Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 4: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018: Page 4

Case Studies, Yoga and Meditation, India

Pages: 725 - 730

Emerging Trends in the Alleviation of Depression and Anxiety Disorders through Application of Acupressure 14 Points Exercises Combined with Sky Practice Designed by Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi - A Case Study on a 54 year Old Male Patient

C. Vijayalakshmi, V. Devarajan

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Research Paper, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 731 - 733

Prevalence of Condyloma Accuminata with Human Immunodeficiency Virus at Dermatology and Venereology Departement of Mangusada Badung General Hospital During January-December 2016

Shinta Widari Tirka Putu, Ari A. Kayika S. Anak Agung

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 734 - 738

Effectiveness of Modified Early Ambulation on Activities of Daily Living, Functional Activity and Psychological Wellbeing among the Patients Undergone Abdominal Surgery

Nisha Clement, Dr. I. Clement.

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Research Paper, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 739 - 741

Direct Hooking Electric Theft: Silicone Rubber Piping over Bear Overhead Electric Conductors Technical Enforcement Mechanisms

Surekha S. Bhalshankar, Dr C. S. Thorat

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Research Paper, Social Science, Nigeria

Pages: 742 - 744

Investigation on International Sanctions and its Consequences on Nigeria's Foreign Policy (1993-1997)

Chiroma Isa Mamman

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Research Paper, Environmental Engineering, Iraq

Pages: 745 - 750

Environmental Impact Assessment of a Proposed for Solid Waste Management Facility in Al-Wihda Sub District, Baghdad Governorate

Haider Kareem Ali Alobaidy

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, Canada

Pages: 751 - 757

The Forsaken Daughters of a Developing World Femicide, Development and Women?s Health in India

Rishma Johal, Amit Johal

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Environmental Engineering, India

Pages: 758 - 767

Air Quality Prediction Modelling and its Validation in the Near Field of Urban Roadway of Delhi, India

Mantrana, Syed Kursheed Ahmad, Azhar Husain

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Research Paper, Nursing, India

Pages: 768 - 769

A Study on Knowledge Regarding First Aid among College Student of Rusha (Vellore)


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Research Paper, Hematology Science, India

Pages: 770 - 776

Study of Clinico-Hematological Profile of Thalassemia at Tertiary Care Centre

Shankar Marshal Toppo, Rajan S. Bindu

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Research Paper, Biomedical Sciences, India

Pages: 777 - 780

A Comparative Study of Acetaminophen and Combination of Acetaminophen with Gabapentin for Post-Operative Analgesia for Open Cholecystectomy

Dr Kasirajan G, Dr Senthilkumar S

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, Iraq

Pages: 781 - 787

Synthesis and Study of the Biological Activity of Some Cyclohexenone Derivatives

Ahmed A. Aljubouri, Khalid A. Albadrany

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Research Paper, Food and Nutrition, India

Pages: 788 - 792

Effect of Nutri-Gluten Free Flour on Intervening Anaemia in Celiac Children

Aditi Gupta, Vimla Dunkwal, Madhu Goyal

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Research Paper, Information Technology, India

Pages: 793 - 796

Analyzing Coronary Artery Disease Behavior Based on Artificial Intelligence

Siva Karthick Chaganty

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Informative Article, Law, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 797 - 805

Introduction, Application and Place of Treaties and International Agreements in the Congolese Legal System

Kangaseke Mbaka, Kisala Mwansa Netty, Mwansakalunga Jean-Pierre

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Case Studies, Pediatric Specialty, Saudi Arabia

Pages: 806 - 810

Combination of Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies & Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies: A Curious Presentation in a Child-Case Report

Alaa A. Hakami, Wala A. Felmban, Eltayeb T. Osman, Turki O. Alhussain, Abdulaziz A. Alshathri, Khalid J. Mirza

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Research Paper, Oncology, India

Pages: 811 - 814

Evaluation of Benefits & Risks of Prophylactic Central Compartment Lymph Node Dissection in Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Umadevi S, Dhalapathy S

