Producing Hybrid Material Sheets (Combination of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Sheets) via Friction Stir Welding Process: Evaluating Microstructure, Tensile and Flexural Properties for Potential Engineering Applications-A Review

Harish Kumar, Dr. S. V. Satish

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Research Paper, Engineering, India

Pages: 6 - 13

Performance Evaluation and Vibration Analysis of Nylon-6 and FDM Moulded Coupling Gear and Sleeves

Sagar K. Pacharne, S. M. Jadhav

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Research Paper, Aeronautics, India

Pages: 14 - 18

Design and Analysis of Hover bike Model

Kailas Gaware, Shubham Kadu, Shubham Bijwe, Tushar Kale, Harshal D. Patil

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 19 - 22

Study of Road Traffic Injuries Admitted in Rural Hospital

Supriti Balaram Gharai, Dr. Supriya Satish Patil, Tanvi Nitin Deshpande, Dr. S. R Patil, Dr. P. M. Durgawale

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Research Paper, Education, Nigeria

Pages: 23 - 27

Utilization of Instructional Resources as Perceived by Student Midwives in School of Midwifery, Asaba, Nigeria

Ikwuka ObiageliI, Kanikwu Phoebe Nwamaka, Ikwuka David Chibuike

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Research Paper, Food Science and Technology, India

Pages: 28 - 32

Studies on Utilization of Ragi for Preparation of Malted Ragi Cookies

Ranjeet Chunilal Kokani, Hule Pournima Bharat, Kelgane Swati Sakharam

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 33 - 37

Open Mesh Repair for Ventral Hernias - Onlay or Preperitoneal: Analysis of a Young Surgeon?s Dilemma

Dr Biju K Varghese, Dr Nilanjan Roy, Dr Arpan Yadav, Dr SS Jaiswal

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Research Paper, Religion and Theology, Indonesia

Pages: 38 - 42

The Improvement of Students' Cognitive Achievement Trough Flowchart Visual Media


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Research Paper, Decision Support Systems, India

Pages: 43 - 48

Regional Competitiveness of Healthcare Services in Saudi Arabia

Upendra Lele

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 49 - 57

The Effect of Marketing Mix and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty at Premixed Mortar

Ariel Diesto Situmorang, Ujang Sumarwan, Megawati Simanjuntak

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Iraq

Pages: 58 - 66

Synthesis of Some New Nucleoside Analogues from Theobromine via Schiff Base

Thanaa M. Al-Mouamin, Sumaya J. Abid

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 67 - 71

Risk Factors for Prolonged Length of Stay in the ICU Following Cardiac Surgery

Abedinov F, Krastev P, Petrov I, Iliev R, Tsvetanova K.

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 72 - 77

Engine Downsizing and Reduction in Exhaust Gas Velocity in Turbine with Dual Boost Turbocharger

Rohit Soni, Roopesh Tiwari, Suman Sharma

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Review Papers, Chemistry, India

Pages: 78 - 81

Review on Analytical Techniques used for the Estimation and Persistence of Ready-Mix Formulation Residues in Various Crops and Soil

Anita, Bharti Sharma

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Case Studies, Radiological Sciences, India

Pages: 82 - 84

Santorinicele - A Case Report

Dr. Anagha Rajeev Joshi, Dr. Sukhada Vilas Kulkarni

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Engineering, India

Pages: 85 - 90

Life Saving hanging Robot (LShR) using MSP430 (Modern Mine Surveillance)

J. Ferin Joseph, David Anthony Durand

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Research Paper, Radiology Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 91 - 100

Differential Diagnosis of Breast Masses using Ultrasound Confirmed with Histopathology

Rania Mohammed Ahmed, Abeer Nasser ALGhalbi, Afnan Al-Thobity, Rahaf Al-Amri, Reem Al-Shehri, Abdul Rahman Al Oufi, Amany Mamdouh Abdel Aziz, Meaad Albashir

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 101 - 103

Anterior Epistaxis Management Using BPC v/s Silver Nitrate, Outcome - A Review

Baba Aijaz Khaliq, Iftikhar Ali Wazir, Bilal Shafiq Dar, Nadhia Bhagat, Kulwinder Singh Mehta

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 104 - 105

EEG-Derived Indexes for the Depth of Anesthesia and Muscle Relaxants

Kameliya Tsvetanova, Hyuliya Feradova

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Nigeria

Pages: 106 - 112

The Impact of ICT on the Productivity of Urban Farmers in Nigeria: The Case Study of Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Moses Ubaru, Jemilat Ibrahim, Samuel Ubaru

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Research Paper, Management, Sri Lanka

Pages: 113 - 119

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Staff Employees at ABC (Pvt.) Ltd, Sri Lanka

Thilini Nirosha, Amalie Jayatilake

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Iraq

Pages: 120 - 125

Metal Contamination in the Sediments of Tidal Flat for Iraq Costal

Wesal Fakhri Hassan

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Research Paper, Botany Science, Uzbekistan

