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Research Paper | Entomology | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Populationfluctuation of Apis cerana Fabr. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies on policultureplantations in West Sumatra
Jasmi, Siti Salmah, Dahelmi, Syamsuardi
Abstract: Population fluctuation ofApis cerana Fabr. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies on policulture plantations was studied in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Census methode was carried out to determinespecies of plants used as nesting sites and colony population. Data were taken from low (altitude < 100 meter) and high (altitude >1000 meter) lands, each withfive plantations (each 10.000 m2 width). Multiple regression was used to analiseddata on population density ofcoloniesand their relations with weather factors. Results indicated that 18 species of plants in 15 familieswere used as nesting sites. Colonypopulations of Apis ceranainlowlands were higher (4, 06 0, 56 colonies per 10.000 m2) than the one in high lands (3, 17 0, 54colonies per 10.000 m2). Colony population densities fluctuated based on ctime, the highest population was found in Juneand the lowest was in December andJanuary. Weather factors showed more influence on colony population densities in highlands (R2= 95, 03 %) compared to lowlands (R2= 54, 97 %).
Keywords: Honeybee, nesting diversity, altitude, colony fluctuation
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2014
Pages: 436 - 855
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