Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Tanzania Police Force - A Case Study of Arusha Central Police Station
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Management | Tanzania | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10


Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Tanzania Police Force - A Case Study of Arusha Central Police Station

Jumanne Mgeni Mkwama, Peter Kopoka

Abstract: Several reforms in the public procurement have been taken such as the PPA, 2011, PPR, 2013, and the Budget Act No.11 of 2015 in Tanzania. Generally, public procurement plays a key role in service delivery where inventory management in public sector raises a great concern in terms of good governance and professionalism (Dzuke and Naude 2015). This study examined factors affecting inventory management in Tanzania Police Force, a case study of Arusha Central Police Station. The study used a descriptive case study design by a sample size of 60 respondents selected through probability sampling technique. Data were collected through questionnaire and document review. Data analysis showed that there were no adequate storage facilities and skilled procurement staff at Arusha Central Police Station with a significant relationship r (60) = 0.75, p =.462 between influence of resources and inventory management. The study also revealed noncompliance with procurement laws by a positive relationship r (60) = 0.70, p =.305 between the influence of legal frameworks and inventory management. Likewise, involvement of top management influences inventory management, revealed a positive correlation r (60) = 0.92, p =.305 between involvement of top management and inventory management. Similarly, ICT was not applied in inventory management, showing a positive correlation r (60) = 0.86, p =.241 between application of ICT and inventory management. It was concluded that inventory management in Tanzania Police Force is affected by several factors such as inadequate resources and skilled staff, noncompliance of laws, little involvement of top management as well as lack of application of ICT in inventory management. The study recommends the government to ensure that resources are adequately supplied and skilled staff recruited, compliance with public procurement legislation abided by allocating enough budgets to the police force. It is also recommended that further research be conducted to determine the influence of good governance on inventory management in defence and security organs in Tanzania.

Keywords: Inventory Management, Public Procurement, Good Governance, Armed Forces, Resources, Legal Frameworks, Disposal, Value for Money, Electronic government, Bill of Rights, Defence and security organs

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018

Pages: 1231 - 1237

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Jumanne Mgeni Mkwama, Peter Kopoka, "Factors Affecting Inventory Management in Tanzania Police Force - A Case Study of Arusha Central Police Station", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018, pp. 1231-1237, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=21041801, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/21041801