Pages: 126 - 129

Substrate Groups of Bryophytes of Karatepa Mountains (Uzbekistan)

H. Kh. Zhalov

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Research Paper, Education, Israel

Pages: 130 - 132

Organizational Justice among School Principals within Israeli Arab Schools from the Teachers' Point of View

Fathi Shamma

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Case Studies, Biochemistry, India

Pages: 133 - 137

Study of eGFR in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Shabnam .S, Peersab M Pinjar

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 138 - 140

Fibroma: A Case Report

Dr. Savita Sambashivaiah, Dr. Punit Naidu, Dr. Anuroopa .P

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 141 - 147

Sustainable Tourism Development Approaches of Natural Scenic Resources of Kuakata, Bangladesh

Md. Mahfjur Rahman

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 148 - 155

Developing the System (MILCLICKS)

Dr. Rafah S. Alhamdani, Dr. Buthainah Fahran Abed, Zeina Kutaiba Ahmed

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 156 - 158

Sports-Related Injuries in Arab Countries: A Review of Literature

Fatimah Alhussain, Khulud Alhussain, Dr. Majidah Alhussain, Dr. Maznah Alhesain, Ketbah Alonaze

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Dissertation Chapters, Environment Science, India

Pages: 159 - 165

Water Quality Assessment of Velacherry Lake Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Madhumathi T, Sharon Bercy J, Thangaperumal S

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Research Paper, Biodiversity and Conservation, India

Pages: 166 - 169

Dwindiling Population of a Scincid Lizard Mabuya Carinata (SCHNEIDER, 1801) in Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh, South India

R. Janardana Rao, Dr. I. S. Chakrapani, Dr. M. Rajasekhar

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 170 - 174

A Retrospective Study to Evaluate Etiological Factors Associated with Intrauterine Fetal Death at Tertiary Referral Centre

Dr. Richa Jha, Dr. Renu Rohatgi

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 175 - 178

Hopeless to Hopeful: Hemisection of a Periodontally Involved Molar - A Case Report

Parkavi Arumugam, Mala Dixit Baburaj

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, Ethiopia

Pages: 179 - 182

A Comparison of Different Approaches in Text Steganography

Tewhasom Aregay Weldu

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Research Paper, Pediatric Specialty, India

Pages: 183 - 190

A Comparative Study using the Short Sensory Profile by the Caregivers on the Performance of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders

Hetal Jagdishkumar Tripathi, Titiksh Vijeshkumar Varma, Krupa Babulal Prabhakar

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Research Paper, Social Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 191 - 195

The Image Crisis of India as a Development Partner in South Asia: A Regional Development Perspective

Md Mahmudul Hoque

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Iraq

Pages: 196 - 198

S-nearly Semiprime Submodules and Some Related Concept

Mohammed B. H. Alhakeem

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Research Paper, History, Indonesia

Pages: 199 - 203

Culture, Civilization and Globalization: A Theoretical Approach to Japanese Studies in Indonesia

I Ketut Surajaya

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 204 - 208

IoT Based Intelligent Healthcare Kit

M. Sivalingamaiah, K. Gopi

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Research Paper, Entomology Science, Indonesia

Pages: 209 - 212

Risk Factors of Malaria Incidence on Pregnant Women in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) Kalumata Work Area Ternate City

Sahnawi Marsaoly

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Research Paper, Business Management, Kenya

Pages: 213 - 224

Firm Resource Orientation and the Implementation of Supply Chain Sustainability Practices in the Logistics Industry

Vincent O. Ochieng, Patrick K. Ngugi, Romanus Odhiambo

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Nigeria

Pages: 225 - 235

Transmission and Control Dynamic Model of Influenza Virus Infection

T. O. Oluyo, M. O. Adeyemi

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Nigeria

Pages: 236 - 244

The Mathematical Analysis of Malaria Transmission: The effect of Sanitation

OLUYO Temitayo Olabisi, ADENIYI Michael Olaniyi

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 245 - 248

Left Sided Surgical Approach in Dextrocardia DCRV

Dr Rohit Shahapurkar, Dr Balaji Aironi, Dr. Ankur Goel

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Case Studies, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 249 - 252

Pneumoarthrosis of the Temporomandibular Joint (Case Report)

Hisham Mohammed Ali Khalil

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 253 - 257

Arthrocentesis for the Treatment of Internal Derangement (Evaluatet Clinico-Arthrography)

Hisham Mohammed Ali Khalil

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 258 - 260

Treatment of Recurrent Dislocation of TMJ

Hisham Mohammed Ali Khalil

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 261 - 265

Cranial Bone Graft to Reconstruct the Mandibular Condyle Experimental Study

Hisham Mohammed Ali Khalil

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 266 - 272

In Vivo Mechanical and Histological Evaluation of the Effect of Vacuum Storage and Ultra Violet Light Treatment of Titanium Implants on Osseointegration

