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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Performance Based Evaluation of New Software Testing Using Artificial Neural Network
Jogi John, Mangesh Wanjari
Abstract: Today; testing is the most challenging and dominating activity used by industry; therefore; improvement in its effectiveness; both with respect to the time and resources; is taken as a major factor by many researchers. Software testing forms an integral part of the software development life cycle. Since the objective of testing is to ensure the conformity of an application to its specification; a test Automated Secure Agent is needed to determine whether a given test case exposes a fault or not. Using an automated Agent to support the activities of human testers can reduce the actual cost of the testing process and the related maintenance costs. In this paper; we present a new concept of using an artificial neural network as an automated agent for a tested software system. A neural network is trained by the back propagation algorithm on a set of test cases applied to the original version of the system. The network training is based on the black-box approach; since only inputs and outputs of the system are presented to the algorithm. The trained network can be used as an artificial Agent for evaluating the correctness of the output produced by new and possibly faulty versions of the software. We present experimental results of using a two-layer neural network to detect faults within mutated code of a small credit approval application. The results appear to be promising for a wide range of injected faults.
Keywords: Test Data, Software Testing, ANN, Black-Box, White-Box, Regression Test, Automated Secure Agent
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 1529 - 1534
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