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Research Paper, Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 815 - 817

Design and Development of Respiratory Rate Calculators Patients with Breath Disorders

Torib Hamzah, Abd. Kholiq

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Research Paper, Gynaecology, Indonesia

Pages: 818 - 821

The Effectiveness of Pineapple Compared to Date Consumption on the Length of Time of Stage I and II of Labor (Case Study at 6 Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) in Jombang East Java)

Siti Roudhotul Jannah, Suharyo Hadisaputro, Noor Pramono

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Research Paper, Chemical Sciences, Iraq

Pages: 822 - 827

Synthesis of Some new Formazan Derivatives Derived from the Coumarin and Study There Biological Activity

Ghaith K. Ibrahim, Khalid A. Albadrany

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Case Studies, Medicine Science, Turkey

Pages: 828 - 830

Isolated Segmental Sigmoid Structure after Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Rare Localization of the Stricture Out of the Late Complication

Ismail Topal, Mustafa Yasar Ozdamar, Mustafa Imamoglu

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Research Paper, Accounting, China

Pages: 831 - 840

Economic Growth under the Influence of Greece's Export-Oriented Economic Environment

Zhao Wenping, Song Fei

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Research Paper, Mathematics, Nigeria

Pages: 841 - 848

Magnetic and Viscous Dissipation Effects on Convection-Radiation in Corrugated Channel with Porous Medium and Uniform Heat Flux

P. F. Fasogbon

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Research Paper, Medical Microbiology, India

Pages: 849 - 851

Study of Various Microorganisms Isolated from Chronic Supperative Otitis Media among Indian Population

Juhee Bhatia, Aashish Sharma

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Research Paper, Dental Science, India

Pages: 852 - 853

Effect of Consumption of Probiotics on Salivary Bacteria Causing Dental Caries

G. Ratna Velugu, P. Karunakar

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Electrical Engineering, India

Pages: 854 - 859

Optimal SVC Sizing and Placement for Reducing Real Power Losses and Voltage Security Improvement in the Power System using DE Algorithm

Preeti A Gangashetty

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 860 - 864

A Two Year Demographic and Medicolegal Study of Burn Cases in V.M.M.C & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi - Original Research Paper

Dr. Deepa Durga Roy, Dr. Anil Kumar Mittal

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Research Paper, Computer Engineering, India

Pages: 865 - 868

BigData: A Case Study of Spark Mllib and Hive

Shubhajoy Das

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Research Proposals or Synopsis, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 869 - 873

Isolation and Enumeration on Beneficiary Microbes from the Soils of Punjab

Harleen Kaur Talwar, Anshu Sibbal Chatli

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Chemical Engineering, India

Pages: 874 - 880

Subcritical Fluid Extraction of Macro Lichens, Optimization and Phytochemical Screening

Pradeep M J, Shivabasappa K L

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Research Paper, Education, Indonesia

Pages: 881 - 884

The Students' Mathematical Communication Ability in Learning Ethomathematics-Oriented Realistic Mathematics

Wahyu Widada, Dewi Herawaty, Dwi Yanti, Dena Izzawati

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Case Studies, Medical Science, India

Pages: 885 - 888

Amelanotic Malignant Melanoma - A Case Report and Short Review of Literature - Case Report

Shashikala Kosam, Pratima Kujur, Veenapani Mire

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Research Paper, Medical Science, Nepal

Pages: 889 - 892

Effects of Educational Intervention Regarding Nipah Virus Infection among Bachelor Level Nursing Students

Aayoushma Shrestha, Maiya Ranjitkar

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Case Studies, Medical Science, India

Pages: 893 - 896

Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid with Rhabdoid Phenotype Transformation: Case report with Review of the Literature

Pratima Kujur, Shashikala Kosam

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Research Paper, Management, Sri Lanka