Yas Mohammed Musadaq, Bayan S. Khalaf, Ban A. Ghani

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Research Paper, Physics and Astronomy, India

Pages: 273 - 275

Make a Building Block of Universe (The Fundamental Particle)

M. V. John

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Research Paper, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Nigeria

Pages: 276 - 281

Deblurring of Tumor Images with Non-Blind Deconvolution Algorithm

Abba Muhammad Adua, Oyedotun Olarewaju Akeem

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Research Paper, Business Management, Indonesia

Pages: 282 - 289

Development of a Business Model Canvas Forgaleri Indonesia Wow

Rani Pudji Hastuti, Rizal Syarief, M. Faiz Syuaib

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 290 - 294

A Study of Neutrophil Volume, Conductance and Scattergram Parameters in early detection of Neonatal Sepsis

Dr. Vijay Kapse, Dr. Jayanti Chandrakar, Dr. Renuka Gahine, Dr. Girish Suman

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 295 - 299

Why & Where We Failed to Control Swine Flu?

Dr. Ajeet Singh, Dr. Suresh Yadav

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Survey Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 300 - 303

The Effect of Substrate Material on Microstrip Patch Antenna

Yagnesh R. Patel, Anil K. Sisodia, Nimesh M. Prabhakar

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Iraq

Pages: 304 - 306

Biotyping and Resistotyping of Campylobacter Isolates Recovered from Frozen Chicken Meat Sold in Baghdad Province

Manal Hadi Ghaffoori Kanaan

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Case Studies, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 307 - 309

Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis Masquerading as Epidermal Inclusion Cyst

Divya Gupta, Ravi Prakash, Parminder Singh

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Review Papers, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 310 - 314

Prospects and Potential of Producing Biodiesel from Minor Seeds of Forest Origin

S. K. Pawar, Dr. J. A. Hole

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 315 - 320

Predicting Compressive Strength of Self- Compacting Concrete Using Bagasse Ash and Rice Husk Ash

H. S. Narashimhan, Karisiddappa, M. Ramegowda

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Research Paper, Religion and Theology, Kenya

Pages: 321 - 327

Parental Responsibilities: A Transformational Tool for Leadership and Development

Jane Njeri Mukuha

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, India

Pages: 328 - 330

Level of Knowledge Regarding Good and Bad Touch Among Adolescence in Selected Setting, Chennai

Andrea Donitta. G.

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Dissertation Chapters, Geography Science, India

Pages: 331 - 339

Mineral Mapping at Pattipulam Village by Remote Sensing Technique

Suriyan PA, Arjunnath N S, Thangaperumal S

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Case Studies, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 340 - 342

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Conjunctiva: A Case Report

Dr. Sujata S. Giriyan, Dr. Purushotham Reddy, Dr. Vasantham Vyshnavi

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Research Paper, Linguistics Science, Indonesia

Pages: 343 - 346

Deixis in Ambonese Malay

Prihe Slamatin Letlora, La Ode Achmad Suherman

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Research Paper, Industrial Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 347 - 357

Fish Export Optimization On Cold Supply Chain

Agustinus Silalahi, Christine Natalia, Trifenaus Prabu Hidayat, Andre Sugioko, Fidik

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Research Paper, Software Engineering, India

Pages: 358 - 359

Processing and Analyzing Temperature and Humidity Data Using Internet of Things

Abhinav Jain, Aditya Ahuja, Sheetal Sharma

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Research Paper, Chemistry, Malaysia

Pages: 360 - 367

Quantification of Potential Genotoxic Impurities at Trace Level in Gefitinib Drug Substance by LCMS Method

Sunil V. Lanke, Nishikumar Niture, Dhramveer Singh Shekhawat, Nurul Syazwani Nadirah

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Turkey

Pages: 368 - 372

Antibacterial Activity of Melissa officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Sideritis amasiaca and Echinacea sp. Extracts against Some Nosocomial Pathogens

Sinasi Askar, Tunay Kontas Askar

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Research Paper, Social Science, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 373 - 379

Stigmatization of Threatening and Strategies of Situational Prevention in Gecamines Factories of Shituru (To Likasi, in the Katanga, in DRC)

Ngoie Mwenze Honore

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Research Paper, Nursing and Health Professions, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 380 - 383

Analysis of the Work Stress of Doctors and Nurses Resulting from Organizational Problems in the Health Institutions of the City of Lubumbashi (in DRC)

MUTELO Kona Cathy

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Dissertation Chapters, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 384 - 386

The Making of a Test Mechanism for Occlusal Registration

Tanya Bozhkova, Yavor Kalachev, Stoyan Yankov

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Iraq

Pages: 387 - 391

Heat Transfer Properties of PMMA / MgTiO3 Nanocomposites

Dr. Zainab AL-Ramadhan, Dr. Fadhil K. Farhan, Dr. Ziyad Shiab Ahmed AL-Sarraj, Hawraa hussain Al-esami

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 392 - 398

Relationship of Oxitocin Massage and Breastmilk Dam in Wonosari Puskesmas District Bondowoso Indonesia


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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 399 - 402

Reporting of PAP Smear, using Sure Path Technique in Gauhati Medical College & Hospital, Guwahati, Assam

Prasanta Kumar Baruah, Deep Jyoti Kalita, Himakshi Borah

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 403 - 410

Study of Medical Morbidities among Bus Drivers of Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation Division

Snehal Chavhan, Sanjay Kubde, Preeti Namdeo Pawar

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Informative Article, Law, India

Pages: 411 - 413

Ombudsman as a Watchdog of Administration in India

Bini R. A.

