International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Portugal | Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10


Subcondral Geoda - Case Report: Occupational Medicine Approach

Loio-Marques Noemia, Ribeirinho Soares Joao, Jose Costa Almeida Maria, Matos Sara, Oliveira Silvia, Pereira Filipe

Abstract: Subchondral cyst or geode is lytic lesion in the periarticular surface and usually they are associated with many artropathies and synovial-based processes. Nevertheless there are some exception cases without any arthopathy disease relationship and can occur on the labour age. Misdiagnosticaded or radiologic finding is usual and subchondral cyst can produced musculoesqueletical limitation and reduced the labour activities. The differential diagnosis and revaluation of the labour function are need to contribute for the treatment. And the occupational medicine view is important. The authors present a case report of a 35-year-old, sportiest and nurse woman who worked on the internal medicine department with an important ergonomic risk for 8 years. On the occupational medicine appointment she complained of musculoesqueletical lesions. She presented right hip pain of variable intensity limiting the movement with 9 months of evolution. Imagology study showed micro geodes subchondral in the anterior right acetabular slope and micro-islet of enostosis in the posterior slope of the left iliac. Until then she had been healthy and there were any familiar diseases. Hyaluronic acid, collagen and others supplements treatment, orthopaedic and physiotherapy evaluation were attempted. She was advised to do some specifically exercises also but were necessary to revaluation of labour activities. Avoiding loads over 2 kg, reducing repetitive movements, giving preference to functions that require less foot movement, specific physical exercises within your working hours have been advised and it was necessary change the workplace with improvement. This case demonstrates that subchondral cyst can be present like a rare clinical manifestations and can be easily misdiagnosis. Occupational medicine is often the first line of medical attention and it intervention is much important for the effective treatment for the chronic disease and the workplace reallocation can be necessary.

Keywords: Occupational medicine, workplace reallocation, geode or subchondral cyst,

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018

Pages: 1635 - 1637

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Loio-Marques Noemia, Ribeirinho Soares Joao, Jose Costa Almeida Maria, Matos Sara, Oliveira Silvia, Pereira Filipe, "Subcondral Geoda - Case Report: Occupational Medicine Approach", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018, pp. 1635-1637,, DOI: