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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Co-Relation between Problematic Internet Use And Mental Health in Professional Education Students
Mahadeo Shinde, Sejal Patel
Abstract: As the usage of the Internet is growing rapidly each year, Internet addiction has become a problem among some users. There is an emerging public health concern over the increase in Internet usage, particularly among students. Study was conducted to assess Co-Relation between Problematic Internet Use And Mental Health in Professional Education Students. Objectives 1. To assess the use of internet and mental health among professional education students.2. To find the co-relation between the Problematic Internet Use and Mental Health in professional education students Methodology- descriptive cross sectional survey research design with 100 professional educational studentsMajor Findings-The majority of students education is 74 % in undergraduate, and 86 % of females were in the age group of 20-25 years are of basic B. Sc. nursing. majority 62 % of them were using internet for 3 years and above, where maximum 66 %students were using internet for their personal use. Out of that 42 % were do login on face book and for web search is 35 %, while majority 85 % students were using internet 1-4 hours/day. Majority 65 % of the students were moderate users of internet and this is followed by 34 % minimal users. Only 1 % was classified excessive user. Conclusion, the level of internet addiction among professional students was moderate and tends to minimal.84 % of students were suffering average physical problems while 83 % of students were suffering from anxiety where 94 % of them were affected by social performance averagely. majority 73 % of them were showed the average depression. The Correlation was significant at the 0.05 level between excessive internet use, neglect of work, neglect of social life and physical problems as a part of mental health among students.
Keywords: Problematic internet use, mental health, Professional students
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2014
Pages: 194 - 202
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