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Research Paper, Social Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 414 - 418

Ideology, Ethics, Patriotism and Police Corruption: A Criminological Analysis

Mahamuda Ridia Roshni, Md. Ashraful Islam, Tahmina Khatun

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Research Paper, Dental Science, Iraq

Pages: 419 - 422

Evaluation of Buccal Mucosal Cell in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: (Cytomorphometrical Study)

Rouaa Shakir Farhan, Layla Sabri Yas

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Research Paper, Communications Engineering, Sudan

Pages: 423 - 428

Performance Analysis of Modulation Formats for WDM Spectrum Slicing

Jamal N. A. Hassan, F. E. Ismael, Elsadig Saeid

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 429 - 434

Evaluation of Noise Pollution Due to Electric Generators in the University of Maiduguri Campus

Y. B. Dibal, D. I. Malgwi, M. Maina

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Research Paper, Architecture, Tanzania

Pages: 435 - 456

Drivers and Challenges of the Employers? Orientation Training; The Case of Graduate Quantity Surveyors in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania

Dennis N.G.A.K. Tesha, Novatus A. Mikapagaro, Didas S. Lello, Calvin D. Mbaga

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Review Papers, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 457 - 463

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Burn Injury: Literature Review

I Gusti Ayu Putri Purwanthi

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 464 - 473

Adsorption of the Eosin Dye from Aqueous Solution on the Surface of the ?-zeolite Synthesis from Iraqi Rice Husk

Muayedkhaleel Ibrahim

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 474 - 475

Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of Prostate in Patients with Raised Serum Prostate Specific Antigen - A Histopathological Study

Raju, Carbin Joseph

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 476 - 481

Study of Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein Level in Medical Students with Metabolic Syndrome

Dr Harshpreet Singh Tuteja, Dr M. M. Patil, Dr Sunil Kumar

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Research Paper, Physics Science, Nigeria

Pages: 489 - 492

Sound Pollution Effect on Fish Migration Rate in a Tank Experiment


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Research Paper, Welding, India

Pages: 493 - 495

Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for Polyethylene Butt Welded Joint Formed by Friction Stir Welding

Harish Kumar, Dr. S. V. Satish

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Research Paper, Ecology, Kenya

Pages: 496 - 504

Effect of Disturbance On the Population Structure and Regeneration of Trees: A Case Study of Acacia xanthophloea (Benth) Woodland in Ol-Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya

Godwin Leslie Muhati, Halima Saado Abdillahi

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 505 - 507

Vaccine Vial Monitoring (VVM) By Comparing Traditional Evaluation and Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE)

A Samundeeswari, G Muthamilselvi

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Research Paper, History, Indonesia

Pages: 508 - 513

The Domination of Tokyo University Alumni In Top Bureaucracy Japan

Yoga Prayoga, I Ketut Surajaya

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Case Studies, Dental Science, India

Pages: 514 - 517

Management of Puberty Associated Gingival Enlargement in an Adolescent Female - A Case Report with a Follow-Up of 1 Year

Dr. Lashika V. Tambe, Dr. Mala Dixit Baburaj

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Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, India

Pages: 518 - 521

A Novel Approach for Face Recognition using Principal Component Analysis

Vandana Akshath Raj

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Informative Article, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India

Pages: 522 - 524

Simulation of PV Array with Boost Converter: Closed Loop Model

Thrapthi Shetty

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 525 - 530

Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Sonographers during Abdominal and Pelvic Sonography

Twinkle Dabholkar, Mukti Shirodkar, Riddhi Shroff

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Survey Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, Albania

Pages: 531 - 533

Fixed Dental Prostheses: A Systematic Review of the Survival and Complication Rates

Entela Fuga, Gafur Shtino

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 534 - 535

Synchronous Colonic Tuberculosis and Adenocarcinoma Colon: A Rare Case Report

Keisham Lokendra Singh, Angelica Laiphrakpam

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Research Paper, Management, India

Pages: 536 - 541

E-Banking in India: Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. D. C. Agarwal, Sakshi Chauhan

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Survey Paper, Medicine Science, Albania

Pages: 542 - 544

The Frequency of Post Stroke Depression

Valentina Asabella, Mira Rakacolli

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Comparative Studies, Engineering, India

Pages: 545 - 550

Present and Future Challenges of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles Battery

