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Research Paper | Education Management | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Demand on the New Teacher/Administrator for the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Nigeria Schools
Dr. Uzoma Aja-Okorie
Abstract: Inclusion refers to placement of pupils with special needs in regular classrooms setting. There are problems which are encountered in inclusive education processes. These among others include curriculum, mode of evaluation, teaching learning approaches, perspectives of teachers and learners. An attempt to provide solution to the above problems, calls for the efforts of the new teacher or and school administrator. This paper, therefore, examined the concepts of inclusive education, the new teacher/administrator, and curriculum implementation. It examined the new teacher's tasks in implementing the curriculum. Based on the reviewed work, it was recommended among others that teachers should be current in implementing curriculum by ensuring that they update their instructional knowledge, use new methods and practices in their course of implementing curriculum. They should also employ the services of some experts in education, health, and social workers to render their required services in the course of curriculum implementation. Teachers as well as scholl administrators should also consider the needs, interests, abilities, nature, etc of the learners and provide many and varied techniques and materials to cater for these differences.
Keywords: New teacher, inclusive education, special learners, curriculum implementation, Nigeria schools
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Pages: 2347 - 2350
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