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Research Paper | Management | China | Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Decline and Overview of the Tang Dynasty
Banwo Adetoro Olaniyi
Abstract: The Tang dynasty remains one of the most important dynasties in China according to historians. First it was a rule by one of the minority groups of China and secondly, the complicated Land tenure system which was enacted as a source of revenue generation for the Empire proved to be a good policy but lacked the proper implementation. The resultant effect was high corruption and a sharp decline of revenue. It was a period of high hierarchical administrative structures that were in effective in meeting the needs of the Empire. Nevertheless important landmarks within this period were the rise of women to the political atmosphere, the reformations of the civil service administration system, the great stability witnessed in the early era of the dynasty and the invention of block printing. Furthermore the Tang Legal Code remains a yet comprehensive legal system that strictly pays huge attention to punishment and retribution. Its partiality for women, disabled, the deaf and dumb, mentally derailed people within its penal code show the heart of the Emperor towards his weak people. This work sets out to examine the Tang dynasty, its method of administration, its successes and his decline in dynastic China
Keywords: Administration, Tax, Penal Code, Status and Women
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014
Pages: 477 - 479
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