Nangha Rajan J, Vineeth S, Gokul G

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 551 - 554

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with Asymptomatic Syringomyelia: A Case Report

I Komang Arimbawa, I Putu Eka Widyadharma, I.G.N. Purna Putra, Thomas Eko Purwata

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Research Paper, Industrial Engineering, India

Pages: 555 - 556

Lean Six Sigma Exploring Future Potential and Challenges

Rushikesh Patil, Ganesh Suryawanshi, Akshay Shinde

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Informative Article, Medicine Science, Greece

Pages: 557 - 559

Emergency Out-of-Hospital Decompressive Neurosurgical Intervention = Last Source Measure

Theodoros Aslanidis, Efstratia Syrmou

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Research Paper, Agriculture, India

Pages: 560 - 568

Changing Scenario of Agriculture in Baranda-Shibnagar Mouza of Murshidabad-Jiaganj C.D. Block, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India

Majrul SK

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 569 - 574

Air Q Blocker LMA in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - A Pilot Study

Dr. Nandita Mehta, Dr. Apeksha Gupta, Dr. Rohit Gupta

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Review Papers, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 575 - 577

Laser Photobiomodulation and Photodynamic Therapy. A Literature Review

Rada Kazakova

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Review Papers, Dental Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 578 - 581

Laser Photoactivated Disinfection and Microbial Reduction. A Literature Review

Rada Kazakova

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Research Paper, Geography Science, India

Pages: 582 - 585

Scope of Tourism Development in Bharatpur District (A Geographical Study)

Dr. Gambhir Singh

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Bulgaria

Pages: 586 - 588

EEG-Derived Indexes for Deep of Anesthesia and Hypnotics

Kameliya Tsvetanova

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Research Paper, Radiological Sciences, United Arab Emirates

Pages: 589 - 593

Characterization of Pulmonary Embolism using MDCT in Sudanese Population

Musab Mergani Abdalalh, Wadah M. Ali, Lana Haider Ahmed, Altahir Abdalmalik Abukhiar, Omer Othman Mohammed, Ruba Mohamed Elawad

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Dissertation Chapters, Biological Sciences, India

Pages: 594 - 604

A Study of Mangroves and Prawn Diversity in Kavanattinkara

Amala Sebastian, Sr. Jessy Joseph Kavumkal

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 605 - 612

Design and Implementation of Router Intrusion Detection and Protection Systems

Nareshkumar D. Harale, Dr. B. B. Meshram

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 613 - 618

Evaluation of the Accuracy of Transvaginal Colour Doppler Sonography and Its Correlation with Histopathology in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding - An Observational Study

Dr. Dalia Yashvita, Dr. Sharma Anju, Dr. Rajoria Lata, Dr. Agrawal Megha, Dr. Chaturvedi Hina, Dr. Garima

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Informative Article, Peace and Conflict Studies, Russia

Pages: 619 - 623

The Impact of International Migration on Security: Terrorism and Refugee in Perspective

Abidoye Rasheed Olasunkami, Emaimo Alice John

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Nepal

Pages: 624 - 628

Behaviour of 3D-Moment Resistant Steel Structure Further to Column Loss

Abhishek Ghimire

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 629 - 642

FireMAN: Next Generation Firewall Systems Design using Data Mining

Nareshkumar D. Harale, Dr. B. B. Meshram

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 643 - 648

On the Characterization of Propulsive Powders: Performance Calculation of Congolese Compositions


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Informative Article, Law, India

Pages: 649 - 650

Triple Talaq Bill: A Social Reform or Just a Dead Man's Gun?

Reshma J. Fathima

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 651 - 658

Analysis and Design Modeling for Next Generation Network Intrusion Protection Systems

Nareshkumar Harale, B. B. Meshram

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Research Paper, Psychology, India

Pages: 659 - 664

Correlation between Openness to Experience - A Personality Factor and Emotional Intelligence among Women Leaders of Odisha

Purna Ch. Pradhan, Dr Urmimala Das

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Research Paper, Social Science, Indonesia

Pages: 665 - 670

Analysis of Cost Leadership Strategy and Differentiation Strategy in Creating Competitive Advantages and their Impact on Performance

Victorio Fernando Nahuway, Rofiaty, Noermijati

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Research Paper, Environment Science, Bangladesh

Pages: 671 - 675

A Survey of Toxic Metal Concentrations in Food Chain Level at Rajshahi District Area in Bangladesh

Sayed M A Salam, Md. Riazul Haq, Md. Anwarul Karim, Md. Rakib-Uz-Zaman

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, India

Pages: 676 - 681

Ergonomic Analysis of Musculoskeletal Issues in Indian Footwear Factory Workers

Dr. Swati Srivastava, Kiran Sharma

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Research Paper, Manufacturing Engineering, China

Pages: 682 - 687

Three Coupler Position Synthesis and Kinematic Analysis for a Couple of Four-Bar Mechanism

