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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Analysis of Marketing Communications Mix to Brand Image and the Impact on the Students Decision in Choosing a Private College in Purwakarta : Survey on Student STT Wastukancana
Imas Widowati, Elly Setiadewi
Abstract: This study aims to examine the influence of marketing communications mix services to brand image and its influence on the student's decision in choosing a private college in Purwakarta that STT Wastukancana Purwakarta. Impiris findings in this study indicate that the marketing communications mix for sub variable public relations, instruction materials, design korporate to brand image has a coefficient of weight is not significant because the P value> 0.05, so the model of research needs to be fixed by way of the path and coefficient insignificant to be removed from the model (trimming). After in-trimming models showed that the marketing communications mix for sub variables a personal communication has significantly affect to the brand image a college of 11.9% and against the decision students to choose of college direct effect by 16.5% and indirectly by 4.9%, so that the total effect is significantly by 21.3%. Sub variables advertising significantly affect the brand image amounted to 46.9% and to the decisions students choosing a college 19.2% and sales promotion significantly affect to the brand image by 22.7% and a direct effect to the decisions students choosing a college of 33.8% and an indirect 22.7%. So the total effect is significantly by 45.2%. Brand image against the decision of the selection of private universities showed a significant influence with a correlation value of 41.00%.
Keywords: Mix Marketing Communication Services, Brand Image, Purchase Decision Choosing a Private College or university
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 11, November 2016
Pages: 810 - 814
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