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Research Paper | Economics | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10
Analysis Factors Affecting Instagram Adoption by Online Shoppers in Bandung City
Indriana Anjarsari, Maya Ariyanti
Abstract: This study is motivated by data showing that the adoption of Instagram usage for online shopping is only 1.30 % of total internet users who visit onlineshop in 2016. In this case the authors do research, what behaviors are done onlineshoppers in online shopping using Instagram. There are 9 (nine) exogenous variables (1) performance expectancy, (2) effort expectancy, (3) social influence, (4) facilitating conditions, (5) hedonic motivation, (6) price value, (7) 8) content, and (9) trust. And there are 1 (one) endogenous variable that is Behavioral Intention. The author decided to choose the city of Bandung as a research location because the city of Bandung is declared as the city that most residents are ready to enter the era of online shopping. This research uses UTAUT2 research model. The sample taken is 400 respondents, the value is calculated using Slovin formula which is considered to represent the population. The analytical method used is Structural Equation Model (SEM), using SmartPLS 2.0 software. The results of statistical calculations show that the overall exogenous variables affect endogenous variables by 57 %, while in exogenous variables that most affect the Behavioral Intention is Habit variable of 30 %.
Keywords: Online shop, Behavioral Intention, UTAUT2
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
Pages: 1378 - 1382
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