Pages: 897 - 902

A Study on Employees' Health and Safety Facilities and their Impact on Employees' Satisfaction in the Construction Firms-Jaffna District

Logendran Mayuran

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Research Paper, Home Science, India

Pages: 903 - 907

Effect of Intervention on Boys Suffering from Depression in Allahabad City

Sumedha Chaudhary, Anshu, Anjali Mathur

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Research Paper, Public Health Education, Kenya

Pages: 908 - 909

Efficacy of the Integrated Model of Adolescents Youth Friendly Services Provision in Ruaraka Sub-County, Nairobi County

Jeremiah Mainah, Amos Simpano

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Research Paper, Botany Science, India

Pages: 910 - 911

New Distribution Record of Fimbristylis bispicula Govind for Kerala, India

Anoop K. P., R. Prakashkumar, P. V. Madhusoodanan

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Informative Article, Aerospace Engineering, Congo, Democratic Republic

Pages: 912 - 918

The Eeconomic Policy of the United States under Donald Trump Presidency: Opportunity or Threat for America at the Time of Globalization

Otshudi Shotsha Augustin, Mampangawa Mampanga Samy, Dikomo Mudiaseke Louise

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Research Paper, Biology Science, Malaysia

Pages: 919 - 925

Evaluation of Sub-Acute Toxicity of Ficuscarica Spray-Dried Leaf Extract in Sprague Dawley Mice

Zuraida Ab Rahman, Shazwan Abd Shukor, Hartinee Abbas, Chandradevan A/L Machap, Mohd Suhaimi Bin Alias, Razali Mirad, Ayu Nazreena Othman

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Research Paper, Statistics, Zambia

Pages: 926 - 933

Challenges of Learning Mathematics by Distance a Case Study of Public and Private Universities in Zambia

Urban Nchimunya Haankuku

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Research Paper, Automobile Engineering, India

Pages: 934 - 937

Design and Optimization of Crankshaft in Multiaxle Vehicle

Balram Yadav, Vishal Achwal, Dr. Suman Sharma

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Research Paper, Medical Science, India

Pages: 938 - 940

Assessment of Psychological Symptoms Associated with Dermatological Conditions

Dr. Surabhi Agarwal, Dr. Arun Singh

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Research Paper, Biotechnology, India

Pages: 941 - 944

Molecular Characterization and Cytotoxic Activity on HCT-15 and HepG2 of L-asparaginase Producing Bacteria from Mugil cephalus

Sharmila Rajan, B. Deivasigamani

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Research Paper, Civil Engineering, India

Pages: 945 - 947

Concrete Repair Systems: Field Performance of Pile Foundation

Dr. Mahipal Burdak

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Review Papers, Dental Science, India

Pages: 948 - 953

A Clinical Evaluation of Accuracy of Apex Locator for Determination of Working Length in Primary Teeth when Compared to Conventional Radiography - A Systematic Review

Pradnya Kshirsagar, Rahul Deshpande, Ujwal Kontham, Pranav Dungarwal, Charuta Dabholkar

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Review Papers, Medical Science, India

Pages: 954 - 958

A Review of Rasakalpas in the Management of Prameha

Mangala Jadhav, Sameeksha Rahate, Anjali Menon

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis, Management, Kenya

Pages: 959 - 965

Effect of Corporate Governance on Health Service Delivery in Kenya

Susan Wambui Kinyeki, Mike Iravo Amuhaya, Dr. Jack Mwimali, George Orwa

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Case Studies, Medical Science, Indonesia

Pages: 966 - 971

Perioperative Assessment of Diabetic Patient with Liver Cirrhosis Undergoing Surgery: A Case Report and Literature Review

Wandy Alvian, Suwandi Mario

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Research Paper, Aerospace Engineering, Indonesia

Pages: 972 - 977

Combination of Acupressure on Sp6 Point and Ginger Drinks for Dysmenorrhea among Adolescents

Puput Kurnia Sari, Diyah Fatmasari, Suryati Kumorowulan

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