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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Survey on Improving Driving Directions with Taxi Drivers Intelligence under Road Failure
Ramya R S, Yogish H K
Abstract: This paper leverages the intelligence of experienced drivers using smart driving system. The system presents the more number of time-dependent landmark graphs to model the dynamic traffic pattern as well as the intelligence of experienced drivers so as to provide a user with the practically fastest route to a given destination at a given departure time along with peak hour information. In this system, the traffic rhythm of a city is probed and taxi drivers intelligence in choosing driving directions takes as input. A two-stage routing algorithm is designed to compute the practically fastest and customized route for the end-users. In addition, time slots are clustered based on weekdays, weekends and the process is carried out. Proposed strategies are extending the road failure conditions for the drivers so as to choose the correct alternate path for the given destination
Keywords: Time dependent fast route, Driving behavior, spatial database, shortest path, Map Service
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2014
Pages: 466 - 468
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