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Research Paper | Software Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Change Impact Analysis - Integrating Traceability to IT Organizations Using Trace Requirement Artifacts Log Model (TRALM)
Smita Tank, Savitha Shetty
Abstract: During development of any software product; requirement is variant; it changes at any point of time of development or after releasing product also. For any product development customer satisfaction is needed. Customer may come at any point of time with a new requirement or modification in requirement. In an organization for any product; requirements are dependent on each other. Change at one place should be reflected to its dependent places for avoiding bugs and inviting risks. Thus discipline of requirement management Traceability can be used for managing requirements and changes. This paper describes how traceability can be integrated and identified during development of any software through representation of a model called Trace Requirement Artifacts Log Model (TRALM). TRALM can be used effectively for Change Impact Analysis.
Keywords: Requirement Management, Rationale Requirement Engineering, Traceability, bug, Change Impact Analysis, Software Development Life Cycle SDLC, Requirement Traceability Matrix RTM
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
Pages: 2761 - 2764
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