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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Enriching Process of Image Encryption and Compression Using Hierarchical Decomposition
Devashri Anil Vyawahare, Prof. Anil Gujar
Abstract: Most of the times while any message is transferring across the network for security reasons they are normally encrypted directly to make user visibly unreadable or it will be encrypted (hidden) in an image. And now a days data hacker becomes too intelligent to break the encrypted images to get the original contents. So many systems are designed to combine the encryption and compression in single mould to provide greater security. So we are presenting a novel approach of encryption by maintaining run time LSB (least significant bit) using image decomposition method. This actually enhances the encryption processes by converting image into small blocks of hierarchical cluster of the LSBs. These blocks can be holding the users message in many different patterns which is actually highly difficult to predict by the hackers. And then all individual blocks can be put in a tree to compress in the same hierarchy of decomposition.
Keywords: Image encryption, Image compression, hierarchy of decomposition
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 1, January 2015
Pages: 1062 - 1064
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