Role of Thyroglobulin in the Follow Up of the Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Albania
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Albania | Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016 | Popularity: 7 / 10


Role of Thyroglobulin in the Follow Up of the Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Albania

Thanas Fureraj, Dorina Ylli, Arbi Pecani, Agron Ylli

Abstract: Background Thyroglobulin (Tg) plays a crucial role in the follow up of the patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Persistence and increase of Tg after total thyroidectomy and I131 therapy are a indicator for persistence or recurrence of thyroid cancer. ObjectiveThis studys objective is to evaluate the follow up of (DTC) in the Albanian patients. Material and methods We retrospectively randomly selected 71 patients diagnosed with differentiated thyroid cancer. Patients had undergone total thyroidectomy and I131 therapy. Thyroglobulin (Tg) levels were measured, before I131 therapy while being under treatment with levothyroxine, before I131 therapy with suspended levothyroxine, 6 months after I131 therapy and one year after the I131 therapy under levothyroxine treatment. Anti-Tg antibodies measurement was performed in all patients. Results Mean age was 47.1311.82 years old 91.5 % of the patients were females and 8.5 % males.57.6 % were diagnosed with papillary carcinoma and 11.3 % follicular carcinoma. Mean thyroglobulin levels before the I131 under Levothyroxine (LV) supression was 2.99 ng/ml, it increased to 7.73 ng/ml after LV suspension and dropped to 0.163 ng/ml 12 months after I131. Conclusions Our data suggests the important role that Tg and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies have in the follow up of thyroid differentiated cancer.

Keywords: thyroid, cancer, thyroglobulin, follow up

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Pages: 1009 - 1011

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Thanas Fureraj, Dorina Ylli, Arbi Pecani, Agron Ylli, "Role of Thyroglobulin in the Follow Up of the Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Albania", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016, pp. 1009-1011,, DOI:

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