B. Diriba Hirpo

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Civil Engineering, Bahrain

Pages: 688 - 699

Late Payments for Contractors Working for Bahrain Government Building Construction Projects: Part I (Factors and Consequences of Late Payment)

Sahar K. A. Falamarzi, Saad M. A. Suliman

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Engineering, Bahrain

Pages: 700 - 723

Late Payments for Contractors Working for Bahrain Government Building Construction Projects: Part II (Modelling Using Artificial Neural Networks and Regression)

Sahar K. A. Falamarzi, Saad M. A. Suliman

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Research Paper, Environment Science, India

Pages: 724 - 725

Intensity of Colour Present in Industrial Water Sample (Treated) of Nipani Town

Yashodhara Varale

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 726 - 731

Correlation Between Self Efficacy with Anxiety in Dealing with Final Examination of Semester in Students Faculty of Psychology Persada Indonesia YAI University

Sinta Febdiana, Elizabeth Levina Souisa, Debby Julia

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 732 - 737

Design, Development and Testing of Moving Magnet Linear Motor Compressor

Rahul Awargand, Maruti Khot, Vikram More

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 738 - 741

Ultrasound Assessment of the Effectiveness of Cricoid Pressure

Ramyashree RM, Rammurthy Kulkarni

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 742 - 745

Tistrella mobilis, a Novel Bacteria Isolated from Bagru Rajasthan Possess the Capability of Azo Dye Degradation

Shivangi Rana, Krishan Kumar

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Research Paper, Finance, China

Pages: 746 - 751

The Research of Internet Finance Supporting Targeted Poverty Alleviation Innovation Model

Juan Shang, Huangrui Du

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Survey Paper, Computers in Biology and Medicine, India

Pages: 752 - 756

Optimal Characteristics Recognization for Visually Impaired Users Using Surface based Descriptors

Sreekanth Kumar D, Sashi Rekha K

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 757 - 760

Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Subgingivally Delivered Propolis in Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis: A Case Control Study

Amera Ayubi, Nalini S, Kavita Chandrasekaran, Paunami Paul

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, Indonesia

Pages: 761 - 763

Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Obese People

Revianna Resna Ferdika Hutagalung, Ida Ayu Sri Wijayanti, Ign Budiarsa, Thomas Eko Purwata, I Putu Eka Widyadharma

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Review Papers, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 764 - 766

The Parameters Affecting On the Design of Spacecraft Payload Transportation Container - A Review

Karishma Y. Randhanpura, Hitesh Raiyani

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Informative Article, Law, India

Pages: 767 - 768

Custodial Death

M. Deepa

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 769 - 771

Hyperloop Transportation System: A New Mode of Transportation

Potla Jithendra

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Research Paper, Management, Tanzania

Pages: 772 - 774

Factors Affecting Project Implementation in Non-Governmental Organizations in Tanzania; A Case of Selected NGOs in Arusha City

Nuru Aron, Dr. Samuel Obino Mokaya

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Research Paper, Computers & Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 778 - 786

Enhancement of Cloud Security by Including Responsibility Components in RBAC

Nidhi Saxena

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Research Paper, Education, Ghana

Pages: 787 - 794

Influence of Leadership Practices on Service Quality Delivery in Private Higher Education Institutions in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana

Jerry Pratt Newton, Patrick Osei-Poku, Dickson Adom

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 795 - 796

Aerogel: Future Material

Rushikesh Patil, Akshay Shinde, Ganesh Suryawanshi

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Research Paper, Optics & Laser Technology, Iraq

Pages: 797 - 802

Parameters Affect the Efficiency of Acousto-Optic Modulators

Suha Mousa Alawsi, Lubaba abdul Kareem Al-Janabi

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Research Paper, Physiology Science, Nigeria

Pages: 803 - 807

Effect of the hydromethanolic Extract of the Pulp of Garcinia kola Seed on Fertility Indices of Male Wistar Rats

Chibuike Obiandu, Ologhaguo Adienbo

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Research Paper, Agricultural Economics, Indonesia

Pages: 808 - 812

Decisions Factors Affecting Youngs Work in Agricultural Sector at Oku District South Sumatera Indonesia

Fifian Permata Sari, Munajat

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 813 - 816

Relationship Self Concept with Trend Sexual Behavior in Adolescent at Halfway House of Kosambi Pelitacentral Jakarta

Siti Aisyah, Siti Hawa

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Case Studies, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 817 - 819

LNG-IUS - An Incredible Non Surgical Alternative for Menorrhagia

Dr. Rajshree Deepak Gohadkar, Dr Desh Deepak

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 820 - 821

Severe Cervical Myelitis due to Chickenpox in an Immunocompetent Young Adult: A Rare Case Report

