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Research Paper | Economics & Management | China | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Research on the Influencing Factors of the Lenders Lending Behavior in China's P2P Network Lending
Zhang Weihong, Wang Kecheng, Wang Xinmeng
Abstract: This paper takes the lenders lending behavior inP2P network lending as the research object, innovatively uses the theory of perceived value to establishes the theoretical model of the influence of the related factors on the loan application, uses logistic regression model and two-step cluster method as the analysis tools, to analyze the effect and mechanism of related factors on the success of loan application, then puts forward relevant suggestions on P2P network lending transactions. The study found that 1. Loan success rate in PPDAI is low, only 29.65 %.2. Borrowing rates, special type of bid, posting photo, the success and failing times of the loan all have important impacts on the success of loan, the amount of loan has little impact on the success of loan.3. The factors such as lending credit, posting photo, the success and failing times of the loan, etc. are the most important factors for the clustering results.
Keywords: P2P network lending, perceived value theory, lending behavior, logistic regression analysis
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 1449 - 1462
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