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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Design and Implementation of Efficient Combinational Logic Circuits with Minimum Area and Circuit Complexity Using Quantum- dot Cellular Automata (QCA)
Zahid Shakeel, Gh Mohammad Wani, Mehboob Ul Amin
Abstract: Quantum dot cellular automata (QCA), is a rising innovation and a possible alternative for scaling-down trend of VLSI technology. It advantages diminutive size, low power consumption, better switching speed. QCA seems to be a good competitor for future digital systems and widely utilized as a part of advance frameworks. Therefore numerous implementations of QCA based logic functions have been proposed so far. In this paper, an efficient XOR gates is presented. The model proves designing capabilities of combinational logic circuits. The proposed XOR gate has been testified to design logic circuits for QCA. Adder circuit is the most fundamental component used in digital systems. An efficient Half-Adder and Half-Subtractor circuits are designed employing the proposed XOR gate. Performance evolutions of the proposed XOR circuits are compared to its conventional counter parts. The functionality and circuit operation of the proposed designs have been authenticate used QCA Designer simulation tool Ver.2.0.3.
Keywords: QCA, XOR Gate, Half-Adder, Half-Subtractor, Performance, QCA Designer
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 115 - 120
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