Dr. Dnyaneshwar V Jadhav, Dr. Aniket Pande, Dr. Anil Joshi

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, Nepal

Pages: 822 - 827

Investigation on Dispersion and Mixing Method of PVA Fibers with Cement Paste

Tek Raj Gyawali

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Survey Paper, Economics,

Pages: 828 - 835

Evaluation of China?s Resource and Environmental Performance in 2005-2015

Hui Tiaoyan, Zhang Pei

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Research Paper, Communication or Media Studies, Rwanda

Pages: 836 - 839

Influence of Integrated Marketing Communications Tools on Adoption of Telecommunications Innovations

Eddyne Yamuremye, Prof. Hellen K. Mberia, Dr. Caroline Nabuzale

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 840 - 842

Study of Patch Test for Hand and Foot Eczema

Prajakta Lawange, V. R. Sardesai

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Engineering, China

Pages: 843 - 845

Gear Classification

John Mkhomoi, Dr. Zhijun Pei

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 846 - 849

System Monitoring and Communication

Omkar Kolambkar, Namita Kolambkar

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Research Paper, Physics Science, India

Pages: 850 - 852

Gluon Density Function in Leading Order by the Method of Characteristics

Saiful Islam

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 853 - 859

Cytohistopathological Correlation of Cervical Lesions

Dr. Kavita Sharma, Dr. S. P. Vyas, Dr. Neelu Gupta, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Sharma

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Engineering, China

Pages: 860 - 864

ATM Security System on IRIS Recognition with GSM Module

Rubea Othman Rubea, Xue Wen Ding

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Research Paper, History, Indonesia

Pages: 865 - 871

Proto Trading House and Vertical Mobilities of MerchantClass in Edo Period Japan

I Ketut Surajaya, Thalita Alanna

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 872 - 874

Prediction of Lung Cancer Using Classifier Models

Shamreen Fathima Saddique, Sharmithra P, Justin Xavier D

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Research Paper, Nanotechnology, India

Pages: 875 - 879

Green Synthesize and Characterization of the Plant Mediated Silver Nanoparticles Using Solanumnigrum Leaf Extract

K. Velvizhi, S. Ravi

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Research Paper, Biological Sciences, India

Pages: 880 - 884

Macrozoobenthos as Indicators of Pollution in River Jhelum of Kashmir Himalayas

M. D. Mahdi, F. A. Bhat, A. R. Yousuf

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Case Studies, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 885 - 888

Comparison of Autologous Blood versus Conventional Conjunctival Autograft Surgery for Pterygium

Dr. Anirudh Singh, Dr. Neelima Mehrotra

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 889 - 892

A Coordinated Control Scheme of PSS and SVC Devices for Improving Power System Oscillations

Swapnil Gupta, Kumar Prabhakar

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Iraq

Pages: 893 - 898

The Effect of Age Onleptin Hormone and Some Biochemical Parameters in Patients Pre-Dialysis

Hussein Faleh Hassen, Makarim Qassim Dawood Al-Lami, Ali J Hashim Al-Saedi

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Research Paper, Industrial Process Monitoring Techniques and Systems, Ukraine

Pages: 899 - 905

Methodical Approach to Estimation of Effectiveness of the Radio Frequency Monitoring System

Kalyuzhny N.M, Zadonskiy A.I., Kovshar V.A.

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Research Paper, Environmental Science, India

Pages: 906 - 908

Biocomposting of Anagallis arvensis and Impact of Prepared Vermicompost on the Growth of Tagetes erecta, Plant

Om Prakash

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 909 - 912

Estimation of Handgrip Strength in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus

Ravneet Sandhu, Shyamal Koley

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 913 - 917

Correlation Between Family Social Support to the Menopause Anxiety

Ade Tarbiyatul Wahidiyati Pamungkas, Elizabeth Levina Souisa, Khairunnisa Pane

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Research Paper, Veterinary Science, India

Pages: 918 - 922

Studies on Comparative Evaluation of Wound Healing between the Surgically Excised and Zap Strap Applied Tumor Wounds of Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue in Dogs

Bharathraj .S .V, B. N. Nagaraja

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Brazil

Pages: 923 - 928

A Computational Algorithm for the Numerical Integration of a Function of One or More Variables

Alexandre Cesar Balbino Barbosa Filho

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Tourism, Indonesia

Pages: 929 - 933

Effect of Instructional Program Concerning Hepatic Cirrhosis on Patient's Knowledge: A Case - Control Study

Adel Hameed Al-Obaidy, Huda B. Hassan

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Research Paper, Nursing, Iraq

Pages: 934 - 937

Effectiveness of an Instructional Program Concerning Mediterranean Diet Regimen on Hepatic Cirrhosis Patient's Knowledge

Adel Hameed Al-Obaidy, Huda B. Hassan

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Research Paper, Medical Surgical, India

Pages: 938 - 942

A Comparative Study of Endoscopic Myringoplasty v/s Conventional Microscopic Myringoplasty - Our Experience

Baba Aijaz Khaliq, Sanam Altaf, Nisar Hussain Dar

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Research Paper, English Literature, India

Pages: 943 - 944

Conceptual Review of Smell Communication

Asma Qureshi

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 945 - 948

Effect of Zirconium on Mechanical Behavior of Aluminum7075

P. Saritha, Dr. A. Satyadevi, Dr. P. Ravikanth Raju, N. Swapna Sri

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Research Paper, Psychology, Indonesia

Pages: 949 - 954

Correlation Between Product Quality with Interest in Buying Smartfren Modem in Students Faculty of Psychology University of Persada Indonesia Y.A.I

Fenny Jaya Hariyanti, Warda Bantam, Christine Graciana Ado Toa

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Research Paper, Biology Science, India

Pages: 955 - 958

Salinity Induced Responses to NRA and Nodulation in Kidney Bean (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS Linn.)

