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Research Paper | Engineering | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Assessment of Sustainable Indicators for Road Transportation: A Case Study of Palestine Arterial Street
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al-Anbari, Dr. Zainab Ahmed Alkaissi
Abstract: The aim of this research is the evaluation and designation measurement of sustainable indicators for transportation roads with selected case study of Palestine arterial street. Collected field data for travel speed for three links is obtained to estimate the index for performance measures of sustainability including mobility, fuel emissions, vehicle operating cost and scio-economic impacts. The congestion index for RSR (%) is obtained which illustrated there was a maximum reduction about 78%, 83% and 82.8% for link (1), (2) and (3) respectively and the weighted relative speed reduction index for three links covering the whole study area is about (0.58).85% percentile speed about 16.82 km/hr for link (1) during the peak period. Also the 85% percentiles speed were 15.9 km/hr and 18.7 km/hr for link (2) and (3) respectively which produced high emissions rate during the peak evening period for all links from 1200 to 400 p. m. and then reduced to rise again at the evening peak period from 500 to 800p. m. The operating cost raised during peak period due to the reduction change in vehicle speed for all studied links in Palestine street. A 12.6 average unit cost per Km for Link (1) obtained at time period from (12-1) p. m while for links (2) and (3) were 13, 12.32 average unit cost per Km at (2-3) p. m. respectively. User' satisfaction also is provided through questionnaire for individual' people opinion to incorporate the scio-economic impact interms of User Satisfaction Index (USI). The overall USI user satisfaction index was 2.109 which is about 42.18 % percent which demonstrated that the Palestine arterial street is unsustainable as far the social commuter opinion aspect is taken in consideration. The results obtained from analysis field data provide the application of ITS improve the traffic speed operation for Link (2) and (3) significantly by about 9% and 10% respectively but show insignificant negative impact traffic speed for Link (1). Another benefit of arterial ITS is the positive effect on environment, as depicted by the reduction in fuel consumption rate by about (8%, 9% and 6.8%) for Link (1), (2) and (3) respectively during the peak period. Furthermore positive impact on vehicle operating cost is by reduction factor of ( 9.09%, 6.47% and 6.06%) for Link (1), (2) and (3) respectively. The Design with sustainability requirements to reduce traffic congestion, air pollutions, economic should be harmonically coordinated with education peoples to change their attitude behaviour aspect as a whole community live within and understanding the transportation concept so they can provide actions to minimize recourses needs and then reduced negative impacts.
Keywords: Sustainability, Arterial Street, Traffic speed, Congestion Index RSR %,
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 270 - 279
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