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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Policy Evaluation Study On Subsidy Policy, Qualitative Basis for Poverty Alleviationin Parepare, South Sulawesi
Muhammad Rusdi, Hamsinah
Abstract: The main problem of subsidy policy is, rice program for the poor and cash aid as a social safety net policies, a tendency to use quantitative measurement unit for the success of the policy bythe policy actors in achieving their goals in recent years. In fact, in the context of social policy, there are some more indicators of success that cannot be quantified, especially for the qualitative outcomes, such as the satisfaction, access improvement, and the comfort and well-being feelings of the target groups. On the other side, it seems that there is phenomenon ofexcessivedistribution offunds for social improvement as subsidy policy nowadays, but the fact of poverty at the national level is only able to be eliminated around 0.9 % on the average in a year for over past 6 years. While in fact, in Parepare, the local poverty since the 2008-2010 its figure was likely to increase. This means that it is necessary to find out an instrument than just describe the output of the phenomenon into qualitative approach. To answer the problematic situation, the strategy used is the case study analysis to build a model-based evaluation of qualitative empirical facts raised by both the interviews and observations and document analysis. Selection of study subjects was determined by the method of purposive both implementers and evaluators, while the beneficiaries of an effort to collect data and information that is included as a component of subject formation qualitative evaluation model. The results showed that the implementation of poverty alleviation programs have not shown yet the optimal results of both approaches as well as the effectiveness of its distribution program to the recipients. This result in inaccuracies to the reliefs becausethere is no real data from BPS and Social. Search qualitative model in the evaluation process of poverty alleviation has always demanded participation of the target group or beneficiaries. The strength of qualitative models based on citizen participation targets provide sufficient space for effective program implementation as well as to reduce the risk of waste of resources, because it can directly identified the actual recipient group.
Keywords: Poverty Alleviation, Policy, Qualitative Model, and Subsidy
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014
Pages: 81 - 85
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