B. K. Verma, K. A. Varshney

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Research Paper, Electronics and Communication Engineering, China

Pages: 963 - 965

Wideband Flipped Staired Equilateral Triangular Pyramid DRA

Daniel Bituro Msilanga

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 966 - 968

Periodontal Health Assessment of Retromolar Area following Mandibular Third Molar Extraction

Rajesh Vyloppillil, Faveenna Sukumaran, Jayachandran P, Angel Fenol

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Research Paper, Economics, Korea, South

Pages: 969 - 974

Why Do Consumers Participate in Ecological Boycott? An Exploratory Study Using Means-End Chains Analysis

Thanh Hoai Nguyen, Hai Quynh Ngo, Pham Ngoc Nha Ngo, Gi-Du, Kang

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Dissertation Chapters, Public Health Education, Nigeria

Pages: 975 - 980

Socioeconomic Determinants of Infant Mortality among Women Attending Antenatal Care in Northern States of Nigeria

Waziri Bala Kwata, M.A Suleiman, V. Dashe

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Review Papers, Nursing, India

Pages: 981 - 984

Post-Partum Depression: A Review

Pooja Saharan, Aparna Sehgal

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Research Paper, Medicine Science, India

Pages: 985 - 989

Serum Uric Acid in Prediabetes

Nabeel Hashmi, T. K. Kamble

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Research Paper, Computer Science, Iraq

Pages: 990 - 994

A Steganography Algorithm and Cryptography Techniques for Hiding Image

Zanbaq Hekmet Thanon

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Research Paper, Microbiology, Indonesia

Pages: 995 - 998

Effect of Physical Pretreatment on Microstructure of Cassava Stem Fibers and Aspergillus niger FNCC 6114 Growth through Solid State Fermentation

Pramesti Dewi, Ria Millati, Retno Indrati, Sardjono

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Tourism, Indonesia

Pages: 999 - 1002

A Rare Case Report of Asymptomatic Tumor Mass as Incidental Finding during Cesarean Section

Dr. Kavita Kabade, Dr. Lucetta Dias, Dr. Shashikant Kulkarni, Dr. Shridula Pawar, Dr. Purva Ingle

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, India

Pages: 1003 - 1007

The Outcome of Labour in Primigravida with Term Gestation and Unengaged Head at Onset of Labour

Dr. Ekta Ravalji, Dr. Foram Naik, Dr. Deepak Desai

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Research Paper, Physiotherapy, India

Pages: 1008 - 1010

Effect of Menopause on Handgrip Strength in Middle-Aged Women of Amritsar, Punjab, India

Neha, Shyamal Koley

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Research Paper, Medicine and Dentistry, India

Pages: 1011 - 1013

Assessment of Interns' Knowledge Regarding Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation

Dr. Musthyala Manoj Kumar, Dr. Prakruthi Jaladhar, Dr. Mukhtarahmed Bendigeri

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Research Paper, Pathology Science, India

Pages: 1014 - 1015

Correlation of Colposcopy with Cervical Biopsy Findings in Various Lesions of Cervix

Puja Karalia, Ravindra Nimbargi, Narayan Mani

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1016 - 1018

Intrusion Detection and Response System in AODV for Mobile Adhoc Network

Manpreet Kaur, Manoj Kumar

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Review Papers, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 1019 - 1026

Fake Opinion and Brand Spam Detection Utilizing J48 Classifier Time Series

Sai Nawale, K. V. Reddy

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Research Paper, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 1027 - 1029

Production of Biodiesel using Used Ricebran Oil

C. Bharadwaj Kumar, Agnihotram S Y V R Krishna, P. Sreedhar, G. Prabhakar

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Research Paper, Architecture, Tanzania

Pages: 1037 - 1057

Vulnerability Measures of Health and Safety on Confined Building Construction Sites in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania

Didas S. Lello, Dennis N.G.A.K. Tesha

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Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering, India

Pages: 1058 - 1063

Fea Simulation for Vibration Control of Shaft System by Magnetic Piezoelectric Control Mount

Asha Kumawat, Sanjay Kumawat

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Informative Article, Law, India

Pages: 1064 - 1065

Interrelation of Judicial and Administrative Discretion

B. Anushya

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