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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Why an Anthropic Principle (AP) Should Exist. The Weighted Positive-Negative Quantities Make the Universe to Loose Stability Momentarily to Set to Motion Partially and Resettle Somewhere in Other Stability Points with Gross Addition of Total Positivity and Negativity is a Dead Zero
Prasenjit Debnath
Abstract: An anthropic principle must exist for sapient life to observe partially the happenings around the Universe and to conclude incomplete statement about the Universe. Knowledge is precise if it is complete, incomplete knowledge might lead to worse condition compared to having no knowledge. Stagnant place is better than a misleading motion. Complete ignorance is better than spurious knowledge. Spurious knowledge leads to concrete belief of superstitions. It is easier to enlighten the ignorant and equally harder to give up misleading concrete belief or superstitions because you need extra effort to nullify the superstitions first to make ignorant and further enlightenment required to push to the right path makes it really really hard. What is right is still a relative statement for human race. The right is a function of time that changes with the course of time. Till date we do not know what absolute right is, if any. In this paper I will show why there must be an anthropic principle (AP) and what cause the Universe to set to motion at least partially. I will also show why the gross addition of total positive and negative quantities of the Universe is a dead zero.
Keywords: A Dead Zero, Anthropic Principle AP, Misleading Motion, The gross addition of total positive and negative quantities, Sapient life
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Pages: 1663 - 1665
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