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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Wastage Heat Energy Recovery System: A Technology Review
Vivek Kumar Jayswal, Hari Kumar Singh
Abstract: In any industrial sector the wastage heat energy is take place in almost all processes. In an industrial circumstances these wastage heat energy emission typically take place in the different form of hot water; steam or chimney-pot gases. For this energy recovery process we use different types of heat exchangers and heat pump. The emission of this wastage heat energy is may be abundant and the losses in industries; both commercial and in terms of energy; can amount to significant value. Mostly the wastage heat energy recover system is used for economic and planning purpose at low level. Wastage heat at low temperature to the range (0-120C) is applicable for the production of bio-fuel or also applicable in green house or eco-industrial parks. Wastage heat of medium range up to (120C-650C) and high range up to (>650C) temperature is used for electricity generation or mechanical work through different capturing process. This paper proposes the technical options for waste heat recovery and consider in greater depth through the real life example as case studies. This paper also help to decision makes to study the various techniques and technology involved in wastage heat energy process and its play an important role in the future energy recovery process.
Keywords: Wastage heat energy recovery, Low and high temperature heat energy, Electricity generation, Energy recover and heat exchanger
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 1599 - 1602
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