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Research Paper | Medical Radiologic Sciences | Sudan | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Study of Breast Lump Using Ultrasonography
Osaima A. MA. Idris, Mona Ahmed
Abstract: This study was aimed to characterize the breast lump in ultrasound images in order to find out the most common causes of theses lump. A descriptive study was carried out in 80 patient with positive breast lump with physical examination, the data collected contain all the feature that used to diagnose the breast lump. Finding in breast ultrasound of this study was consist of simple cyst, ductal carcinoma, d. ectesia, fibroadenoma, Fibrocystic changes, glactocyle, hematoma, L. carcinoma, and lipoma as follow (17.5 %, 17.5 %, 2.5 %, 38.8 %, 7.5 %, 1.3 %, 1.3 %, 3.8 %, 10 %) respectively.
Keywords: Fibroadenoma, Breast Ultrasound, Breast Cyst, Tumor
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Pages: 1276 - 1278
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