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Research Paper | Information Technology | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Currency Recognition System Using Image Processing
Devashree R. Patwardhan, Swarali Namjoshi, Vrinda Valunj, Pratibha Shikhare, Prof. Anjali Shejul
Abstract: The innovation of currency recognition means to pursuit and concentrate the noticeable and additionally shrouded blemishes on paper money for effective arrangement. Money Recognition and change framework is actualized to decrease human influence to naturally perceive the sum fiscal estimation of cash and change over it into alternate monetary forms without human supervision. The product interface that we are proposing here could be utilized for different monetary standards. Many a circumstances, cash notes are foggy or harmed, a large portion of them have complex plans to improve security. This makes the undertaking of money acknowledgment exceptionally troublesome. So it turns out to be essential to choose the correct elements and appropriate calculation for this reason. The fundamental necessities for a calculation to be considered as for all intents and purposes implementable are straightforwardness, less multifaceted nature, fast and proficiency. Our primary point is to outline a simple however productive calculation that would be helpful for most extreme number of monetary forms, since all monetary forms have diverse security highlights, making it an intense employment to plan one calculation that could be utilized for acknowledgment of all accessible monetary forms. Composing diverse projects for all is additionally a monotonous occupation. The point of the venture is to perceive the monetary forms and not validation.
Keywords: Currency, feature extraction, eucledian distance, voice generation, pdf
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 1750 - 1753
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