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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Bangladesh | Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Intelligent System for Train Engine with Automatic Gate Controlling using Wireless Technology in Bangladesh
Kawshik Shikder
Abstract: In the developing country like Bangladesh, accidents in the level crossing are increasing day by day. Negligence of train drivers and gatekeeper is the main reason of this accident. No fruitful steps have been taken so far in these areas. So this system is designed to help out the railway department. This paper deals with intelligence of train engine with automatic gate controlling to avoid accidents at level crossings. The main concept of the system is that, depending on arrival or departure of the train near level crossing, the crossing gate will close or open automatically with displaying proper signal like Red or Green signal. That means when the train approaching near level crossing, the crossing gate will close and showing Green signal for train. So train can move without any interruption of its speed. After leaving the train from level crossing, the crossing gate will open. But there may be a chance that when a vehicle is trying to cross the level crossing then the crossing gate may close as the train is approaching nearby. At this situation, the crossing gate has to be closed but cannot be closed and showing Red signal for train. Thus, the person may be injured severely due to this. So the gate will be opened till the vehicle moves away from the crossing gate and also the train will be stopped as it detects the vehicle as obstacle just under crossing gate. Another common scenario due to huge traffic jam in our country, it may happen that the crossing gate is closed but there is a vehicle on the track that cannot be moved forward because of traffic jam or returned as the crossing gate is closed. In this situation Red signal will be displayed for train and train will be stopped as it detects the vehicle as obstacle on the track. Thus, the rail accidents of Bangladesh can be avoided and also controlling of the gate is done perfectly without injuring the people who crossing the level crossing. The system is designed using RF Transceiver, IR Sensor, Microcontroller, DC Motor, Relay and some external devices.
Keywords: RF Transceiver, IR Sensor, Microcontroller, DC Motor
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014
Pages: 745 - 748
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